Hit Your Style Sweet Spot: Fun Flats for Fashion Over 50!

Hit Your Style Sweet Spot: Fun Flats for Fashion Over 50!

Welcome to a fun collaboration with Jennifer of A Well Styled Life and Pam of over50feeling40.  We desire for all of us… the fabulous women over 50 …to look and feel our best each and every day.  After years of blogging for this audience, we have heard from so many of you about your discouragement and despondency when…

smash & scott:  Elegance for Women Over 50

smash & scott: Elegance for Women Over 50

The clothing I struggle with the most is evening, special/event type attire.  But, enter smash & scott, a new quality clothing line to bring more options to women over 50!  And more options to women like me with a curvy, larger figure! This week I have celebrated women entrepreneurs, and Olivia and Sandra are truly…

Global Purpose: Celebrating Women Entrepreneurs Worldwide

Global Purpose: Celebrating Women Entrepreneurs Worldwide

March 8 is International Women’s Day and in honor of the day, I would like to introduce you to GLOBAL PURPOSE,  a purposeful giving company which provides education and income opportunities for women and children living in vulnerable communities, including India, Haiti, and Uganda.  The company is owned and operated by Kaylynn Jordan and her husband,…

What Women 40 + Wear to a Luncheon

What Women 40 + Wear to a Luncheon

I was able to attend a fun event last Friday which featured a spring fashion show, luncheon, and a touch of New Orleans all around.  I thought you might like to see what some of the ladies, midlife and beyond, were wearing to such an event.  I love to watch what real women select and…

March’s Monthly Style Tip for Women Over 50

March’s Monthly Style Tip for Women Over 50

Where I live we just completed the warmest February on record, and blooming has begun.  It is only natural that color is on the minds of women over 50 for fashion choices. My tip for March is to pay attention to the various shades of colors and go with what works best for you…weather it…

Soft Surroundings and The Magic of a Kimono

Soft Surroundings and The Magic of a Kimono

It is the first day of March and what better way is there to celebrate spring just around the corner than with a color explosion! I have become such a fan of kimonos for weekend and after work.  They are perfect to put on over a simple outfit…add a bit of pizazzz…and be comfy, resort-chic!…