What I Wore

What I Wore – More Jacket Styles

Hi everyone…hope your weekend was special.  Today is another WHAT I WORE with more ways I have styled my spring jackets. There was a great reason that I was not posting comments over the weekend…and you will see it below. I already confessed that I have been in the allergist office many times recently due…

Goodwill: Spring Jackets Hunt!

Goodwill: Spring Jackets Hunt!

“The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month.” – Henry Van Dyke Obviously, Henry Van Dyke understood the problem most of the country is experiencing…it’s spring…but doesn’t really feel like it! Our Spring Break was a roller…

Coldwater Creek …Springtime…and Gigi!!

Coldwater Creek …Springtime…and Gigi!!

There are so many wonderful things about spring… Refreshing breezes….brilliant sunshine…glorious flowers….coffee on the patio…lunches under umbrellas….friendships….and, of course, spring/Mother’s Day sales! Gigi took advantage of the great sale prices at Coldwater Creek and bought this amazing JACKET on sale.  The color is vibrant coral and the cut of the jacket incredibly flattering.  She is the best…