#IStandUpForCancer with Chico’s and Harper’s Bazaar
Hi everyone….in the conversation about the book Style Evolution by Kendall Farr, wonderful reader, Elaine, wrote….
“After my appointment at the cancer clinic today, I sat in a comfy armchair in a mall with a mocha in hand and watched people go by. I looked specifically to see what women in our age range were wearing and it was enlightening. Some dressed much like our mothers might have a generation ago while others were definitely plugged into what’s current as Farr puts it and had clearly figured out a style of their own that worked. They were the ones with a confident bounce in their step.”
Elaine, you really had me thinking about the fact that you made this observation after your cancer treatment that day. Looking our best, and feeling confident about how we look brings joy even when circumstances are difficult. And that joy is known to assist healing through many illnesses! I know turning my style around helped me through despondency and despair ten years ago.
CHICO’S and HARPER’S BAZAAR understand all women will find joy and confidence in looking their best. They have created a powerful collaboration around this beautiful leopard scarf found at Chico’s…a fashion forward company celebrating women for 30 years! The LEOPARD SCARF sells for $25, with $10 from each sale going to Stand Up to Cancer research…they hope to give up to $150,000 toward saving lives.
It’s a fabulous scarf, but even more fabulous is the joy it will bring the women who wear it and the research money it will provide. This accessory would make a great addition to any wardrobe…not to mention a statement of power…we will fight against cancer! I have lost too many dear friends, too early.
Oh, and, Elaine…keep sending your on-the-street observations…I love having a field reporter!!
And make sure your check out the lovelies of
MONDAY MINGLE!! and VERIZON VOICES FASHIONISTA BLOG HOP!! and SHARE-IN-STYLE AUTUMN with Sacramento and other fabulous ladies!!
My scarf was a gift from Chico’s
Pam, I'm truly touched that you thought my comment worthy of highlighting in this way! Thank you!
The scarf is beautiful and looks stunning on you. If we had Chico's here in Canada, I'd be on my way to the mall to purchase one of my own. Not only would it be a great addition to my wardrobe but I love what it represents; companies with compassion and a social conscience. Sadly, I will have to wait to explore a Chico's store until they move into Canada next year.
I do love that leopard scarf! I have a leopard print one in BLUE– yes of course. I'm not a Chicos shopper, but I may have to get it and for a good cause too! xoxo
Oh Elaine, I loved your comment and the fact you went on this observation mission! You can click on the words LEOPARD SCARF and order online…I think it would ship to Canada. I hope it would. Please send me more observations…if you notice anything else. You inspired me!
LOVELY gift. A wonderful cause.
Ooh, that's a fabulous scarf, and for a great cause. Win-win!
You are absolutely stunning in your leopard scarf; I'm especially drawn to the third photo, with your scarf and your face framed by the trees above. I'm off to click on the 'leopard scarf' as Stand Up to Cancer is one of my favorite organizations. Thanks for the post featuring this important cause.
While pink is important for showing solidarity, it's nice that the scarf is in colors that you can wear any day, style with anything, and still be helping such an important cause.
Hi Pam – love reading your blog every day. Technical issue I want to share and it may be just me, I read you on AOL, but the lines of the email text are usually overlapping sometimes making it impossible to read. I am typically viewing it on my laptop at home or on my work pc. However, the text is in perfect format when I view it on your site.
This is a great scarf and a great cause! Yay for Chicos and Harper's Bazzare. You look beautiful Pam. xoxo
This is the perfect scarf to represent courage and taking bold steps. I love a little animal print and always feel empowered when I wear it. You look fabulous with this scarf Pam. Thanks for sharing this great cause today. For those of us who have lost someone dear to cancer (for me it's my dad) let's 'Stand Up' to cancer.
xx, Heather
Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention! I am from a family that has had to many members stricken with one form of cancer or another and any support to research is something I want to be involved with. Can't wait to get one for my Mom also……she will show it off proudly at her next appointment.
Love the scarf and your reader's inspirational message!
Great cause, great scarf. It is now sold out! XO, Jill
Ok…that was fast!! So glad to know they hit that goal. It is a great scarf and will be even more satisfying to wear now! Thanks, Jill!
Sadly, by the time I went to the site the scarf was already sold out! I enjoyed "window shopping" though and I can certainly see why Chico's is a favourite of yours.
Pam, what a beautiful post… I couldn't agree more about the importance of dressing well…to help meet life's challenges. For me these days… it is important to invest and take care of myself. There is something to be said that… sometimes we must save ourselves. I appreciate your talking about the power of clothes on our own moral. For me clothes without personal relevance to ones life… lacks the richness of purpose.
You my dear are looking more stylish each time I visit! This scarf has me pondering a quick trip to Chico's myself! Kudos Pam!
What a touching story. It is a gorgeous scarf, looks lovely on you, and how wonderful that proceeds go to cancer. I can't believe it sold out so quickly, but thrilled Chico's reached their goal!
xo ~kim & chloe
great article
I know that having my blog and having to get dressed most days has kept me going with confidence through my son's illness.
It teaches me not to give up and to celebrate the little things
Pam thanks for the message. Also, these are some of your best pictures ever. Are you getting younger?
That's just such a beautiful scarf, Pam. Great photos of you and thx for the great post.
have a lovely weekend
loving that bag, it's the perfect colour to match every outfit! xx
found you through Sacramento´s link party! xx
Alice Barton ♥ TheMowWay
I love this post. I love Elaine and her inner strength. I love fighting, and railing, against cancer – however we can. I love, love, love the scarf. I love the gorgeous photos of you. Did I say I love this post?
You are extraordinary, Pam, and deserved to win your contest. Congrats and let's ALL keep on fighting against cancer. Until they find a cure.
P.S. Your post must have done miracles. I went to order the scarf and it's sold out!!!!