News for Women of a Certain Age

Happy October Sunday, everyone!  It is time for News for Women of a Certain Age (women over 50 that is) where I curate headlines that you may be interested in and are just for this audience…because you are special!!

(In this space, I gave my opinion on yesterday’s WOULD YOU WEAR IT, and I did offend someone and I am deeply sorry for that.  I did what I ask all of you not to do on Saturdays, and I was too harsh about this dress and I offended someone who actually purchased this dress.  In fact, I checked the racks that day and there was only one left so obviously others liked the garment.  I still believe what I believe about it but I voiced my opinion in such a way that was offensive to a reader.  Let’s all do on Saturdays what Jennifer and I ask of you…to state what you think in such a way that the ones who feel differently do not feel attacked.  I really am sad that one of you felt attacked by what I said here.  My intentions are always that I want us to look our confident best and be able to smile at what we are wearing.  Life is short and we should enjoy each moment. There is someone who feels that way in that dress and for a moment I forgot that.  Perhaps it was the styling with the black shoes!)

But, now I would like us to put that post behind us, and look at what is happening in the retail industry.  Besides the immense growth of online shoppers, read the article below and let’s start a conversation of what we think retailers could do to increase in-store sales.  Anything?  I always get inspiration from store displays so I would love to see many of them up their game in that area.  But, what else can they do to win customers back.  Is consignment the answer?

I love shopping in store and always will, but it is no surprise that some retailers are struggling since online shopping has really taken over the world.  I was surprised though to see this article recently about how JC Penney’s, Macy’s, and Banana Republic are going to enter the used clothing field.  You can already purchase used handbags at Dillards and Stein Mart.  I have a friend who runs a local consignment shop and is excited to see this, because she believes it will push more people to gently worn clothing and promote sustainability.  So read about it HERE and tell us what you think!

Taking this conversation a step further, Best Buy sees an opportunity to stay alive in……..US!  Best Buy sees growth in health care technology for elderly recently was written by the Associate Press.  Perhaps this is a good move for them since the baby boomer audience is a big one.

As I share this article about being our youthful best, please remember that any health suggestions should be run by your doctor first.  But, there are some good ideas in this article from across the ocean in the Daily Mail.  I can brush my teeth while standing on one leg…can you?  Read about how getting older doesn’t mean it all goes downhill.

What does it mean to be emotionally intelligent?  As someone who has had to put toxic people in my past, this article about How Smart People Handle Toxic People has some wisdom to it.  It may help someone in this audience.
OK, I guess I always have to mention food in this post, but I found this article about carbs so helpful…not all of them are evil! Remember, all things in moderation, friends.  Read 4 Carbs You Can Eat Non-Stop Without Gaining Weight.
Finally, I want to CONGRATULATE Ronelle Anthony and the team at for their recognition by Newsweek as #1 ranked on their list of “Best Online Shops 2020” for Women’s Fashion (single brand). The category included highly respectable brands such as Victoria’s Secret, Chadwicks, and White House Black Market, to which they responded they’re “honored to be able to provide such excellent customer experiences.”  They have always been such kind women when I have worked with them.  Again, CONGRATULATIONS to this great company in North Carolina!
Please comment on any or all of these!  I am already planning my holiday and fall cooking, so I needed just a few items. I have a Pumpkin Maple Scone Recipe just screaming at me to try it!  In case some of you are planning as well, you might scroll through the slideshow below.  The second slideshow is just odds and ends fun!
This week my style posts are dedicated to that all important third piece…hope you will join us and tell your friends about this blog.  I appreciate all you so much.


  1. The dress from yesterday was just fashion for the young, extreme and hard to wear but trendy in that it has a wide flounce, exaggerated sleeves with a wide shoulder silhouette, and a longer length. All trends you find everywhere in stores just not in a challenging fabric with a bedroom slipper flat. If they had chosen a combat boot or granny boot it would have looked very European and on trend for the 20somethings.

  2. What an interesting group of articles! So much to think about after reading them all. Thank you.

  3. Hi Jane, I think I have done what I ask everyone else not to do and been too harsh about the dress. Please forgive me. I want us all to look and feel our very best and I did not think the dress would make anyone feel good but I am wrong. To all who like it, please forgive me and it will not happen again!

  4. Here is the problem with our written language: while English is quite precise in vocabulary terms, it is only half our language. Half of English communication is nonverbal (some languages have even more). Pam, if you had been talking to someone about yesterday’s outfit, you likely would have smiled conspiratorially, perhaps giggled a little or flipped your hair or fanned your bosom to show you were not to be taken totally, offensively, seriously. You would have also picked up on the nonverbal message of your conversational partner and adjusted your language a little. So, while it’s important to watch what we write, I think it’s also best not to get too upset by emails, blog comments, etc. I often think, well, I missed the nonverbal part of this communication, and the empathy was likely in that part. Most people are trying earnestly to get words to say what they mean and do not intend to offend. All you need to do is work with teenagers all day long and you will recognize the truth of this :).

