Hospital Day…Going In With A Smile

I am off to the hospital this morning for my surgery and here is what I decided to wear.  This JJILL sweater and leggings give me the comfort and warmth I need…of course, after the surgery, I won’t care what I have on.  And though I enter without makeup…and a little nervous…I will enter with a smile!

Here’s a wonderful quote from POLISH YOUR POISE WITH MADAME CHIC by Jennifer L. Scott:  “Clothing is not merely for covering ourselves.  It should never be an afterthought.  Our clothing and, as an extension, our style, should be intentional.  Our clothing choices communicate so much about us to the world. The way we dress represents our state of mind and our verve for life. If our clothes are sloppy, our presentation is sloppy. Something is off.  But if we get into the groove of looking presentable no matter the circumstances (even the hospital!) and expressing our unique style while doing so, we are not only looking good, but we are revealing our poise.”

I will see you in a couple a days as I begin to recover!  All prayers are welcome!

Also, I must give a shout out to my sister-in-law, Mary Lynn!..she is trying out for The Voice in Houston tomorrow. Her choir students talked her into it.  This over 50, vibrant woman has one amazing voice…still strong and I hope they send her forward.  She is great!  You go Mary Lynn…show them age makes no difference!

Happy Weekend!


  1. I'm praying for you right now! Good luck dear Pam. I also wish your SIL good luck too. I think that is so awesome. I hope she knocks them out with her voice! xx

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