Summer Sundays in Texas

Summer Sundays in Texas

Happy Summer Sunday, all!  Welcome to my lifestyle post called Summer Sundays in Texas.

So much Is happening around the future move, and I am going to attempt to bring you into my world in this Summer Sundays in Texas.

Preparing for the move has actually assisted me in an important area and my eyes were opened this week.

Ever since we decided to leave our home town, my calendar has been filling up…filling up…filling up (I will return to the top picture at the bottom of the post…please bear with me).

I have three main reasons for a very full calendar.

The first is to meet up with good friends before I take off. 

The second is to create pictures and content for the blog.

And last, but certainly not least, is to see all of my doctors (dentists etc.) before I go to a place where I have none.

So, come along and join me in the journey during Summer Sundays in Texas.


Summer Sundays in Texas

I have been avoiding going in for a physical, but the move prompted it.

My last physical was amazing…after looking at my blood tests, my doctor of 14 years said, “Keep doing what you are doing. This is your best physical ever.”  I was also 25 pounds lighter.

As you know, I did not keep doing what I was doing…I hit a wall called SURGERY, and it laid me down.

Part of the physical is to go in for my mammogram, bone density scan, and a calcium test on my heart.

Summer Sundays in Texas

This was the opening of my devotion time yesterday and it described me so perfectly that I stared at the words for a long time.

A maelstrom is a powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river….my surgeries were quickly followed by the illness of a family member and the decision to move out of the city.

Sometimes life sucks us into a blur which is so powerful that it blurs our focus….and that is exactly where I have been most of this year.

Within the blur, we can easily slip into self pity or inaction.  Some will call this being in a funk…but blur describes it so perfectly for me.

You would think after the following conversation with my doctor, I would go father down into the maelstrom…but actually it calmed waters in a weird way.


Summer Sundays in Texas

You cannot gain 25 pounds and cut activity in half without some consequences…I knew this was not going to be a good doctor talk.

On the encouraging hand, my heart is in good shape and my hips are “incredibly strong.”

On the concerning hand, my blood pressure is not good, and I am very close into entering Osteoporosis in my spine (Yikes!). Of course, cholesterol and its friends are all elevated.

Somehow, as she talked, the blur began to clear…strange, right? 

I started to ask, “Well, should I do this, or this, or this….”

She simply said…“You just got in great shape. What did you do before?? Do it again!”

OK, I felt a little stupid that I had not already done this…but I was in the blur….the fog…where decision making is not sound.


Summer Sundays in Texas

I went to college at the University of Texas in Austin during the 1970s.

This bumper sticker was very popular at that time, and I thought about it this weekend.

This is what I am currently doing… going onward through the fog and simply returning to what I know works.

And that is using the WEIGHT WATCHERS APP.  

I obviously respond well to it, because it helped before.

Part two is to get my activity level up and make sure I am working with weights at least three times a week.

I have only been out of the fog for two days, but I really do feel better.

I like the WW app…I can scan grocery items, log activity for more points, and know exactly what to avoid or compensate for point wise.

Summer Sundays in Texas

This time around, Mr. B wants to eat some of what I am eating and that helps immensely.

Yesterday, we had baked salmon with garlic salt, cayenne pepper, lemon, and a tsp of maple syrup ( which is only 1 point).

I cooked the fresh spinach in a pan sprayed with olive oil, and added minced garlic and chopped onion…and garlic salt.

We also enjoyed a fresh apple.   He even liked it! Victory!

I do want to add here that eating unhealthy foods also adds to the “blur” we sometimes find ourselves in.

Just two days on WW and weight training has my mind feeling much clearer.  The blurry fog is lifting.

Summer Sundays in Texas

She did add a couple of new supplements to my life.

She wanted to add a Garlic supplement, but since I believe all great meals start with onion and garlic, I told her there is no need…I had that one.

She gave me a new and better calcium and a different Vitamin D. 

This is another reminder, ladies, to take care of yourself and go to those regular appointments.

Get the physical…get the tests and do not assume you know anything.

By all means, do not do what I did…and avoid it because you know it won’t be good.

My heart goes out to those of you who also struggle with weight gain over 70.

I believe we can do this and that I can do it…yet again.


Summer Sundays in Texas

Back to the beginning of the post,  I am running an excessive amount of errands during Summer Sundays in Texas and almost every day.

And, it is the hottest time of the year here.

So, I am grateful to Chico’s and all of the clothing I added to be cooler this year.

They still have a few of the BUNGEE DRESSES, and let me attest to the fact that these are perfect for getting medical tests and doctors visits done easily.  Easy on, Easy off., no wrinkles..and super cool.

