Frumpy to Fabulous First Friday #1: Fashion For Women Over 50

Frumpy to Fabulous First Friday #1: Fashion For Women Over 50

Dowdy, unfashionable, drab, dull, homely, shabby, scruffy…all are synonyms for the word FRUMPY.  Yet, we know women often face times shut down, either by circumstances or critical people when there exists no motivation or inspiration for self-care.  Sadly, sometimes lack of self-respect is why a woman may fall on the side of frumpy and begin…

Hit Your Style Sweet Spot: Saturday Brunch Fashion Over 50

Hit Your Style Sweet Spot: Saturday Brunch Fashion Over 50

Welcome to a new collaboration with Jennifer of A Well Styled Life and Pam of over50feeling40.  We desire for all of us…the grandmothers, the professionals, the retirees, the volunteers… the fabulous women over 50 …to look and feel our best each and every day.  After years of blogging for this audience, we have heard from so many of…