Would You Wear It - Blue on Blue

Would You Wear It – Blue on Blue

Happy September, everyone!  Welcome to the mid-week Would You Wear It – Blue on Blue!! We are entering my favorite time of year…from now until January…and I get so excited!! But today…it is about learning from each other…. Please remember that these posts are answering the question…Would You Wear It, if given the chance.  They…

Would You Wear It with Pam & Jennifer

Would You Wear It with Pam & Jennifer

Happy Saturday all!  I hope you are cool where you live, we are expecting up to 105 degrees today…a little early for this in June…not even officially summer on calendar.  Bummer…but, on the happy note, it is Would You Wear It Saturday with me and my globe hopping friend, Jennifer Connolly.  Though she has been…