Once…Twice…Three Times A Lady!
“Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.” – Margaret Thatcher
What does it mean to you to be considered “a lady?” Coming from Texas, I have always desired to be known as a lady. However, I am sure people who have stood around me at athletic events when my own kids were on the field or court, have wondered, “Who is this woman…she is no lady!” Is a true lady not allowed to be passionate about a game involving her own children??? Well, maybe I could have controlled my emotions just a tad better.
I really make an effort to be mannerly and respectful…to me those are important qualities of a lady. But, if you look up the list of qualities, it is very intimidating: refined, polite, well spoken, self- controlled, holds to her tongue, kind, gentle, genuine, funny, considerate, demur, knows exactly what to say at any given time, careful to wound no one, doesn’t publicly embarrass anyone, respectful, responsible, fair, caring. I know I am not known as DEMUR…but I also do not believe that is entirely a bad thing. Someone said a lady must have a Southern or English accent…I have one…maybe not as pronounced as ladies from Georgia!! My students love to make me say the word BANQUET…they insist I say it completely wrong and they always laugh! But anyway,I think I fall somewhere in between Lady Gaga and Lady Diana.
Lady is an interesting word….it can go completely wrong so quickly…headed the other direction toward a collision with respectable ways…
“Hey, lady, move it!”
“I won’t be anyone’s old lady!!”
“She is such a lady of ill repute.”
I will keep striving to be a powerful lady…one known for consideration, passion, and care. But, I also want to be known as the leading lady of a wonderful life…my own. Lauren Bacall once said, “You can’t always be a leading lady.” Well, I respectively, disagree.
This post has featured my new glasses by Ray Ban…unfortunately needed as I moved from one astigmatism to two!! |
How do you define being a lady and do you desire to be known as one?? (Then have a great Thursday everyone!!)
Sweater Tunic: Soft Surroundings
Simply Vera Rust Leggings: Kohls
Scarf: Had it too long to remember
Wanted Flats: DSW
Thursday I am linking up with other bloggers from Katie’s Favorite Things Blog Hop!! I hope you will hop on over!
Love Margaret Thatcher's quote! I usually do not prefer the label for myself, as it sounds to me like I'm supposed to be quieter, have fewer strong opinions and defer to the (ahem) "gentleman". But I am all for having good manners (both genders, of course) and civility is always in style! I think cheering for your kids at sports events is well within the bounds too : >
This is so funny! I think I behaved like you at my kid's sporting events…loud and supportive! 🙂
Have you ever met an asian lady with a southern (GA) accent? That would be me! lol
You look great in your glasses, and you ARE an amazing lady!
I love that quote too! I think you are a true lady with a lot of class! XoMarissa
Have been ready your blog awhile and love it. I lived in San Anotnio for 5 years in the eighties, and was raised in the Dallas area. Twenty-three years ago wee moved to the laid back Northwest. Miss the way Texas Ladies do dress. Keep up the good work and I will stay a liitle more connected to Texas through you.
I love Margaret Thatcher's quote and I also adore the quote, "Well-behaved women seldom make history." —Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. Maybe they're similar!
The scarf is a piece of art and you wear it with elegance.
My father always told me to always be a lady. I'd like to think I am one who voices her opinions yet commands the respect I deserve. I believe that's what he meant by being a lady. He also told me to stop whistling because ladies don't do that. I never quite got the hang of not whistling, but I'm still a lady!
You ARE a lady! Love this post. I think the problem is that the general behaviour of society in general has degenerated so much – I can only talk about the UK, I'm sure you've seen stories in the press about how some young women conduct themselves over here. Anyway, perhaps the long list of qualities for being a lady you describe may originally be meant for the aristocracy who had both the time and money to afford to go the extra mile be all those things. I do strive to be a lady but if I'm cheering my kids at sport, my standards may slip a little lol!
Love this. I hope I am considered a lady….with class. I am too loud at sporting events but I don't think that makes me NOT a lady! Just an enthusiastic one:):) Thanks for this, and BTW, you are CUTE!!! Love your glasses. XO, Pinky
You are a beautiful lady inside and out!! gorgeous outfit!!
What a complicated word! On one hand, I associate it with all the manners and deportment my mother tried to instill in me, along with the innate kindness and courtesy I think everyone – male or female – should practice. On the other, I think of it as being a set of restrictions designed to keep women 'in their place'. I prefer to think of myself as a woman, a term that seems to allow me to behave in whatever way I deem appropriate for a given situation; but I also like to think I know how to be lady-like, as my mother would have wished.
Well Lady, you are looking good! giggle. I do think I am a lady, manners, posture, and they way you present yourself certainly helps define the lady in all of us. Thank you for sharing at the hop xo
I really like that tunic. I'm petite so I could belt it and wear it as a dress ;-).
You bet I'm a lady! A lady always puts forth her best at any given moment. Of course, this varies from day to day, but as long as you strive to be genuine I think the grace that comes with being a lady can only naturally follow.
Having said that, I still detest being called, "Ma'am"!
Spashionista (Alicia)
The truth is when you see a female, who behaves poorly, we all know that she's not a lady at that moment and wonder if she ever is. I'm a native Texan, who has seen ladies everywhere I've traveled and then there are those who truly have no clue how to be a lady. Great post. I found you at Katie's hop today.
OK – now I'm going to be whistling that tune all afternoon!
Oh I loved this post. So true with lot's of wisdom. Thanks for sharing.
I signed up for your posts via email and I am following. See my little blue slippers?
So your a Texan. Well we're neighbors. Nice to meet you. I'm in DFW. Come by my blog and visit.
Have a beautiful evening,
I'm not much of a "lady." It connotates a certain amount of "class," which exudes money. The moneyed class. I'm pretty undomesticated and uncivilized. That said I love women who are powerful and have good manners, and I think that can be called a lady. Lady means someone to respect, perhaps? I respect you- and see you as someone who is courteous and kind but can open a can of Thatcher-styled whoop-ass if needed. I like those kinds of people. Polite but powerful.
You rock that scarf beautifully. Lady Pam.
Boy, your blog really stuck something in me this week. I feel I am a lady. There are lots of reasons. I speak properly, this is a huge faux pas to me with other people. My most hated sentence is 'I don't got no ……' I just cringe when I hear this. I wear my clothes according to the occasion. My shoes are never worn over or dirty. I carry the proper purse. I wear the proper jacket, coat, scarf and jewelry accessories. And I have been told my whole life that I carry myself with a lot of self confidence, which I do have. It isn't often that I lose it, hardly ever, but, when necessary in certain situations, I can let go.
I am a lady ……and I have my own power tools too!
I love this! Well said. I think a lady is someone who is striving to please God in all areas of her life and conducts herself as such. I am stopping by from Katherines Blog Hop Today.
Such a thoughtful, on point post! It seems to me that today acting like "a lady" is not nearly as appreciated as acting "cool". To me, gracious manners and a pleasant smile make others feel valued, while a cool disdainful approach is designed to make others feel uncomfortable. When people tell me that I am lady like, I take it as a compliment even if it may not be meant that way.