Fashion Fun with Fiesta Continues Plus the Royal Court!

Fashion Fun with Fiesta Continues Plus the Royal Court!

“Fashion is all about happiness.  It’s fun. It’s important.  But it’s not medicine.”  – Donatella Versace Fiesta is fashion fun…anything goes in San Antonio for two weeks.  Extreme color, bling, pattern mixing, hats, fascinators, medals, crowns, masks….it’s all about fun! Dress: Ross I enjoy having fun with it…in my own way.  While my version is…

Viva Fiesta!!

This is the time in San Antonio when the city hosts one big party for two weeks. As I have written before, Fiesta is over 100 years old and is one of the charming, cultural celebrations in this city. We are the only major city (that I know of) which will shut down next Friday…