Hospital Day…Going In With A Smile

Hospital Day…Going In With A Smile

I am off to the hospital this morning for my surgery and here is what I decided to wear.  This JJILL sweater and leggings give me the comfort and warmth I need…of course, after the surgery, I won’t care what I have on.  And though I enter without makeup…and a little nervous…I will enter with a…

Listen to Our Blab….and the Poise Experiment Continues!

Listen to Our Blab….and the Poise Experiment Continues!

On Tuesday, I confessed HERE ON MIDLIFE BOULEVARD in our weekly column, that I was convicted about how I dress at home.  The book, POLISH YOUR POISE WITH MADAME CHIC, has convinced me that even when all I do is stay at home.  I need to dress in such a way as to reflect poise and respect…