Fall Fashion Friday

Fall Fashion Friday

  Happy Fall Friday, everyone!  Today is the first full 24-hours of fall, so let’s celebrate with a Fall Fashion Friday post! Though it is still warm in South Texas, I have turned full on fall fashion with lighter garments, but lovely colors. I would love to hear in the comments how some of you…

Lands' End at Kohl's

Land’s End at Kohl’s for fall

Happy Tuesday, ladies!  Because I know there are so many fans of this line here, I decided to show you Lands’ End at Kohl’s for fall. Lands’ End is a popular, affordable brand so it is no surprise to find it located in department stores like Kohl’s and Target. It occurred to me that some…

Would You Wear It

Would You Wear It – Early fall style

Happy Saturday, friends!  Welcome to WOULD YOU WEAR IT with me also on my friend, Jennifer’s blog. Today, I am showing you a display with early fall styles on it. Jennifer and I show you fashion displays we have discovered and ask what you think about the looks. So, let’s get started with today’s WOULD…

Would You Wear It at Nordstrom on Over 50 Feeling 40

Would You Wear It for Fall Clothing

Happy Saturday, all and welcome to Would You Wear It for Fall Clothing with me and my friend, Jennifer at A Well Styled Life. We ask that you look our fashion displays over and ask yourself of you would or would not wear them…as styled or if they were gifted to you. If you would…

Would You Wear It for Fall Clothing on over 50 Feeling 40

Would You Wear It For Fall Clothing on Over 50 Feeling 40

Happy October Saturday, ladies!  Welcome to Would You Wear It for Fall Clothing with me and my friend, Jennifer! Jennifer and I go out and about and find fashion displays which make us wonder what your opinion on the styles would be.  I discovered this family of three with a red and black fall fashion…