News for Women of A Certain Age

It’s time for a cup of coffee and a little news curated just for us….News for Women of A Certain Age.  I have not done this in awhile…so, I ask those of you who really seem to like it, to forgive me.  I hope to do one of these posts with news headlines for women over 50 at least bi monthly.  I spend time discovering headline which you may find of interest.  Please comment on any or all below!  Hope some of you benefit from this.

Let’s begin with a slide show from Cooking Light.  Here are 13 Every Day Habits That Are Aging You.  A little discouraging, but I get it!  These are suggestions for how to keep our clock from ticking too fast!

First time I have seen an article offer advice to those of us who have tried to sleep longer and it just doesn’t happen.   Here is If You Sleep Less than 7 Hours a Night, New Science Says You Might Need a Few Simple Things to Stay Healthy.

I connected with this article because my own perception of the word old has changed so much since I entered into my sixties.  I do not know if or when I will ever feel old, but right now, I am not feeling it.  Read Why Your Perception of Old Changes as you Age.  Then tell us what you think!

Again, this article caught my attention because I rise at 4 A.M. five days a week.  Maybe I should stop telling people I do this like it is a good thing!  Here is Waking Up at 4 A.M. Every Day is the Key to Success.  Or to Getting a Cold!

This is meant to be encouragement and not discouragement.  There are some good points here…

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat, 8 Strategies that may help you slim your middle

So, anything hit home here or that you find was helpful.  Please share your thoughts and thanks for being here. As always,


I gave my husband a brass personalized guitar pick for Father’s Day I found on Etsy and he loves it! I have already purchased my first Christmas gift…since I shop really all year.  So I thought you might like some gift ideas from Etsy…starting with the 4th of July and ending with an I MATTER coffee mug (gotta love it!)


  1. I always enjoy your news posts, and today’s selections were all especially interesting (I really do need to get more sleep). Thank you, and keep these posts coming!

  2. These are all interesting. The 13 habits…my mom came to mind since she lived a very sedentary life, still sits in front of the TV all day every day and is 94. Her mind is lost, but physically, on she goes. Guess she’s defying the odds! About sleeping, since retirement, I’ve stayed on a better schedule (got up at 4:30 for over 40 years, even on weekends). Now I get 8 hours of sleep routinely (sometimes go to bed by 8:30 or 9) and it has helped in many areas of my life. Since you mentioned it previously, I no longer sleep smooshed into my pillow. I remember not to do that from a previous post! Like you, I don’t feel my age either. I can’t think of myself as a “senior” (except for certain discounts!) I still feel like I did when I was a young woman and work to stay that way. I see signs of getting older, of course, but that isn’t my focus. I’m focusing on staying fit and healthy, both physically and spiritually. Still a work in progress, but I’m more balanced now (or so I think!!) Great articles! Thank you for taking the time to look for these!

  3. You are so welcome! Did you see that a reader asked you a question on yesterday’s post about your own Foundational Five process. If you have time, could you respond? Thanks so much.

  4. Thanks for sharing these articles; they all spoke to me–especially the one about sleep and the musings on age perception. Time to get moving again!

  5. One of the reasons why my perception of aging is so different than that of my mother & grandmother is the opportunities to do things that they never had. They grew up in a rural community where options for everything from shopping to socializing were very limited. Neither of them had jobs that were outside of their homes. I moved to & worked in city most of my adult life, so I have been able to enjoy so many things to which they never had access.

  6. Advice I got from my mother about feeling “old”: When you are two years old, one year is half your life, so as you grow up, years seem longer. To me, five years seems like nothing, but that’s not how I perceived it at age ten. Today, one year is about one seventieth of my life. Remember when Christmas took forever to arrive when you were a child? Notice how quickly it arrives now? My mother passed at age 93, so I gave her credit for knowing what she was talking about.

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