Sunday Reflections

Sunday Reflections

Happy Sunday before Christmas Day!  Welcome to my weekly lifestyle post called Sunday Reflections. My Sunday Reflections include pondering the week ahead…which often gives me the greatest joy of the year and the greatest sadness at the same time. My greatest joy always centers around family and the reason for the season, celebrating Christ. I…

best white elephant gifts

Tips for the best white elephant gifts

Happy first official day of winter!  Today, I have a few tips for the best white elephant gifts. Over the course of my long life, I have been to many white elephant gift parties and they can either be boring or tons of fun. The trick is in the gifting, so that is why I…

Small Business Spotlight

Small Business Spotlight: Vintage Marketplace

Happy Thursday, everyone!  Welcome to a follow up…Small Business Spotlight: Vintage Marketplace. On Monday, I featured a Small Business Spotlight: Blue Willow Estate Sales. I wrote that I was on my way to another location when I happened upon Blue Willow…that location was next door at Vintage Marketplace. So, I want to be fair and…

Today's News

Today’s News for Women over 50

Happy Week Before Christmas , ladies!  Welcome to the weekly lifestyle feature called Today’s News for Women Over 50. On this day, I curate lifestyle news together into one location to make life a little easier for you. That way you can find articles to inform and inspire all in one location. The next two…

Christmas gift ideas

Christmas Gift Ideas: Bookstores & Boutiques

Happy Tuesday, everyone!  Today, I take you shopping with me and have Christmas Gift Ideas: Bookstores & Boutiques. Once I began to visit Abilene’s small businesses, I knew I wanted to support them and select Christmas gifts in the community. I did much of my Christmas gift shopping prior to moving and early in the…

Small Business Spotlight

Small Business Spotlight: Blue Willow Estate Sales

Happy Monday, everyone!  Welcome back for another Small Business Spotlight: Blue Willow Estate Sales in Abilene! Finally, after the plumbing issues were fixed, I was free to leave the house again to research a small business spotlight in my new home, Abilene. You are looking at Kristy (L) and Robyn (R) who run the business…

the real Christmas Spirit

Sunday Reflections

  Happy Sunday, friends!  There are just 10 days until Christmas. It is a busy time, but still time for me to do Sunday Reflections! Sunday Reflections is a lifestyle post usually centered around what is happening in my world. And there has been so much happening in my world, so it is time for…

today's news

Today’s News for Women over 50

Happy Wednesday, ladies!  Welcome to Today’s News for Women over 50! Today’s News for Women over 50 is a curation of lifestyle articles for women compiled into one location. I know there are many of you that like this feature and I am happy to research it and put it together just for you. As…