Fun Event….Accessory Swap!

Here is the evidence…we are having winter here!! On Friday, many of us discussed which blogging events we choose to participate in and the criteria we use to select those events. Well, I have to say that when Teaching in Heels posted an ACCESSORY SWAP, it was the word ACCESSORY which caught my eye!! Marie partnered…

More Than A Number

More Than A Number

Jacket, Pants, Bracelet: Lane Bryant Tank, earrings: Stein Mart Hi, I’m Pam. I’m very Texan. Love my husband and children. Love to write. Love to teach. Love public speaking. Love music. Love candles. Ok, OK …I admit I love the cat. I obviously love fashion…… There are many facets which make up Pam. Growing up…

A Perfect Friend Friday Day!!

It’s a great day for Friend Friday!! The predicted snow fall in San Antonio turned into an ice storm overnight…so schools are closed, freeways are closed, and the city is pretty much shut down until afternoon! Therefore, it is a perfect day for blogging and reading. So, here goes with the questions from ModlyChic (where you…

What Is This?????

Does anyone know what the name of this is??? I have had this accessory for about thirty years….I use to have a silver one and an oblong one. I called them “belt makers!” When I was 20-something, I would use them to turn a simple belt or scarf into a fun one! Lately though I…

The Bronze Age

 Great news…..Punxsutawney Phil did NOT see his shadow today…so for those who have suffered through this winter….get ready…SPRING is suppose to SPRING up early this year. Since 1887, Phil hasn’t seen his shadow only 16 times, so now we can really put the myth to the test!! Morning newscasters predicted early on today that…

Is Kooky Conservative a Style??

Scarf : Stein Mart Jacket: Macy’s Jeans: Coldwater Creek Blouse:  I honestly cannot remember Boots: Stein Mart OK…all of you who have waited for it to finally get cold in my part of the world…you got it!! The cold front tormenting the majority of the country has arrived in deep South Texas and the wind chill is…

A Vintage Celebration!! Enter My Second Contest!!

A Vintage Celebration!! Enter My Second Contest!!

 I really enjoyed the first contest hosted by over50feeling40 and was so pleased to give the prize to Terri at!!! So, I went shopping today for another giveaway and ended up with a Vintage theme!  This pin is gorgeous in a deep saturated blue with fun feathers…great for your hair or your jacket!  I…