Sunday Mornings at Home

Sunday Mornings at Home

Happy Sunday, friends!  Welcome to my weekly lifestyle post called Sunday Mornings at Home!

It is finally feeling a little like fall, y’all, in Texas and I love each breeze.

Sitting outside with morning coffee is one of my favorite activities…but speaking of favorites….

It Is time for me to sing my song…my own lyrics to the tune of My Favorite Things

“Pumpkins on porches, And golden sunflowers, autumn leaves falling, spice candles for hours, pumpkin spice coffees, fall festival flings, these are a few of my favorite things!”

I hope this gets us all in the mood for a wonderful Fall Sunday…so let’s get our favorite beverage and settle down for Sunday Mornings at Home1


Sunday Mornings at Home

Last week, my daughter took me to one of her favorite eateries in Abilene, TX….Hickory Street Cafe.

Sunday Mornings at Home

This home cooking menu is built around one great recipe of Zucchini Bread…and it is delicious.

The bread is the star…it comes with meals, is a side you can order separately, and available in loaves to walk out carrying for later.

Sunday Mornings at home

I was fascinated with how each menu item complimented the bread…or vice versa. And I love eateries in old houses with tea room settings.

But, this got me to thinking…

Sunday Mornings at Home

If I built a menu around my pumpkin bread, what would it look like?

I think I missed an opportunity…after all…my pumpkin bread won an award from a Dallas newspaper and has been complimented by Texas restaurant owners.

I have tweaked it over the years, until I got it just right and now I am making my own Pumpkin Spice seasoning.

But, I suppose at my age, that cooking it for family and friends and the smiles it brings is enough.

One of my grandsons was excited last week to include it in his school lunches.

In case you missed it, here is the recipe:

Sunday Mornings at Home

Gigi’s Pumpkin Bread (Use to be Pam’s, but now I like my Grandmother name!)

3 1/2 cups all purpose flour

2 teaspoons soda

1 1/2 teaspoons of salt

1 teaspoon of nutmeg

1 teaspoon of cinnamon (I like the rich flavor of saigon cinnamon)

1/2 teaspoon of cloves (or can use pumpkin pie spice)

1 cup vegetable oil

4 large eggs (room temperature)

1 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla

2/3 cup of water

2 cups of sugar

1 can of pumpkin or 2 cups of fresh roasted pumpkin  (it is good both ways, but exceptionally good with the fresh pumpkin)

Mix all dry ingredients together…sift if you still sift…and set aside.  Mix together the sugar, oil, water until smooth.  Add eggs one by one.   Add the dry ingredients and eggs alternately mixing well after each. 

Add vanilla at the end and mix well.

This recipe will make three of the traditional loaf pans, or two larger ones.  Bake at 350 for one hour…don’t over cook or it will be dry.  I have also made an oatmeal, cinnamon, and brown sugar streusel topping and put on it and that is really good for variety.

I also have one of these pans and use it when I make this for gifts (and it is on sale!). NORDIC WARE BOTANICAL PUMPKIN LOAF PAN.


Sunday Mornings at Home

I helped my daughter do a little fall home decor while I was there.

Her husband really got into it and with his talents turned their back patio into a pumpkin patch setting.

Sunday Mornings at Home

I started with the front door with flowers , hay bales, and pumpkins on either side of the door and an autumn door mat.

Sunday mornings at home

One of our readers named Nancy D, sent her fireplace decor in with this note: “Just wanted to share my fireplace. I couldn’t wait to decorate for fall.  The antique copper tub was my Mom’s, I added a knitted pumpkin, velvet and real pumpkins. This will stay thru to Thanksgiving.”

It is lovely Nancy and I really love that you have your antique copper tub from your mom.  

This is our second reader-share on home decor.  Anyone else?  I would love to see and share your decorations…just send to!


Sunday Mornings at Home

I have told you before that I have a precious grandson who LOVES to dress up…all year long!

Here he is wearing what we brought him from our Alaskan cruise…each grandchild received a gift from our trip.

However, this time of year, the stores are stocked with costumes and this guy always wants to come home with one…last week…here are a couple of his additions to the collection…

Sunday Mornings at Home

Sunday Mornings at Home

He has no idea who Tim The Tool man Taylor is…but he liked the tool set and the working man look!

Of course, I adore his creativity!


Sunday Mornings at Home

As we enter a new week, I encourage you to choose to see beauty around you.

I took this picture one evening as a storm was brewing and just loved he color.

But, when I showed it to a friend, she said…how can you enjoy this picture with those power lines.

I honestly did not notice the power lines…just the beauty of the clouds.

Be the one who sees the clouds and is not bothered by the power lines…there is beauty all around.

Any thoughts from this Sunday Mornings at Home?  I am slowly getting back into my life, so I hope to have more fun for you this week.

Enjoy this glorious fall day….and……


By Pamela Lutrell

Remember,  you can shop ANYTIME with the links under the page at the top called SHOPPING LINKS...and I will receive a small compensation for your shopping.