Also, perfect for running errands in the heat are the Chico’s Ponchos and Ruanas.

Light and airy and the newer ones are designed for better fit.

I know I have given you much today, but part of sharing the move with you, is sharing all that is happening around it.

If you have questions in this Summer Sundays in Texas, then please ask.

I will be here going ONWARD THROUGH THE FOG….until tomorrow….


By Pamela Lutrell

For all your shopping, please use the links on my SHOPPING PAGE…thank you, thank you to all who shop this way. These provisions are very much needed now more than ever.

Summer Sundays in Texas


  1. Good morning, Pamela. Well, when it rains, it can pour. You are on the right track now. Your perseverance will reap benefits. We are sisters in the osteo world. My doctor told me 2 years ago that I had osteopenia and put me on a medication that I couldn’t tolerate. I took myself off of it. I hadn’t taken her advice of weight bearing exercises except for my continued walking. Last January I had an exam and she asked me what I was doing for weight bearing exercises and I said…hmm. I asked her if she knew a PT that could help me devise a plan because I have mild dizziness and extreme motion sickness. Exercises are difficult. She did and I went. He was great, modified exercises for very little head movement, simplified a routine, and had me working with 2 10 pound weights quickly. He let me video him doing the important ones. My dexa exam showed last week that I reversed it! My areas are spine and neck. I am taking calcium and vitamin C. I am sad to find out I am two inches shorter, but one was lost to a hip replacement 10 years ago. I am also going to WW meetings and have committed to start tracking on my app again after a lazy summer after reading your post this morning. I have more to say about all of this. I will chime in along your journey with it. Meanwhile, try to stay cool and good luck with your move. You have this! It has been quite a year for you! A wedding. A surgery. A move. Plus, you keep us smiling and happy. Thank you. Good byes are difficult but they won’t be final. Good luck!

  2. Sounds like we are on the same journey, Deborah! Thank you for sharing. I know weight training and WW have helped me before, so I do believe I can turn this around! Day three on the app and feeling fine!

  3. Sending you a really big Thank You for the two by four😂. Seriously, I need to get back to my wellness doctor and need my yearly check up. It seems this summer has just zoomed by with me in a “blur” and your post reminded me that I need to get back on track.
    My children have asked me if I would like to move from where I am, but at 77, with a prior cancer scare, I feel very confident about the medical community here. I’m sure you’ll find what you need in your new home.

  4. I feel like we’re on a very similar path. We’ve been searching for a new home to share with our youngest daughter, either a mother/daughter home or a 2 family house. She is single and we think this would be a good decision for all of us. This move would mean we would need to relocate to a more southern part of our state and leave behind our other two children and our grandchildren. Since my other two are married and settled, this seems to be the best move and when you wrote of recognizing who has the greater need, it really spoke to me. This won’t be easy, but I believe it the right thing. Now finding a house is the issue…but we’re working on it! I also have had an amazing summer with a few trips and LOTS of amazing food. It’s time to get real and start watching my diet and exercising. My doctor has also been at me to start weight training. I will be following you for inspiration and motivation on this journey! As those around me age too, I realize that you can only keep doing all the things you love to do by staying in shape and healthy!
    Thanks as usual for sharing with us!

  5. I can relate to feeling in a blur this year: first my dear mother passed, and my dad was hospitalized over Christmas, during and past mom’s hospital stay, and another three times in the 5+ months since her passing. Helping him through his emotional adjustment and the realities of now fully caring for two households has definitely caused a maelstrom in my life. Oh, and for good measure, I had that crazy gallbladder go sideways on me, necessitating my own brief hospital stay and some recuperation. 🤦‍♀️ I have made it through emotionally by continuing to take time for outings with friends, but just like you, I have let slide my commitment to my physical self, specifically at the gym. My eating has been super healthy because that gallbladder scared me, but my activity level has consisted of me running errands and households, then kind of collapsing with a book. The emotional and physical just plain takes a toll! Thank you for sharing so honestly about your doctor visit. It is a good reminder to get back up and do better, no matter the stressors that cause us to pause. 🤗💕

  6. Thank you for sharing, Linda…Yes, we are on a similar path! I do my best not to live in mistakes and regrets of the past…so here I go again with hope that it will turn around. My heart goes out to everyone who have immediate family in multiple locations. But, just like my health, I will make this work…happy to share all that I am learning and experiencing.

  7. My activity level HAS to change or I will be on blood pressure medication. That one really got my attention this time. So, back I go to the basics of making it a priority every morning…NO EXCUSES…from now on every time an excuse hits my brain, I will think of the consequences if I do not turn things around. Join me, Connie….we can do this.

