Breaking News for San Antonio!

I recently heard from representatives of the new Bona Clara skin care line.  The email said:
“Bona Clara is a brand focused on fulfilling all the changing needs of a woman’s skin throughout her life. Bona Clara is committed to keeping our skin looking as young and beautiful as possible at every age.

Biological changes happen like clockwork; however, most skincare brands fail to consider age in their formulations. As a result, our skin falls short of its absolute best. Bona Clara understands that we’re fighting against more than wrinkles! Many other changes are occurring, like increased sun sensitivity (triggering sun spots and spider veins), dulling complexion, and thinning and thirsty skin—just to name a few. At Bona Clara we believe that there is beauty in every stage of life.”

Well, I tried the line for our age last night called GRACE, and just based on one night’s usage, I like what I see, and I want to know more!  The founder is Jasmine Aganovic and San Antonio can meet with her at a special event this weekend!!  I hope to see you there!

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