Sunday Mornings at Home

Sunday mornings at home

Happy Sunday, everyone!  Welcome to Sunday Mornings at Home.

These are weekly lifestyle posts where I feature a little of this and a little of that…but always something different in Sunday Mornings at Home.

Around South Texas, we are speeding into summer already with the heat and the activities.  My June calendar is filling up.

Last year, we were gone often during the summer and excessive heat fried our backyard.

So, Mr. B and I have worked hard to restore some beauty and plan to be around more this summer.

It makes us both smile to look out over the beauty of the flowers in many colors.  We are both enjoying the blooms.

I will let you know how I do in keeping them alive this year!

Now, join me, as I sit down to look at the flowers with my morning coffee and also consider Sunday Mornings at Home.


Sunday mornings at home

I have finally been officially released from my surgeon.

He is pleased with the recovery, but acknowledges the foot will never feel the same again.

The good news is that it is pain free and it was excessive pain that led me to do the surgery in the first place….one toe down, but pain free.  That works.

Sunday Mornings at Home

However, he disagreed with the physical therapist on choice of shoes for workouts and walking.

I mentioned that I was experiencing a little knee pain.

He said, “You need HOKA shoes for your feet.  The rocker bottom is designed for feet in recovery like yours.”

So I followed his advice and ordered the CLIFTON 9 Style in sandstone.

Early report is that I like them!  The knee pain is gone and walking is much better.  

Hoping to be on my way to full recovery with my workouts soon.


Sunday Mornings at Home

I have had in my freezer a AMY’S ROASTED VEGETABLE PIZZA.

It is made of NO cheese and roasted veggies.

Recently, we needed a quick lunch, so I reached for this pizza and decided to up it’s game.

I followed the directions and put it in the oven, but removed it at halftime.

Then I covered it in shaved parmesan; baby spinach cooked in olive oil with a dash of Italian seasoning; pickled red onions (yes, the Bobby Flay ones); and crumbled Mediterranean feta cheese.

And then it put it back for the rest of the time.  IT WAS DELICIOUS!  

I wasn’t going to purchase these pizzas again, but this was so good that I probably will.

Sunday morning at home

And the recipe for these potatoes is really good…we both loved them with our roasted salmon and spinach.


Remember if you would like to share recipes, home decor, pets or anything…send me an email to  


Sunday mornings at home

Summer is wonderful because the school-break provides more time with grandchildren.

Even if it is just watching them enjoy worms in a bird bath!

I encourage all of you to maintain that wonder with the small things as well as the big.

Sunday mornings at Home

We have had a busy weekend of enjoying the wonder outside and Tux is exhausted!

I will do my best to have something new for you tomorrow, but if I do not…then know we are recovering from activities and I will be back on Tuesday…but I may get something out for you…who knows.

Sunday mornings at home

God’s promises are a great way to face any day…and this summer practice the re-birth of wonder.





  1. The article on Mary McFadden brought me back to the 1970’s when I was a student at The Fashion Institute of Technology then later living and working in the industry in NYC. WWD was the bible. Nice to know at 85 she’s still active. Married 11 times?? Wow. Also, those fashion videos are always fun to watch and inspiring.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Linda. How cool that you went to FIT. Married 11 times sounds exhausting and a bit nuts! Thanks for being here…..

  3. The cucumber pasta salad sounds delicious & refreshing. I’m going to make it this week. Maybe add smoked salmon?

  4. The Alice in Wonderland tea sounds like so much fun. Their picture of the heart-shaped watermelon in the salad presentation inspires me to do the same. I was also drawn to the recipe for quiche using puff pastry – that certainly made a beautiful crust, and the ingredients are flavors I love. Finally, that cucumber pasta salad reminds me we are inching closer to picnic season. With our park concert series, I could see making all three of these recipes this summer! Hope your day is filled with Joy! 🌻

  5. That sounds good with the salmon, Susan. Let us know what you think after you make it!

  6. I love park concerts…I agree, Connie…that the cucumber salad sounds perfect for a summer evening at the concert.

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