  8. Good reminders for all of us as we age in to 70s to make health a priority. The struggle to stay active and avoid rich foods is real .. let me add to your checkups reminders , a dermatology check , as its is so common for us to have basal cell or squamous cell skin precancers as we age . My hubby and i went for yearly checkup and he had three and i had four tinyones .. some can be treated asap , frozen and others biopsied and then removed. But all treatable Before They get serious! Good luck with move

  9. Thanks Susan…it is on my list along with the dentist and allergist. My calendar is full. A good reminder for everyone.

  10. Hi Pam This post was right on for me. I neglected my health for thge last two years and now I am having medical issues with diabetes and a hip problem. I promised my daughter I would take care of myself so I am trying to lose my before COVID 17 pounds and it is really tough. I just started going to a good physiotherapist and I am now using a cane! I feel like I am turning into my mother, lol. I am going to do my best to do all the exercises and take my medication and take care of myself for my daughter. You are so right about the blur! Having a family member in the hospital part of 2023 and 2024 the times flies and all of a sudden it is August 2024 and the year is half gone. Thanks Pam!

  11. Back in January we read together on this blog the book Forever Strong by Dr. Gabrielle Lyon. I began the program and had initial success. One woman in the book was my exact size—5’6” and 140 lbs. Dr. Lyon’s program for her was to lose 15 lbs by following a 1680 protein-strong calorie diet. In the spring my program became a slog and I realized 1680 calories is too much for a 75 year old woman. I lowered my calories and improved my already strong exercise program by working with a personal trainer. Here’s the best part: an X-Ray had shown that I have moderate to severe arthritis in my hips and could be heading to a hip replacement. Under this regimen, however, all pain from my hips has disappeared.
    My BIG thanks to Dr. Lyon and Pamela Lutrell for their wisdom and advice.

  12. Hi Pam! I would like to try a bungee dress, but get chub rub. What do you wear underneath?

  13. It happens so quickly, Beth. I understand! I had to laugh because I often think of my mother and I don’t want to be her! You can do this!!

  14. Thanks Linlee…I am so happy for you and I wish I had followed my own advice!! I am so encouraged by your progress. Thank you!

  15. Hi Lisa, the dress is loose and doesn’t rub anything…I only wear regular underwear underneath.

  16. I completely understand getting in all those appointments. I also just had a doctor appointment I was dreading but it turned out pretty good. I also have to do a heart scan and get a mammogram.
    My weight was down a little and it did make a difference in my numbers. So keep at it you will see the results.
    Good luck sticking to WW it does help The salmon looks great.

  17. Your post hit me hard. I didn’t have surgery and have no… excuse. But I have been in a fog for months. I have health issues and know better. Instead I just stopped trying. Your post and listening to the sermon today has helped the fog to dissipate. Thank you. Looking into WW now. Thank you for always being so honest and willing to share your journey.

  18. I’m struggling too. I need to shed some pesky pounds and firm up. I’ve found that as I get older I get out of shape faster. I don’t like the way my clothes fit. I’ve kept up with my walks (dogs help) and yoga but I’ve lapsed with weight training. Its easy to put off because I find it so boring. Any tips? I was a WW leader years ago. I know what I’m supposed to do and I know what I’ve been doing wrong. Time to be honest with myself and reign in the serving sizes and quit treating myself to ice cream. Pam, that’s a darling outfit today. Stay cool running your errands.

  19. Jeanae… I hope one day this will be your ah Ha moment when everything began to turn around. You can always email me at to ask any questions. I love that app and it gives me accountability as well as assistance. You can do this!

  20. Thanks Kathie…I always listen to something while doing my weight workouts either online or on tv. I also do light weight workouts with a woman online called Pahla B. I also do inside walking workouts with her.

  21. One more thing, Pam…my good friend who moved back to Ketchikan two years ago has kept her doctors down here in Oregon. She comes twice a year with her husband, and they enjoy a couple of days seeing friends and family, do their appointments, and soak up the relative warmth before heading north again. I’m not saying that would work for you, but maybe the idea of it would lessen the stress of having to find new docs all at once in Abilene.

  22. I haven’t checked in for awhile. Congratulations on your move. I see that your new town is about the size of the town I grew up in, a bit North in Kansas. I think that’s a nice sized town, and you’ll quickly fit in, you are, after all a life-long Texan!
    Let’s hope that Hubs gets along with his new Boss 🙂

    I used to work with a group that was located in Dallas, and I believe that they sometimes did have ice storms there. Your best bet is to stay home if that happens. Likely it’ll have melted before you’ve gotten your fender-bender repaired.

