Give the Gift of Sight Plus a Giveaway

Give the Gift of Sight Plus a Giveaway

 A Sponsored Post A couple of years into my seven year blogging journey, I received the news I needed to wear either contacts or glasses all of the time. I chose glasses and they have become a part of my personal signature style.  I rarely am photographed now without them.  I just consider it one…

Monthly Style Tip:  Confident Fashion Over 50 Made Easy

Monthly Style Tip: Confident Fashion Over 50 Made Easy

Welcome to a fun collaboration with Jennifer of A Well Styled Life and Pam of over50feeling40.  We desire for all of us… the fabulous women over 50 …to look and feel our best each and every day.  After years of blogging for this audience, we have heard from so many of you about your discouragement and despondency when…