Thought for the Day for Looking Younger
Happy weekend, everyone! The fabulous Janice Riggs of THE VIVIENNE FILES reminds all of us…
“A beautiful smile is worth a thousand skin creams! Whiten your teeth if necessary – over the counter whiteners give great results!”
Thanks for the reminder, Janice. If you want specific, fun ideas for your wardrobe…check out Janice HERE
Keep smiling, ladies!
Thank you so much for your warmth and your wonderful comments, dear Pam, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
So glad to see you looking so well.
So true, nothing replaces a beautiful smile Pam!!
Thanks for the reminder!!
Have a wondrous weekend!
The Arts by Karena
Oh, I so agree, Pam… a smile lights up your face…happiness from within that is worth more than any amount of creams!!
Happy Weekend xx
So true! Have a wonderful weekend and see you at Visible Monday,
So very true!!
one of the reasons why at 63 I have braces!!
I will remind that! Hahaha i am not blessed with a happy face!
Yes! Keep smiling, laughing and think happy thoughts. Thanks for the reminder. Janet
Nice blog. Its very good to look beautiful at any age. I use Revitol anti aging moisturizing cream. It makes my skin flawless.
I love to read your article and I like the info shared by you. Thanks and keep sharing.