The Importance of Visibility When You Just Want To Hide
Ellen Tracy Jacket: Marshalls Simply Vera T Shirt: Kohls Pencil Skirt: Black Hose: Kohls Target Shoes: $1.99 Goodwill |
There is no doubt about it, we live in tough times. Though Texas has not been hit as hard as some areas; it doesn’t seem to bring consolation when you are the one hit. We have many friends in this fabulous 50 age group who have undergone layoffs or forced retirements in the past six years. Then there are those who lost a business because it did not survive the current economy. My husband experienced a layoff three years ago and has been working by the contract since then…as of this writing, he does not have a contract.
Serendipity Clothing SA Consignment Boutique |
So, I ask this question: Should we hide during tough times and become less visible? I would say a resounding, NO WAY! While I might not be able to shop at all for a while, I still have a closet of some incredible pieces and with a little ingenuity and creativity; I should look and feel my best for a long time. In fact, I think it is more important than ever to be visible. If I feel confident and experience joy each day, then my husband of 27 years will not get discouraged but press forward to remedy our situation. However, if I crawl in a hole and become overly scared and despondent, then it puts more pressure on him and I run the risk of losing him to depression.
It is important to keep smiling and hang on to hope! |
Positive, hopeful attitudes…our faith…confidence….joy… wisdom…and dressing for success will all help see us through. It also helps to get out and be seen…employers cannot find you or will not desire you on the team, if you are hiding in an abyss. I know it sounds hokey, but this philosophy is a little like: When given lemons, make lemonade!
No matter what the circumstances, I am going to show up and be visible!!
Belt and Bracelet: Kohls |
Now head on over to Visible Monday and experience the visiblity of the other incredible women! |
So true, cute outfit, and positive words!
You are an inspiration to so many Pam! Thanks!
Love this post. Every time I am gloomy, as soon as I get out, I'm better. If I'm with fun, interesting and caring people, I'm even better yet!
Remember that old expression, "don't hide your light under a bushel"? I think this post expands on that beautifully!
I also like "Be the change you want to see in the world," and try to live by that each day.
Amazing truthful words as always Pam….Id never hide…and good for you too:)
Win a FAB frock from Shabby Apple!!
Thanks for the uplifting words, as always, Pam. And best of luck that a contract comes through soon. We've been there….. and we probably will be again. You're so right about the importance of optimism.
I love your positive attitude. We also have experienced unexpected layoffs and staying positive really helps.
Awesome positive attitude, Pam! My husband has been out of work since May, and I've found the same thing – I am working hard at being sunny inside and out!
Pam, I love your positive attitude. After 9/11 my husband, who was the bread winner, was laid off. Our kids were little and although it was scary we worked together and everything was o.k. and we were able to remain positive. I think your attitude will most certainly help your hubby from slipping into a depression and you, my friend, will always look stylish… even if it's not in something new. Thanks for sharing. xo
Having been through a lay-off recently I know what you mean. It's scary.
It's hard to keep an upbeat attitude going when everything seems to be crashing down. It's good to be grateful for what we do have, which is a lot!
Thank you…I needed to hear that. We are 50 something on one income that is a contract and it ends in January. We are forced to short sale our house. It is hard to find joy, but I always feel better when I look better. Honestly I didn't think about how my own insecurity probably leads to DH being depressed.
I love your positive attitude. While I am the one who tends to hide out in our home (and I am on disabilty so it is easy to stay in PJ's all day long) my husband always has a positive attitude and pulls me through. I am a teacher and tried to do a little substitute work this year. NO WAY, everyone with an associates degree is out there. They are not even looking at others (Even though I was a teacher in the same school system for 24 years!) However, as my husband is a teacher too, I do have to say (knock on wood) that it is a profession that will never make you rich, but it does have relative stability and gives you great ways to make extra cash (coaching, tutoring etc) My husband go a supplemental position teaching Drivers Ed on Saturdays– I hope some of your positive attitude rubs off on me! Thanks for the post!
Wonderful post, Pam! My husband also worked on contract for several years and it can be quite unpredictable. But like you and your husband, we always build each other up.
You look confident and lovely! Thanks so much for participating in Visible Monday : >
So sorry to hear about your struggles, but know that you will both succeed with your inspiring focus. Abundance comes in many unexpected packages!
Pam, you always have a positive attitude which makes reading your blog special even when the news is not good. I feel for you as we have been in a similar situation before and it is not easy to deal with.
Your outfit is lovely and I look forward to seeing the outfits you put together in the future.
I'm going through a very similar thing right now Pam. Thanks for your positive attitude.
Your honesty is so inspiring. Your courage and commitment is amazing.
I love this. And what a wonderful and Godly wife you are! I'll keep your family in my prayers. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind comment and your encouragement on my posts. I love the imagery that the "armor of God" paints in my mind. It makes everything seem possible. xo
Inspiring! And your outfit exudes confidence and vivacity.