Benefits of Change over 70

change over 70

Happy Monday, friends!   Today, I am reflecting on Monday (rather than Sunday) about the benefits of change over 70.

My apologies for missing a couple of days with blogging, but, as you can see I was busy living the benefits of change over 70.

Our seventh grandchild…a precious little boy…came into the world on October 31.

So, we hopped into the car the next day to go hold this one for a little while.

It was the drive back yesterday that had me thinking about the word…change.

For a very long time, I have hated change.

I loved my job teaching high school and was very sad when it changed.

I loved my home in San Antonio and my life there, and suddenly it changed.

For many years, I would be the one in the room that said…I hate change.

Also, for some strange reason, I thought that when I hit 70, the big changes were over, for the most part.

So, I have come a long way to this point where I now see the benefits of change over 70.


change over 70

The benefits of change over 70 can often be that we see our world with new eyes.

For some reason, this young man has always been my baby…the one most smothered by me.  The one who calls me “mama.”

But, this past weekend I got to see him as a loving husband and father…as a man.

While, I originally thought this day might be a little sad to see him that way…it actually was an immense honor to receive reassurance that he is going to be a great dad and husband.

His wife and son are in good hands.

Looking forward, I will let go of the idea that he is my baby, and embrace the idea that he has grown to be quite an admirable man.

change over 70

A funny side note…this is the doctor who delivered our grandson.

Yep…he is hoot and dressed in costume to deliver Halloween babies.  

The rest of the story is that he also delivered my son (the baby daddy).

So he is the one that sent us this picture!

He hasn’t changed from delivering babies and that is a good change that has not happened.  He is a great, personable doctor.


change over 70

The benefits of change over 70 are new experiences that keep us young, content, joyful, and wise.

During this trip, we went to our old home that is not our oldest son’s home and spent time with their family.

I thought I might be sad to see this house I loved so much…but, actually, it was so fun to see them making it their home.

Confirmation came once I walked into the house, that it was no longer mine.  I was shocked that I felt no sadness at all.

Here I am wearing a ring my eight-year-old granddaughter made for me…I think it will be my new favorite accessory.

change over 70

Upon arriving back home in our new city, I felt a way of contentment to be back and enjoyment to be in our new home.

I have been writing while watching a storm come in and the cool breezes through the window, thunder rolling, and that autumn feeling are such welcome changes.

Setting up and establishing a new home over 70 was at first overwhelming but now such a welcome change over 70.

This finally feels like home and I have officially closed the chapter on the other house.  

They are the perfect growing family for it.

Painting continues this week, and I promise to share more with you of the house as soon as I can.

Also, monkeys will be gone this week…a very welcome change over 70!


change over 70

The benefits of change over 70 are manifested in the fact we are living and not stagnating.

Living each day with purpose, peace and joy from the Lord is so important to me and helps me to embrace changes going on around me.

Mr. B and I were not sure what to think after this complete move of our lives happened very quickly.

But now, I am so glad the change occurred and have found a new way of living.

change over 70


I took this picture from the car coming back from our visit.

I believe God was reassuring me that He has this and there is still much living to do.

When I was living in West Texas as a teenager, I did not see it’s I do…another welcome change.

Has anyone else experienced difficulty with life changes…please share if you like.

Tomorrow….I have a little surprise for everyone…hope you will be back.

Until then….


By Pamela Lutrell

For all your shopping, please use the links on my SHOPPING PAGE…thank you, thank you to all who shop this way to support the blog and keep me here.

change over 70


  1. What a wonderful surprise to see your new grandson! That’s the son that got married last year, correct? Of course he will be an excellent husband and daddy – you and Mr. B. raised him that way. I can only imagine how special this Christmas will be for your family. I really needed your positive comments on change, as I’m facing a major decision regarding my long-time dream of buying an older home. Under pressure from my family and closest friends I’m looking in the city closest to them, rather than escaping to the smaller town where I’ve dreamed of moving for several years now. Sunday I found the most adorable little house with no repairs or renovations needed, but it would mean downsizing a bit, when I had hoped to add spaces for my grandkids. I am the farthest thing from a minimalist there could be, and the thought of losing so much storage and closet space terrifies me. I’ve always been very adverse to major changes in my life, but perhaps this one would be worth the upheaval. Seeing you come through a similar transition happy and at peace is so encouraging to me, and I hope you’ll continue to write about dealing with changes as we age. Enjoy your new grandson every chance you get, and if that means you skip a day or two of posting, we will still be here!