Also, if I have posted a link on a specific garment, and you use that link to go to the website of the brand, but look around and buy something else, I still get credit…though you do not buy what I am wearing.

Please ask any questions… this income helps keep me here, because even at age 70, Mr. B and I need additional income.  He also works two jobs.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who shops this way.

Sunday Mornings at Home



  1. Good Sunday, and a cool, Morning! We are waking up to temps in high 40-low 50° here in South Georgia. I am very “ cold-blooded” and got up in the middle of the night to put on more clothes as I was cold. I know your pumpkin bread recipe would be a delicious thing to have with my morning coffee so I’ll try to make some this week and perhaps give loaves away to neighbors. Just the other day I copied a recipe to make my own pumpkin pie spice so I need to put that together and try it in your recipe. Your grandchild who likes to dress up reminds me of two of our three granddaughters who loved to dress up and pretend, and now almost grown, they both participate in theater productions, one in high school and the other in college. I, like you, am constantly aware of the beauty of nature, and I too did not notice the wires in your beautiful orange clouds picture until you said something and I went back to look. I often post pictures of little things from nature that I notice as I walk everyday, and sometimes include some scientific explanation because that’s what we teachers tend to do…keep teaching! Have a great, relaxing Sunday!

  2. I honestly did not see the power lines and had to go back to check, the sky is stunning.
    We are having our Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend, and it is a chilly one, today is windy, raining and 5 Celcius out there, so I am thankful for a warm house and cosy socks.
    Your grandson has a wonderful imagination, so hope it continues without someone saying negative thoughts to discourage him. Adorable.
    It does take longer to recover from exhaustion these days, so pamper yourself and feel well.
    Oh, I also love little dining places like that, perfect for catching up with a friend.

  3. Happy Sunday Pam! Fall certainly came in here last night when we dipped into the 30s. We may hit 60 today. Time to change out the closet for fall & winter and make my pumpkin chili. Its quite delicious and if you think you’d like it I’ll send you the recipe. Your grandson is adorable & I love his costumes. What a fun boy he must be. Sorry your friend could not enjoy the photo. I found it lovely and can’t imagined being bothered by the power lines.

  4. I started today with cranberries and walnuts in my power cakes! I loooove fall! We too make our own pumpkin spice, and though we usually use it to flavor coffee, your recipe sounds terrific. I’m feeling the urge to clean and tidy, sort of scrub and polish so the house smells good and looks all spiffy. (I hope that feeling lasts a while 😉). I have all my summer clothes packed away, finally (usually it’s sweater weather by the second week of September, but not this year). Re your pic, I did notice the power lines, but not in a negative way. I liked the picture so much, I showed it to my husband.

  5. I loved the gorgeous cloud picture. Unusual color as if it was put there just for fall.
    Thank you for sharing your family! What little boy or girl doesn’t live to play dress up. We watched many runway dress-up events created by our girls, their cousins and now my granddaughter. So fun.

  6. My neighbors have always been happy to receive this pumpkin bread and for a long time I would put slices in the coffee rooms where I worked. Isn’t it amazing how that gorgeous cloud can grab our attention so much that we do not see the power lines. I hope to always see the beauty first. Thanks Celia.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving, Diane…may it be a joyous time. Today, I am getting my mojo back! Thanks so much.

  8. Please send the recipe Kathie and I picture of it stewing in the pot if you can. Would love to share that one!

  9. I have another angle that I did not share today where I believe the power lines give the sky such an interesting artistic touch. South Texas is reported to be one of the best places to view the upcoming solar eclipse…I cannot wait to see images of it.

  10. He loves it more than his brothers…but his cousins all under the age of 7 also love to dress up. It is fun.

  11. Happy Fall, Pamela. Can’t wait to try your pumpkin bread. Do you cut butter into the brown sugar and oats for the topping? Love the costumes. P.S. I did not notice the power lines. Beautiful image!!

  12. “just the beauty of the clouds”….. Oh Pam, I said it before, wish you were my neighbor! I prefer to search for the joy.

  13. Pamela, the cloud pic is stunning, I didn’t see. the power lines until you mentioned them. Your grandson is darling in his wolf hat. Will definitely bake the pumpkin bread, yes saigon cinnamon has a richer, warmer depth of flavor, I love using it . I might do the batter in muffin tins, so I can tuck some in the freezer. Today is gorgeous, last day of Fleet Week in SF, and the Blue Angels flight displays are incredible. If they ever perform in Texas, very worth spending a day and watching their acrobatics in the air.
    A hint of rain tomorrow or Tuesday, much needed. And lastly thank you so much for posting my fireplace/mantle. Fall is still my favorite time of year…have a wonderful week.

  14. I love watching the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds..grew up going to those air shows and that was always the highlight. I also love flyovers at football games, but I think they are becoming too expensive to do as often as the did. Thank you for sending your lovely fireplace…I hope more readers will join in!

