My Summer Focus: Health Watch

Last night I went to a lecture about the power of eating
vegetables and fruits.  Ok, I know this
is something we are told our whole lives, but listening to the actual research
and statistics of the difference that diet really makes was sobering.
Dr. Richard DuBois, the speaker, is a board certified
specialist of infectious diseases from Atlanta, GA…he has been practicing there
for over 44 years.  He has been included
in the list of Best Doctors in America every year since 1994 and was chosen by
his medical colleagues as their “Physician of Choice” for life threatening
infections and HIV.
I guess the good thing about being a Baby Boomer is the fact
that our mantra,“we don’t want to age,” has prompted so much research and testing by many
industries.  Some his statements which
really struck me were
*Sixty six per cent of cancers are diet related
*The majority of problems with fatigue are due mostly to
mitochondrial DNA damage (he explained this)
*The largest deficiency for women over 60 is Vitamin D, and
America has more rickets than we have ever had due to lack of Vitamin D
*The most important supplements to take are Vitamin D3 and
*Most heart attacks occur after eating a high fat meal
*One of the most dangerous problems within our bodies are
due to chronic silent inflammation
*There are forty new cases of Alzheimer’s in the US per hour

The research had everyone talking
Needless to say, it was a sobering talk.  My husband and I are finally (I guess it is
never too late) looking at making big changes in diet, exercise, and choice of
supplements. I think we all know that fruits and veggies are important, but statistics of how important they really are got my attention. Like I said, this is the
summer for focusing on health.  Baby
steps and progress!
Now, make sure you eat fruits and veggies today, and look
over the other blogs from KATIE’S BLOG HOP!
Thursday Favorite Things
Happy Thursday, all!!


  1. One thing I do to help me out with the fruits/vegetables quotient every day is to make a green smoothie for breakfast. It's not delicious, nor is it terrible, but it's crazy healthy. It's 1 c. carrot juice, 1/2 c. frozen blueberries, and two handfuls of spinach. I get cold easily due to low blood pressure, so I let it warm up a bit for an hour or so (I take it to the office in a mason jar) and then drink it with my supplements. I have done this for years, and actually feel quite poorly when I miss it. It's not an aesthetic drink, it's not French, it's not mouthwatering — but it's so healthy, and so easy.


    P.S. Of course there are many combinations to make, but spinach and blueberries are terribly nutritious, and carrot juice improves my night vision. So that's what I've stuck with. Also pretty low in sugar and thus a low inflammatory combo.

  2. I loved this post Pam! With the exclamation point of your colorful toes and sandals. Health is number one and everything else flows from it. Thanks for spreading the word!

  3. Without our health, we have nothing. I, too, am on a health kick. My problem is lack of exercise more than diet. Of course, my diet could always be improved upon.

    I am curious – did the speaker advise taking supplements or getting our D and B from food? The reason I ask is I am fearful of taking too much vitamin D in supplement form because there is a link to megadoses (that I used to take) and atrial fibrillation, which I have. Would love to know if dosage amounts were mentioned.

  4. We eat veggies lots of them! I'm glad you found some great new tips and are planning on adding it in your diet too.Stay healthy my friend. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop today xo

  5. Neat post. Summer is a good time to try to make those changes.

    Thanks for visiting. Hope to hear from you soon. Perhaps you'll join Seasonal Sundays?

    – The Tablescaper

  6. I love the concept of your blog. In my mom's day, women over 50 were not thought of in relation to the word style. We live in a much more fortunate time to be a more mature women. Just look at the stars, like Goldie Hawn. There are many others, but my mind just went blank-it's currently occupies with home renovations! Following you back:)

  7. Oh this is sobering and also inspiring. Here's to spending the summer in good health.

    Following ya now from the Favorite Things Hop. We're riding the wave of life at one little adventure at a time and I'd love it if you'd join us for the sweet ride. And this Saturday we'll be peeking in to another sweet blogger's beach bag and launching our SUMMER Beach BAG Give away… I hope you'll join us.


  8. Love this post. Healthy is the way to go. My parents were just visiting and my Mom commented that she'd never eaten this healthy in her life. She was surprised at how good she felt. I'm hoping she'll continue when she gets back to Texas.

    Love you in the white jacket, Pam.


  9. I think too that D3 is really important in the day and age of sun screens. It is easy to eat lots of fruits & veggies in the summer. More of a challenge in the winter.

  10. I have returned, once again to follow your blog.I am not able to because for whatever reason, my computer is reading me as my daughter. I tried to sign in on my own account and it refuses to let me. Blogger can be frustrating. I followed you by email instead.
    Thanks, Patrice

  11. I love the concept of your blog. In my mom's day, women over 50 were not thought of in relation to the word style. We live in a much more fortunate time to be a more mature women. Just look at the stars, like Goldie Hawn. Visit HereThere are many others, but my mind just went blank-it's currently occupies with home renovations! Following you back:)

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