Beginning the Year with One Goal…And A Growing Blog Hop!

Here we are…2015…the years keep rolling along!  I hope all of you had a safe and joyful celebration last night.  We are beginning a new year of Thursday Blog Hops with a new co-hostess, and for any new readers, Thursday is when I encourage women to put yourselves on your own priority list.  We so often forget to take care of number one.  I hope all of you will learn to say I MATTER and take care of yourselves from the inside to the outside.
This week, I want to encourage you to set some personal goals for the year.  Attainable ones.  But, goal setting is healthy and helps us to remember to carry the I MATTER sign.
For right now, I have one big goal for myself this year…..let me explain…
Remember Tinkerbelle…a small fairy accompanied by piano keys…capturing our attention as she flew through the air.  Then with the wave of her wand all problems were sent to Neverland.
She was followed by Samantha.  An attractive blonde housewife who only needed to twitch her nose and every messy room or messy life decision was suddenly straight. And I cannot forget Genie in her bottle and how she folded her arms to help her Master-Astronaut.

Baby Boomers are the Tinker-belle generation.  
Raised by Walt Disney’s imagination and early television to believe problem solving is easy and fixed with a magic wand or twitch of a nose….alakazam done. No…not really.  The truth set in quickly as we grew to adulthood and discovered life does not happen that way.  It requires so much more work and determination and perseverance through (sorry to break it to you, Peter Pan)… aging.  While I am more courageous than many women I know, I have always been wimpy when it comes to really big decisions.  

Former Houston Chronicle editor, Jack Loftis, died this week.  Jack gave me my first job offer to join a big city newspaper staff as a features writer and because of the low salary, I turned it down.  That was forty years ago.  It was my dream job and I did not have to courage to take it then. Somehow I believed the opportunity to work my dream would come again.   His passing has reminded me how little time is left to take giant steps no matter what they are.  I have to believe now, after 60, it is not too late to do big things without magic wands.

My one big personal goal for 2015 is to be more courageous. I want to take a few risks.  You will not find me jumping from airplanes, but there are some places where I can step out of a symbolic plane.  Whenever I take a step of courage this year, I promise to report back to you.
Most of my resolutions from last year actually happened (first time in a long time)…I wanted to keep working out…lose weight…sharpen my personal style…and do more with blogging….check besides them all.
I still want all of these to continue in 2015.  But, the main one for me will be COURAGE….because, I MATTER.
What are some of your goals for this New Year??
Let us know…then go enjoy all of the bloggers from Katie’s Favorite Things Blog Hop…or hop on yourself.  Have a joyful and restful New Year’s Day, everyone!

 Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop

Thursday Favorite Things Button

The Thursday Favorite Things Blog hop is where you can link your favorite post of the week, or write a post about your favorite things and share it with old and new followers. This hop is hosted and posted on 4 different blogs! Please follow all of your hostesses. Your link will appear on the blogs of Katherines Corner, Over 50 Feeling 40, Model Savings and Vintage Mama. Four times the opportunity to make new bloggy friends, to share your wonderful blog and discover others too.
thursday favorite things blog hop hostesses
• Please DO NOT link and run…….please visit a few of the wonderful blogs that are sharing here today.
• Please link to your post and not to your blog home page.
• Please remember to post no more than 3 links to your blog.
• Remember to Follow Your hostessesKatherines Corner, Over 50 Feeling 40 , Model Savings and Vintage Mama
• Please leave comments when you visit, let them know you are visiting from the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop ♥
No adult content blogs.
No links directly to your shops or websites selling things/services please! (sorry they will be removed)

Optional- Linkback on your post and/or Grab the hop button code from the button page at Katherines Corner. Yes you can link giveaways (they are everyone’s favorite thing). Please add your giveaways to Katherines Giveaways Page too! Adding your link to this blog hop gives Katherines Corner permission to share your posts and pictures via social media, pinterest and as Make It Monday feature on Katherines Corner.♥

Lets HOP♥


  1. Pamela, it sounds like you definitely have a plan for your resolutions! Your post is very inspiring and thought provoking! One of my goals is to get healthier and walk every day. Thank you for hosting another great link party!

  2. Happy New Year Pam! I have always liked the way you promote the concept “I Matter” and I really like your goal of courage – a good reminder to incorporate it in my own goals for blogging, healthy lifestyle and relationships. Here's to a wonderful 2015!

  3. Happy New Year! Yours is the third blog I've read this morning with courage as their word for the year! I could use some too!

  4. Happy New Year! This is such a great post.I struggled with being courageous but a year ago I decided enough was enough. I was going to step out on faith and live my life to the fullest and not worry so much about what others think or say. I have been living fearlessly without one regret.

  5. Wishing you a very courageous, Happy New Year!! I'm in your boat, as you know, with a goal to be braver this year. Now is our time to fly…time is racing past and we need to grab it by the grips and ride to our hearts content. xo

  6. Pam, this is a wonderful post. And, goodness, woman…you should have taken that job!!! How fabulous that would have been. I lament Jack's passing as well, he had an entire city who loved him. Send me an email, I have much to share with you. I've gone back to work! Happy New Year, darling….

  7. In 2015, I, too, hope to gain courageousness; especially as it relates to certain matters regarding my career. The "I matter" mantra is one I've adopted as my own personal affirmation in 2015. Having tried in on before the year's end, I know it will serve me well. 🙂 Thanks for hosting this link up. T.

  8. Happy New Year, Pam! Your post reminds me of a Winnie the Pooh: "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." And YES. YOU matter!

  9. Happy New Year, Pam! I share your goal to be more courageous this year – I think you're already a fabulous and brave woman! xox.

  10. Hello cute lady! Thank you for hosting such a fabulous party! Please come and join us at our party. We would love to have you!
    Happy New Year! Lou Lou Girls

  11. Happy New Year, Pamela!

    I see courage in so many things you've done this past year! I look forward to reading about the courage you see in your every day activities in the coming year. 🙂

    Thanks for continuing to inspire us all! 🙂

  12. Happy New Year Pam! You and your blog are always so inspiring. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend and the bittersweet feelings it all brings up. In my mind you are living your goals every day and you do inspire. Here's to a fabulous 2015 for you! xx, Heather

  13. I adore your blog and today's post really hit home. I have found myself single at 60 and I'm tired of doing the moping around thing. So I started my own Interior Design blog in April of last year (my passion) after I got my Interior Design degree, huge for me. Now I want a Etsy shop and one on my blog. Scared! Scared I'll bomb. I have made some small steps the last few years now it is time for huge ones, time me to get back into the game before life passes me by. Thank you for the reminder and that I'm not the only one who is over 60. LOL XX Jo

  14. Happy 2015 Pam and looking forward to do some more blogging exchange with you! All the best. You are such an inspiration. xo Sabina @Oceanblue Style

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