Clorox 2 Celebrates Spring with Vibrant Color & A Giveaway
And we have been celebrating San Antonio’s traditional Fiesta wearing our most colorful clothing to outdoor events.
Add these to playing with grandchildren and you get many opportunities for a stained spring wardrobe!
I have been a fan of CLOROX 2 STAIN REMOVER AND COLOR BOOSTER for years now…so I know it gets rid of stains and keeps colors bright! Recently, Clorox 2® Stain Remover & Color Booster helped me with this top. I got a ketchup stain on it at one of the Fiesta events. Thank goodness, the blouse was saved.
All I had to do was pre-treat the stain, and then add it to my regular wash. I always add CLOROX 2 STAIN REMOVER & COLOR BOOSTER to boost the color on the garments and so they stay bright for longer. By pre-treating the stain, I make sure it gets it out and it works in my high efficiency washer with ease.
I confess I have had to save this blouse more than once…it attracts stains. Clorox 2® Stain Remover & Color Booster removes four times more stains than detergent alone and also handles blueberry, mustard, coffee and gravy.
I also pre-treated my gardening clothes which were covered in dirt after a morning of potting plants. You can go HERE to learn more tips for caring for your spring clothing.
Now, here is my next spring challenge. I am going to fly to see these two…my precious grandsons and DIRT is their middle name. They love to dig in it, make mud of it, and roll in it. But, I know all will be well…because I got their mom her own bottle of Clorox 2® Stain Remover & Color Booster. Hopefully, it will not be empty when I get there. Spring is more fun with products we can trust to save our favorite garments!
Now, the wonderful people at Clorox 2 have an amazing giveaway for you! Just follow the Rafflecopter instructions below and you could be the winner of
One $100 gift card to Home Depot
One Clorox 2 Stain Remover Pen
One Clorox 2 Stain Remover Liquid
Awesome! The winner will be selected in one week.
I am participating in a VN campaign for Clorox® . I am receiving a fee for posting; however, the opinions expressed in this post are my own. I am in no way affiliated with Clorox® and do not earn a commission or percent of sales.
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