  5. It’s so hard not to have strong opinions about clothing that does not appeal to us. It certainly wasn’t my style either.
    PS- those Reindeer earrings are so cute.

  6. I think perhaps we are a bit too sensitive. I very seldom comment on “would you wear it” (although I read it every week) because I do not like most of the outfits presented and my first reaction would not be appreciated (like “what were they thinking”!) It seems we are allowed to speak freely (not just here but everywhere) if we agree but not so much if we do not. Just my humble opinion.

  7. Forgive me if I offended you! My intent wasn’t to shame you or your opinion but to point out that what is frumpy on some becomes a statement for another. We all have commented on things without malice but ended up offending. I am sorry if I have upset you.

  8. I think all of our comments are less offensive if we remember to add that the garment either works or does not work fir ourselves, because of age, body type, height weight or lifestyle. That way others won’t be offended if the garment fits their own personal profile.

  9. You didn’t offend me Jane. I wasn’t reacting to your comment but to a reader that I offended. Let’s all just say lesson learned and focus on the content in today’s post

  10. Exactly Paulette…you are spot on. And that is what I forgot for a moment in an effort, though a poor one, to help other women with what to wear.

  11. About today’s post, I personally prefer shopping in stores as opposed to online. For me, shopping in store is often a social activity, and enables me to try different styles and colors without having the extreme hassle of returns. The only time I shop online is after I have shopped in a particular store enough times to know exactly which of their sizes fit, and to get a color not available in store. I rarely shop online. It’s not nearly as much fun as browsing with a friend in actual stores. Just my opinion!

  12. Thank you, Karen! I agree… one of the most fun activities I share with girlfriends.

  13. Pam, forgive me for not focusing on News for Women of a Certain Age, which I do very much look forward to reading every week, but I’d like to offer my opinion regarding Would You Wear It. I think I’ve only commented once, maybe twice on the pics that you and Jennifer display. I think it’s very difficult for most of us to respond to that question without the possibility of offending others. I loved what you said above concerning brick and mortar stores who are introducing consignment in an effort to increase sales of their merchandise. Here are the lines that got my attention: ” let’s start a conversation of what we think retailers could do to increase in-store sales..” And this, “I always get inspiration from store displays so I would love to see many of them up their game in that area.” I’ve been appalled at the terrible lack of thought and effort the stores’ staff are putting into some of the displays that you and Jennifer have captured! Maybe the answer to some of the problems we’re encountering in
    Would You Wear It, is to change the name to something along the lines of How Can this Display Be Helped, Or Is It Okay As It Stands? Okay not that, which is why I don’t have a blog of my own (ha!). But I’m sure you and Jennifer could come up with a great alternative. Readers could either say they like it as styled, or describe how they might make it better, i.e. changing or adding accessories or steaming out wrinkles, which is basically what many of your readers are addressing anyway in these posts anyway. Hugs to you for all the thought and effort you put into your site!

  14. Oops, one too many “anyways” in that second to last sentence. Proof reading is obviously my forte! lol

  15. Mary!! You just May be on to something here! I love how you are thinking. Let me run this by Jennifer and see what she thinks. We do need to give consideration to the fact we have used this name for a long time, but I really like your idea! Stay tuned for more and know you are the best ?

  16. I need to shop in a store because I have a hard to fit shape and a small budget. I never buy full price items unless I am in a pickle, and that doesn’t happen very often. I think what would help brick and mortar stores is if they would allow their managers to select a collection from a set of possibilities that cater to the local population. For example our local JCPenney is sent lots of frilly and sleeveless dresses for Easter when we still have 2 feet of snow on the ground and a nor’easter on the way. Our local teens love to shop at Maurice’s but most of them are chunky farm girls, not size 4s. If the store managers could pick and choose collections and the timing of the delivery and display of the items, I think their sales would improve. (This is my daughter’s idea, btw, who worked at Maurice’s for a couple of years and listened to customer’s frustrations.) In our locale, the loss of either of these two stores would be devastating for our community. We have little else, except Walmart, and while the quality of their clothing is improving, they are still designed for one season. I am still wearing well-chosen JCP items that are over a decade old.

  17. You and your daughter have great ideas, Carol. I am opposite. Last night we attended an outdoor wedding. One of the ladies was frustrated last week when shopping for what to wear and the weather is still breaking heat records and all the stores have are fall and winter. Your idea has much merit! Thanks for sharing!

  18. If we worried that everything we say might offend some stranger we would never open our mouths. This whole offended thing has gone too far and no doubt somebody will be offended by my remarks. I enjoy seeing the different clothes you show us on Saturdays. While some may cause me to wince or guffaw that does not mean another, younger woman might not look fantastic wearing the garment on the manikin. Thank you for writing a blog that is for all types of women, young, old, tall and short.

  19. Pamela, I really enjoyed reading this post. I think there a lot of people like you who still enjoy shopping in stores. Even as this segment of in-store retail sales declines, it’s not in any danger of going away entirely, especially not any time soon and retail merchandisers ignore this consumer at their peril. But I also think most retailers are starting to pay more attention and do a better job, starting with creating in-store displays that inspire shoppers.

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