  23. Thanks Rose…yes, I am familiar with ice storms. Years ago a car slid into me in San Antonio…trust me, I won’t be going out in any bad weather! So glad to see you here today!

  24. My current doctor is trying to get me to do that and with grandchildren here, it might be possible. We will see.

  25. Hopefully, your daughter will be able to help you with finding a dentist and pcp. Then your new pcp who is the captain of your medical team should be able to direct you to the rest. Your current PCP can do telemedicine if you become ill before getting a new connection. But don’t wait. Do a meet and great with your new doctor so that they have your medical records don’t wait until you get sick. It often takes a while to get an appointment as a new patient. I found it also to be time consuming to change addresses with all old contacts and new. Perhaps text everyone on your contacts in the friends category and call all business contacts. Finding a good plumbing and HVAC company as well as an electrician is a good idea too. Unless you are moving to a new build, things can go wrong and usually do the week you move in. Getting signed up for all of your utilities, cable and water is another joy sitting on hold listening to terrible scratchy music. Don’t forget Tux will need a good vet too. I hope I helped. As a retired nurse I have a very practical nature. Good luck on your WW adventure and your marathon schedule for the next month. I’m still suffering from affects of Covid and will be here every morning cheering you on.

  26. 55th anniversary of Woodstock this weekend. My husband is watching the movie. Maybe rather than think about weight today, we should all just get up and dance … lol

  27. It’s wonderful that just a couple of days of returning to good habits will make us feel so much better. Even if the scale is going down ever so slowly, you are still doing such good things for yourself. I would like to add that good diet and exercise have not eliminated my need for blood pressure medication nor a statin for cholesterol. I would rather not be on these meds, but there will be those of us who will need them. (I am at a heathy weight and exercise 6 days a week, weights as well). I have really focused on being mindful with my eating, and it has helped. I worked as an administrator in Oncology before retiring, and we usually saw a “back to school” increase in new patients even in Oncology! Don’t be frustrated if your appointment is a little way out. It seems many are getting back to good habits after the summer.

  28. As I read your post today it reminded me how important it is for each of us to make sure we take care of ourselves so we can be there for others and us. My life has changed because of my husband’s health needs. I am determined to take care of me or I won’t be able to care for him. Thanks for your sharing, it was a blessing to me.

  29. I am trying to avoid the meds but I may be joining you one day, Mary. Whatever it takes!

  30. This is another great post! I’m right there with the osteoporosis. I’ve been looking into vitamin D and calcium and wondering if you might share the amounts that were recommended to you and maybe a brand. I know the recommendations would be specific to you, but thought I could add to my search. Your outfit it stunning on you by the way! So excited to see your blog when you’ve settled in your new city. I loved San Antonio when I visited last year and did almost everything you recommended!

  31. Hi Jackie! I do encourage all to have this conversation with your personal doctor. These were diagnosed for me. The brand is xYMOGEN and these are for sale in professional offices. The calcium is in a supplement called Ossopan MD. I take one capsule in the morning and one at night. The other is the K2-D3 5000, one a day. My old Vitamin D supplement did not include K2. I hope that helps. Thanks for being here.

  32. I fix my salmon on sliced lemons in a foil pouch, with Bay Seasoning and some melted butter. Cook for about 30 min at 350 degrees. Good luck with your progress. You can do it. Love the fall colors and I’m with you let’s get cooler temps.

  33. For Lisa, I highly recommend Jockey’s “skimmies” for eliminating thigh rub. A nurse friend introduced me to them. They are made like bike shorts, but very lightweight, breathable material so they won’t make you too hot. I wear dresses almost exclusively when it’s this hot (temps around 105-108 this week) and they are perfect.
    Pam, thanks for the encouragement on the check-ups and weight loss. I am having my annual physical on Tuesday with my new primary care physician, a change necessitated by my Medicare enrollment last month. I had a great rapport with my previous doctor and was so sad to leave her practice. I’ve gained 25 pounds since January and hate facing a new doctor in this condition. I also need to see my dentist and dermatologist. I neglected some of those appointments while taking care of my mother in her last year and working on her estate, which has felt like a full-time job. I needed some inspiration to get back on some sort of fitness improvement plan and you’ve inspired me to do just that. I fell last week and sprained my wrist, the latest in a series of injuries this year that have made it harder to exercise. We can all do this together!

  34. Thanks for helping her, Lorri!
    I hope your wrist heals well…yes, let’s do it!

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