  2. Hi Lorri…I also am not a minimalist, but forcing myself to size down has actually been very freeing and now I find things so much easier. I am more organized than I ever have been. Also, my grandsons love the new trundle bed and right now compete for which two will get to sleep on it. I think your little home is worth consideration, but it is hard at first to say goodbye to some things…but on the other side I am so glad I did. Embracing change has been a bit lesson, but a good one.
    Thanks for being here.

  3. Congratulations, Pam, what a beautiful baby!! And your son will always be your “baby” even though he is now a grown man and a wonderful husband and father. Thanks for sharing the photos and message. It warmed my heart this morning. You seem to be at peace, and it doesn’t get better than that! God bless you. ❤️

  4. Congratulations on your growing family! There is nothing like a new baby to put life in perspective. Your trip to your previous home seemed cathartic paired with the love that you recognized for ‘your baby’ having his baby. As a person who has moved over 10 times in her married life, I understand the challenge. Holding on to my identity, finding like minded people, and having fun setting up in a new abode always led to new long lasting friends while keeping in touch with the old. We always bought a piece of art before we moved to remind us of where we had been. I understand Lorri’s anxiety about downsizing, but it can also be very freeing. I think the key is listing the benefits and focusing on how it can enrich your life. Pam, your thoughts today prove that point.

  5. One of my biggest changes came about when my husband decided to go back to college to law school after we had two sons and lived far from our families. He entered law school at Florida State in Tallahassee and I found a teaching job in South Georgia. However, my position was teaching high school chemistry and physics which were not my major area. Every night he and I did hours of homework, and adjusted to only my teaching salary so our children and I went one direction to school daily as he went the other direction to law school.Those three years were most difficult for us , but eventually he graduated, passed his bar exam, and could begin working again. We are still here in South Georgia, he is now a retired attorney and judge, and I am a retired teacher and department chairman, our boys are married and lived far from close by so we are content. Our change, his decision to go back to school, was a decision we made in order to be closer to our parents and for our sons to grow up in small towns as we had done. We definitely struggled at times, but who doesn’t? Change, as you continue to say, can be good.

  6. Thanks Deborah…I love the idea of owning a piece of art from where you have been. This trip was cathartic…and I believe God is showing me His wisdom through the move.
    Thanks so much.

  7. What a great story, Celia. I love this….no matter our ages, we can continue to learn and grow and live!

  8. Thank you so much, Carol! Yes…seven blessings with number 8 to arrive in December!

  9. Congratulations on your newest grandbaby!! Such a blessing that Gid gives us when we see our children turn out to be great parents. Thank you for your article today. Change has been hard for me too, but God’s mercy has shown me that He always has something good in store for us if we are just PATIENT. Ouch. Thank you for the reminder to just take each day as it comes. I always feel blessed to hear from you each morning. Thank you for sharing your life with me.

  10. My group of jewelry-making ladies were talking the other day about one of the kids’ longterm, detailed plans. As a group, at almost the same time, everyone started to laugh, and ask each other how their own life plans had gone. Change is part of life. I can actually say that in general, I find change invigorating and interesting. That said, we have all had terrible changes, and it’s then that we learn our resiliency and deepen our faith. Clearly too, it takes time to let go and embrace the new life. Congrats on the new grandbaby. And looking forward to seeing a pic of the monkeys gone and the new lighting … a change I can certainly get behind :).

  11. Congratulations on your new grandson!! Our son and his wife had their sixth child last Monday!!! She’s a girl!!Now they have 3 boys and 3 girls!!

  12. I chuckled reading your comment, Linda. I can now finally say that change is energizing and not as bad as I once thought it would be. It is actually fun!

  13. Beautiful baby! Congratulations! Though neither of my sons are married yet, I could understand the feeling you described about finally realizing your baby is fully a man. My own baby son, 29, had a rough go of it with serious illness in his late teens and early twenties, so we adapted to a life to accommodate his needs, even moving house and our daily lives. Several years later, as the pandemic got started, he felt well enough to want to take a risk and move north to room with our oldest son, his brother. I worried and fretted with a lot of what-ifs in my head, but then determined to let this play out according to God’s plans. Four + years later, both sons are well, and my youngest has taken charge of his health and is working, and thriving. I pray for a future with marriages and grandchildren, but know that I am already blessed beyond measure, come what may.

