Leave Your Toxins In Your Socks at iVIVA!
For several months, my friend, Kerry, has been singing the praises of her new health routine. She has told me about the unusual form of exercise (whole body vibration)…Himalayan salts…the Alkaline Ionized water…and the saunas. Each time we have met, I have seen the results in her complexion, face, and shrinking size. You can tell she looks and feels great!
The place is called iVIVA and is a growing movement where four main concentrations work together to make for a healthier you!
Kenny, the San Antonio owner, introduced me to the vibration machines which were originally designed by Russians for their cosmonauts…particularly those on the space station.
It is really fascinating to hear all of the benefits which can come from vibrating the body for ten minutes at a time.
While I was there, I met a Merrill Lynch VP, Lynne. She stood before me on the machine in very baggy pants…a result of losing 20 pounds after coming to iVIVA since May.
She told me, “I prefer this type of workout because I hate going to the gym and frankly have always found it hard to motivate myself to go walking before and after work. The Balance Vibration workout has overcome both of these issues for me. I can come at lunch and accomplish a two hour workout in thirty minutes.”
“I am 54 years old and have been sitting behind a desk for the last 27 years. I combine this with a low carbohydrate diet. iVIVA keeps my bones dense, my circulation up and muscles strong.”
Sounds ALMOST too good to be true. But because it's you, I'll check it out. Heaven knows I could use a lazy woman's way to be healthy. XXOO
I am concerned about the safety of WBV and would be grateful if you could address this. Thanks.
Fascinating. I'd never heard of this before!
Quite interesting, I had never heard of the vibration workout before reading your post. Hopefully, they will be expanding into other markets soon as it sounds like a wonderful option for weight loss and feeling better in general.
Pam this sounds so wonderful; I dislike gyms intensely!!
I will look up the site and see how I can participate!
2013 Artists Series
I would recommend you go to their website and ask Jerry directly. I have only been once and I did not research problems. But, he is a very nice and direct man and I am certain will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks for reading!
Pam I never thought about putting himalayan salt in my sauna but why not??!!!! I have blocks of salt just like the ones shown here and could put them on the bottom of the sauna. I have been using himalayan salt for years in manufacturing but didn't think about my feet (or my infrared sauna)!!! I agree that these treatments keep us younger, I have been using them for years now and I think they have everything to do with my skin being in decent condition. Thank you for this post!!!