Clorox 2 Celebrates Spring with Vibrant Color & A Giveaway

A Sponsored Post

Life at the Lutrell home has been busy so far this spring!  Of course, we planted flowers in the backyard…

And we have been celebrating San Antonio’s traditional Fiesta wearing our most colorful clothing to outdoor events.

Add these to playing with grandchildren and you get many opportunities for a stained spring wardrobe!
I have been a fan of CLOROX 2 STAIN REMOVER AND COLOR BOOSTER for years now…so I know it gets rid of stains and keeps colors bright! Recently, Clorox 2® Stain Remover & Color Booster helped me with this top.  I got a ketchup stain on it at one of the Fiesta events. Thank goodness, the blouse was saved.

All I had to do was pre-treat the stain, and then add it to my regular wash.  I always add CLOROX 2 STAIN REMOVER & COLOR BOOSTER to boost the color on the garments and so they stay bright for longer.   By pre-treating the stain, I make sure it gets it out and it works in my high efficiency washer with ease.   
I confess I have had to save this blouse more than once…it attracts stains.  Clorox 2® Stain Remover & Color Booster removes four times more stains than detergent alone and also handles blueberry, mustard, coffee and gravy.

I also pre-treated my gardening clothes which were covered in dirt after a morning of potting plants. You can go HERE to learn more tips for caring for your spring clothing.

Now, here is my next spring challenge.  I am going to fly to see these two…my precious grandsons and DIRT is their middle name.  They love to dig in it, make mud of it, and roll in it.  But, I know all will be well…because I got their mom her own bottle of Clorox 2® Stain Remover & Color Booster.   Hopefully, it will not be empty when I get there.  Spring is more fun with products we can trust to save our favorite garments!

Now, the wonderful people at Clorox 2 have an amazing giveaway for you!  Just follow the Rafflecopter instructions below and you could be the winner of 

One $100 gift card to Home Depot
One Clorox 2 Stain Remover Pen
One Clorox 2 Stain Remover Liquid

Awesome!  The winner will be selected in one week.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I am participating in a VN campaign for Clorox® . I am receiving a fee for posting; however, the opinions expressed in this post are my own. I am in no way affiliated with Clorox® and do not earn a commission or percent of sales.

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