Me & My Hat….Road Trip!

Me & My Hat….Road Trip!

One day, recently, I opened the front door to find a package from the fabulous ladies of JJILL. Inside was this awesome HAT!  So, I thought…we should take a road trip!  And off we went, along with Mr. B, to visit my son and his wife in THE WOODLANDS, TX. We began our journey at the…

Goodwill FInds and Fashion Shows!  + Fashion Flash Monday!!

Goodwill FInds and Fashion Shows! + Fashion Flash Monday!!

Hello everyone!  Hope you had a great weekend!  We just returned from a quick getaway and I will have some fun pictures of the trip later in the week! Before I left, I stopped by GOODWILL just to check things out.  I have discovered if I go expecting nothing…I usually find great treasures.  On the other…

Jenny Craig:  Why I Need A Consultant!

Jenny Craig: Why I Need A Consultant!

Meet Yolanda!  She is my sweet consultant at JENNY CRAIG who is at my side to help me reach my goals.  Yes!  I do need the accountability and assistance to make this work. I made baby steps this week and after visiting with Yolanda, she showed me how I sabotaged the food plan, just a little…

My Original Reddi-Wip Recipe…Plus a Berry-licious Contest!

My Original Reddi-Wip Recipe…Plus a Berry-licious Contest!

If you come here regularly, you know I am dieting!  Of course, there are times when I desire a treat…but, what is so great about REDDI-WIP is ….it isn’t really cheating at all…and delicious.  My diet calls for a lot of fruit, so I decided to create a special, healthy topping for my summer berries…strawberries and…

Eating My Hat…Uh, Sneakers! (Plus, Fashion Flash Monday!)

Eating My Hat…Uh, Sneakers! (Plus, Fashion Flash Monday!)

Several of you will love this post…the true confession…the humbling admission…but, hopefully, also love the open mind!  When JILL and ADRIENNE hosted their HOW I WEAR MY SNEAKERS posts, I boldly told them I did not see myself joining in with this trend.  But, I began to scroll from picture to picture and when I saw how fun…

I Recommend….

I Recommend….

Recently, my nail technician, Ken, recommended this foot cream for my dry, cracked heels.  He said if I used it every night, I would immediately see a difference…he was right.  This is the best foot cream I have ever tried.  I am in Amazon’s affiliate program, so I located these products on their website…full disclosure,…