Steps to Develop Over 50 Flair
Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a joyous weekend! I want to begin our week discussing steps for how to develop flair with your over 50 personal style. One of my favorite books, The Essentials of Fabulous by Ellen Lubin-Sherman, discusses how fabulous, confident women have flair.
“A person with flair has the remarkable combination of style and self, a brainy desire to stand out and be noticed right from the beginning (with a good humored nod and a wink). Style is shorthand, a visual clue to your authority and confidence. By selecting and wearing the clothes and accessories that illuminate your individuality, you telegraph to the world that your good opinion matters. And lest anyone think flair connotes vapid self-absorption, let’s set the record straight; Flair takes years of observation, thinking, experimentation, and practice until you get the details just right. Unlike the fashion slaves who live in fear of making a mistake, the stylish are only concerned with two things: finding the elegant solution to looking good, no matter their age or size, and maximizing their fun in every day life.”
I love that last sentence!
I was not born into a family with flair. Both parents came from East Texas farmers and oil field workers, and style was not in the mix. However, I believe my mother was stylish in her 20s and loved to look her best. But I am constantly observing, learning and practicing with my own personal flair. It has required patience and to understand this is a work in progress. I put together the top look for work which was very neutral with a solid black sleeveless blouse, but ended up wearing the second look, because I thought the print in the top gave it more flair. Fashion gurus might laugh at this, but I thought it was a good example to give you of baby steps toward practicing flair. I don’t necessarily desire to be the most fashionable woman in a room, but I do desire to be the most confident and joyful woman in a room. That sometimes requires a little flair. (just a note, I am holding down my jacket above because it was so windy when taking pictures that day)
I also chose this outfit to discuss flair, because I believe the word is misunderstood. I think some feel as though you have to be way out there with your style to be a woman of flair. There are many who wear the flamboyant, fashionable looks so well. But, on me at this time in my life, it would be too much of a costume. I do love my accessories, but under control. And remember, it really begins with great fit above creativity. To summarize, keep these steps in mind:
- Flair is about your style…no one else.
- Flair takes practice.
- Flair takes observation of others.
- Flair takes baby steps of courage.
- Flair leads to confidence and joy…not always a spread in a fashion magazine!
How do you feel about becoming a woman with flair. Can you relate a time recently when you took some courage to step out with flair? Please share!
Hope you will join me today for new posts on Instagram! I will still promote the blog posts, but give you something additional to take away every day. Thanks to those who entered the contest. The winner is announced on Instagram today! And thanks to Soft Surroundings, one of my favorite retailers for joining me in this Instagram Giveaway! I also hope you will join me for the slideshow below. Today’s looks are from my closet and there are no links for them, but I did put in the slide show jackets from White House Black Market, because that is where this fabulous jacket with flair came from last year! Thank you for being here and
For those who may be new, I now wait until the post after Would You Wear It Saturday to give you my opinion of the mannequin. My overall reaction is no…I would not wear this. The jacket has potential if it was a wee bit longer with a better cut (a few seams make a huge difference). I so resonated with those of you who said the buttons on the crotch are a bathroom disaster in the making for our age groups! (LOL) With my curvy figure, crops need a more fitted leg.
Such a helpful post. Polished flair! Is that a style? It seems to describe what I strive toward.
At 72 years old, I have been having some serious health problems, which are difficult right now. If I was ok we arranged to meet some longstanding friends at a nice lunch venue with lovely outside space, The reservation was in place , the weather for this Easter weekend in the UK was amazing. So what to wear…. the given was that I had to have a sun hat, and dark prescription sunnies, be covered but cool and comfortable. I wanted, natural fabrics, easy to launder, you get my drift. I ended up with what might be described as ancient boho, possibly a little tarty, maybe mutton, but I was doing with a sense of style. I got looked at and I flaunted it!!!!!!!
Thanks Sue! Glad it was helpful.
Jean, Sounds like you rocked it with smile! I hope you feel better very soon. Take care.
I love that book! Some days I like to be more visible so add more flair to my look but in general, I dress to please me in my own style
When I moved to Alabama, some of the things I used to add flair to my outfits no longer worked – far too hot here in the summer to put a scarf around my neck when it is humid. Jackets in summer are impossible. So I rely on earrings, bright colors to pop an outfit. My very short pixie haircut also lends a sense of flair to my outfits. I also like colorful shoes, especially when I am wearing a neutral. And when you carry yourself with confidence, and kindness, it all works together.
You have it Pam, Flair! It seems no matter what you wear, you look fabulous! It’s a combination of factors, Inthink! Your great smile, your lovely hair, your height and whatever outfit you put together. It all works in harmony! Flair!
Very insightful comments. I really enjoyed it!
I do love your second photo — that printed top gives the outfit a yin/yang flair.
I notice each day if I want to be noticed and more and more I do. Then I put together outfits that are boho, tribal chic, casual and elegant. I’ve even found cuffed ragged jeans that work for 74. I am finally owning my desire to stand out and it’s FUN!
PS I couldn’t find any post about who won on your Instagram.
Love all the thoughtful words about flair and style, hers and yours. @sheilamerle1
Great Comment! The winner was announced in the post on Monday with the sunrise and the motivation quote. Read the content of the post. Her name is Barbara.