  15. It’s summer weather here, with 25° C. for the high, as we cook our Thanksgiving turkey. We had our first light frost. How odd, considering that first frost can come as early as August, but definitely early September.

  16. Pamela, I don’t often leave a comment as I feel I can’t really add to the other ladies’ wonderful observations, but I must say how much I enjoy it when you feature your adorable grandson. He is cute as a bug in all of his costumes and I especially love the Tool Man outfit! I had a little guy who also loved costumes (many years ago) and seeing him does my heart good. That cloud is amazing and I didn’t see the power lines, either. You take the best photos!

  17. I’m with you when it comes to the natural beauty all around us. It was nicely cool this morning down here in New Caney. Took Sarge out for our morning walk, and it felt so great to breathe cool air, after the summer we went through.
    Loved the cloud photograph, and like many others, I didnot even notice the power lines. I much prefer to see the natural beauty all around us.
    Walking my neighborhood, I see the natural beauty first and then the different blooms and decorations of the homes, visiting with neighbors, meeting their pets, it just gets my day off to the best start ever.
    I can’t wait to try your pumpkin bread recipe! Have a beautiful week.

  18. Pam, another good recipe. I really enjoy getting ideas. I am actually baking the bread right now. It smells wonderful. Believe it or not I had all the ingredients including the pumpkin. Looking forward to tasting it!

  19. There was a recent Hallmark movie called Come Fly With Me that showed a lot of great shots of the Thunderbirds. Some of the shots were filmed from the air.

  20. Love the recipe .im sure you could sell loaves to local coffee shops !
    Fall is a favorite time of mine on oregon coast .

  21. Love the sky! We have amazing sunsets here in RI, but sunrises not so much. After a day of rain, it’s lush, green, and windy today. My husband hung the clothes out. I had my broken ankle surgery Thursday, so he’s doing all my chores as well as his own. If I was up and moving, I’d bake your bread.

  22. I agree, Rhoda. We are blessed to live in neighborhoods like you described here. And Sarge? Love the name! You have a beautiful week as well.

  23. I hope you like it as much as we do, Paula. This bread also freezes well…it is a great thing to have in the freezer when needed.

  24. I will watch for that one, Linlee. Three of my grandchildren go to school with kids who have fighter pilots for both parents. We always have planes in the skies over Texas.

  25. I am not ready to go into that business just yet…but who knows what the future holds. Thanks Susan! And thanks for sending pictures to share with others.

  26. I hope you are not in alot of pain, Maeve. We will be boot sisters soon…I still don’t have a surgery date just yet, but I think it will be in November. Hope your recovery goes well.

  27. Loved the beautiful picture of the clouds on fire! Didn’t see the power lines until mentioned. You grandson is adorable! Rest Maeve and recover from your ankle surgery.

  28. Hi Pam! I also did not see the power lines – just the beautiful clouds. Lovely. I often take my dog hiking, to many spots. She is such a wonderful dog and the joy she exudes during our hikes brings me so much joy. Dogs simply don’t lie and find happiness in the simplist of things.

    I made your wonderful pumpkin bread last year and it was fabulous! I gave a few away and everyone agreed. Thank you for reposting!!

  29. Dogs are amazing! We love our little Tux so much! Glad you enjoyed the bread, Kelley!

  30. Greetings from Abilene! Glad you enjoyed Hickory Street Cafe – it is owned by a friend of mine now. Next time try the Harvest Salad…it’s a delicious green salad with a mound of chicken salad with pecans and cranberries tossed in! Of course, that yummy bread comes with it. I would have said “hello” if I’d seen you there! Must try your pumpkin bread too.

  31. Hi Merri! Thank you for joining in here. Your friend has a wonderful eatery…I really enjoyed it and since I will be back in Abilene again…I will stop by again. I hope you enjoy my pumpkin bread!

  32. I am a few days late to this discussion but, as usual, enjoyed the post (including the wonderful pictures) as well as the comments. I found that beautiful harvest loaf pan at a resale shop and can’t wait to use your recipe. I will substitute a gluten-free flour blend. Some questions though – how much of the batter goes in that pan? How do you prep the pan so the loaf comes out cleanly to show off that beautiful design? And do you then use confectioners sugar or cinnamon sugar or something on the top? Thanks for all you do to keep us beautiful from the inside out.

  33. Hi Elle,
    Ok…let me try to answer your questions….
    1. I have never made this with gluten free flour. Just letting you know because this is a moist recipe and I do need t know if that alters it.
    2. I fill the pan about 3/4 full…it rises well.
    If you put a topper on the bread, like I shared in the post, just fill one half full.
    3. I spray the pan with a baking/flour aerosols.
    4. My favorite topper is about 1/4 cup of oatmeal, tsp of brown sugar and dash of cinnamon.
    So cool you found this pan at a resale! It is lovely for gifts or special occasions!

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