Blogging the Runway and a Giveway: Extreme Visibility!

Blogging the Runway and a Giveway: Extreme Visibility!

Yes, Saturday evening I joined other bloggers of the San Antonio Fashion and Beauty Bloggers (SAFABB) for a very fun and unique event called Blogging the Runway.   SAFABB and the San Antonio Fashion Industry Alliance (SAFIA) desired to bring together bloggers, boutique owners, stylists, beauty experts and designers for a collaboration event which focused on spring and…

Langford Market Steals the Show!

Langford Market Steals the Show!

This statement necklace is from Langford Market at the Shops of La Cantera in San Antonio and it immediately captured the eye of all of the fashion bloggers at the table. I just wanted to give you a taste of the event I attended this evening called Blogging the Runway.  I will write in more detail…

Blogging the Runway!

Blogging the Runway!

That’s where I am going tonight!! And, I will bring you pictures and a reporton Visible Monday!! Also, Monday… exciting giveaway fromone of my favorite retailers…. eshakti!!! HAVE A WONDERFUL SATURDAY!!!!

JCPenneys….There’s Still Time, Now Pay Attention!

JCPenneys….There’s Still Time, Now Pay Attention!

Listen up, there is something to be said… “Wall Street doesn’t seem to like J.C.Penney’s new everyday low pricing any better than Main Street does.”  – Associated Press, May 17, 2012 Thus was the lead yesterday in the business section as AP announced JCP stock plunged nearly 20% on Wednesday, the biggest decline in four…

Street Style San Antonio

Street Style San Antonio

When I moderated a panel recently at the Texas Style Council’s Bloggers conference, I met Cheryl Bemis, founder of Fashionably Austin.  Cheryl is an over 50, amazing woman, living her dream as a fashion journalist.  She was looking to enhance her endeavors by starting Fashionably San Antonio.  I offered to help with my own writing and reporting,…

Polka Dots! A Trend with Power Packed Fun!

Polka Dots! A Trend with Power Packed Fun!

No matter how you slice them…  Tie them… Or wrap them…Polka Dots are so much fun!  But what is even better is when you accidentally wear them in the same color palette as your best friend!!  That’s right…without a text, a phone call, or a plan, Gigi and I both showed up at school in…

Great Wall of China Marathons…We All Face Them!

Great Wall of China Marathons…We All Face Them!

Over 50?  Are we still allowed to dream?  I recently heard a woman say, “I wish I had pursued my dreams, but now at 56, it’s too late to even try!” My daughter, Jessica and her husband, Russell I was pondering her statement when my daughter’s pictures from running the Great Wall of China Marathon…

Good times at Goodwill!

Good times at Goodwill!

Good times at Goodwill!!  That is exactly what I have experienced lately…good times!!  For today’s post, Goodwill SA asked me to shop in the store area called Julia’s Attic.  This is where they display items donated from the ladies of our local Junior League and usually the items are top quality! I had some tough decisions to…