  14. Congratulations, Pamela!! Beautiful brand new baby boy and another one soon to arrive. So very happy you are blooming in your changes. God is good🍁

  15. Hi Pam,
    Wow, how exciting a baby boy, and born on Halloween, the doctor looks like he is such a fun guy. Seven grands, how wonderful. that is going to keep you going in such a good way. Your son looks like a happy and proud father. He will always be a special and I’m sure a fabulous father, look at you and Mr. B. We lead by examples right.
    I totally understand about embracing change, we are all so different some of us embrace change immediately and others struggle with it. I’m one that struggles because I get attached to most everything, even people. I think the most difficult one for me is when a loved one passes away, and fur babies. I’m getting better as I’m advancing in age. The one thing that is a constant is change, so it’s so important to adapt as soon as possible or you get left behind. GOOD for you that you are adapting to change, it’s a huge change in your way of being. I think if we don’t go with the flow on change it can hold you back to embrace what is in front of you.

  16. Congratulations on your new grandson, Pamela. What an adorable little guy! I really needed this today as we, too, are looking at a move in the near future. I love what Texas Aggie Mom said about being the farthest thing from a minimalist, as that’s me, too, but if you ladies can downsize I can, too. You are really an inspiration to me.

  17. Congratulations on your new grandson. He is a beautiful gift from God, & your son radiates love & pride at being a new dad. I think when we go through the changes of life what changes most is our attitude. The last nine months of my husband’s life were so very hard & fraught with so many changes, but even though it didn’t feel that way at the time, they were a blessing. I learned so many things about myself, the biggest being that I cannot control everything. I have always been a control freak, but most of what happened was completely out of my control. At one point, I realized that I had to let go & let trust God. As the discipleship leader at my church reminds us, no matter what happens around us, Jesus is still king & sits on his throne & is not going anywhere.

  18. I am the same way, Katherine about holding on to moments and places and people. But this change has helped me to change in a good way!

  19. It took awhile to get the downsizing going, but once I did it…it felt great and I am glad I let go. You will be glad you did but allow time to walk through the memories and be thankful.

  20. Congratulations on your new grandson! My grandson Tanner was born on Halloween 29 years ago. His sister Haylie and Steve had their third child, Elowyn, one year ago on Halloween! They live in Des Moines, Iowa so I only see any of them in texted pictures. My health is too poor for travel now so I have a brisk text messaging relationship with my sons and grandchildren and now my great grandchildren. We have 17 grandchildren, 14 great grandchildren and of course my four sons and the two that are married, they all live far away. My Mr. B, Brent and I chose to live in the Colorado mountains in 1995. We skied, bicycled, and hiked in the mountains and loved it. We are at that change once again as I approach my 80th birthday in December. we had to let our activities go when my health failed 10-12 years ago. We never expected that to happen. We climb mountains in our lives and we sail down the other side. Life is like that, a roller coaster ride with change around every curve and hill. Thank you for sharing your journey with us Pamela.

  21. Wow, Sydney…your quiver is full! What a blessing and I love that you stay in touch with them.

  22. Congratulations on your beautiful new grandson. My sister shares his Halloween birthday. I love the look on your son’s face, He will be a wonderful dad. Glad you are at peace with the changes in your life. Sometimes its challenging to realize we are not in control. Like the old saying “Man plans and God laughs.”

  23. What a handsome son and grandson! So precious to see you holding the little one.
    Change for me; we moved to our present home when I was working full time and managing the moving when I was 67. But so glad we did it all, 17 years ago.
    Looking forward to seeing the replacement of the monkey lights.

  24. Thanks Kathie! God was totally in control of this change! It was amazing how it all happened.

  25. I appreciated Niki’s comment so much: “If you ladies can downsize, I can, too!” It was a reminder to me that many seniors are forced to downsize due to a negative change, such as catastrophic health event, or the passing of a beloved spouse. Downsizing by choice to live in a restored Craftsman-era home or to be nearer to our families is very much a blessing, and what my pastor calls a “first world problem.” Thanks to both Pam and Niki for helping me change my perspective!

  26. So glad you are here at this important moment in your life! I hope we will hear more about your journey!

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