The Science Behind Spring Cleaning

A Sponsored Post

I have a lot of windows, so spring cleaning can be stressful.  This time of year in San Antonio, our windows are covered with oak pollen and it is a bear to get off.

I was fascinated to learn the reasons why so many glass cleaners create streaks as opposed to INVISIBLE GLASS which works really well(as I discovered last year).  Common glass cleaners contain streaky soaps, scents, dyes and other additives that leave residues on glass surfaces on glass surfaces.  These residues cling to glass forming streaks while also attracting more dust and grime to the surface.  This was all supported recently in a study done by glass science experts at Advanced Materials Research Inc.

Glass® was the only glass cleaner tested to be proven 100% residue free. The
Clear Dry Formula is free from soaps, scents, dyes, and other additives so it
dries completely after cleaning leaving nothing behind – no streaks!  I found out last year how good it works, but never knew why!
So, here is a handy chart to give ideas as to how to clean glass better!  I hope it helps and below you can see where Invisible Glass has ways to help clean glasses, cameras, and screens!  Check it out…I think you will like the results.
Happy Weekend!

Disclaimer:  I was compensated for this post, but the words are my own.


  1. Thanks for the tip Pam. I'm going to use this when I clean my car tomorrow when it warms up outside. It's still cold here, but I'm looking forward to spring cleaning. Gives me hope that it will warm up soon. Working on my transitional wardrobe today!

  2. My husband loves how this works on the car, Karen! It's fun to do the transitions and put one season away and bring out the other. Working on the clothes, cleaning the windows ushers in spring perfectly. Have fun!

  3. Be careful if you have a non-reflecting coating on your lenses, as I do. A specially marked type of cleaner is needed.

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