Today’s News for Women Over 50
Welcome! to a new Wednesday and a new year. Now the holidays are behind us, I am returning to featuring TODAY’S NEWS FOR WOMEN OVER 50.
This year the holidays were so busy and I was flooded with content for the blog and it appears it was content the readers enjoyed.
Readers also requested last week that I return this feature in an effort to keep us all informed.
I research news from around the worldwide web and bring you headlines I think will be of interest to you.
These are curated into posts called Today’s news for women over 50.
If you are new here, a little information about me: I am a journalist…journalism major…journalism teacher for 16 years…and a news junkie. Most of my reading time is with news and deciphering it!
So settle in with a warm cup of cozy, and let’s begin with a fun category….
I understand there are many who scoff at the fashion world and believe it has walked down the runway past us.
However, knowing the fashion trends can assist us with looking current and appropriately youthful.
In this article from Marie Claire, the winter 2022 trends are highlighted and I know there are a few we would (and do) wear. These can be interpreted a variety of ways, so it helps to learn with an open mind.
Also, remember, just as The New York Times reported last year, THE BROOCH IS BACK, BABY!
It Is popular now to wear several at once and I love these sets offered at Amazon…brooch sets.
There are crazy expensive brooches out there which are stunning. Here are more of the affordable ones:
Many of us in this space are Baby Boomers, so I wanted to make sure you saw these articles….
Business Insider describes THE TYPICAL BABY BOOMER (let us know if you agree!)
Some good news is many of us have the ability to keep working as long as we like.
With that in mind, I wanted to share with you AARP’s list of 15 WORK FROM HOME JOBS THAT ARE IN DEMAND IN 2022.
I enjoy working and for those who do, you may find this list interesting.
The first of year brings to mind many activities we can be watching over.
Let’s start with clutter!
Think about this from Better Homes & Gardens:
(Oh my goodness…I need to read this once a day until I get more under control!)
I still want to learn more about gardening. While I have upped my game considerably, there is so much to learn.
So, this article from The Happy Sprout captured my attention…
I always think it is a good idea to draw attention to recalls.
I saw this first item at Target and thought it was cute. I considered purchasing it, but glad now I did not. If you just packed it away, get it out…but handle carefully when you do!
I wanted to share this next article from Eat This, Not That because I know there are several Costco and Amazon shoppers here.
What is the activity here? To return these items if you have them!
I hope you found this curated list for Today’s News interesting. Please feel free to comment on one or all of the articles here. You may always give me topics to keep an eye on for more information!
Thanks for being here and always…..
By Pamela Lutrell
Also please remember:
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Remember, savings on the immunity building products from GOLI. Use savings code over50feeling40 and these links:
Lots of interesting articles. I was most interested in the one on decluttering. I moved twice in 2021, and that required a significant reduction in belongings. Yet here I am, ready to eliminate even more. My desire to live more simply and peacefully means “stuff” must go, and what’s passing as television news these days is not allowed in my home. I’m currently in this process of eliminating belongings. I bookmarked this article to read again and will share it with my sister who is doing basically the same thing as I am.
It seems like the last two years has been all declutter around here and I still have a long way to go! Keep going forward, Karen!
The article on wearing brooches reminds me of how my Mama often wore a brooch on her coats. I inherited many of them so I need to get them out and use them. And the decluttering articles really hit home with me. I recently joined a Facebook group called “Clear the clutter and breathe” where people often share their home clutter and either ask for help, suggestions, or show what they did to get rid of clutter. People are encouraged or praised for their efforts which is psychologically uplifting. I’m sure I would feel much better about my home if I would follow many of the article suggestions. No time like the present when I’m staying home most of the time anyway!
I understand how it can shut you down…there are times I just need a push of motivation. Some people are genuinely gifted to organize. My friend Leigh Ann is…she is the one that took over my closet and worked miracles!
Wear those brooches, Celia!
Awesome post. I love this! I am relatively new to your blog and was not aware of the “Todays News feature”. Thank you
Hi Lois, I am glad readers encouraged me to bring it back! I will do my best to have a weekly post…thanks for letting me know you like it and welcome to the blog!
I still have brooches that belonged to my Grandmother, that I just couldn’t get rid of, need to bring them out.
The article on finances describes us fairly well, I shared it with my husband.
Have a great day.
Hope it helps, Tina…and have a lovely day to you too.
The baby boomer article didn’t ring particularly true for me in regard to “our” psychological profile. Contrary to the statement that we lived for the moment, and the implication that we were selfish, we gave of our time generously, staffing organizations with volunteers. Most of the organizations for the arts and education I’m involved with are folding because the younger generation doesn’t or can’t volunteer. The home downsizing, however, is exactly what we did, and boy, do I love where we landed, the convenience of a smaller place, amenities, safety, and a community of neighbors. It’s one of the hardest, but best things I ever did. On a lighter note, I love brooches in clusters but they take a lot of time to arrange and pin straight. Lately, I’ve been showcasing a collection on a denim jacket, and leaving it pinned there through several wearings. I also like to wear my broooches in unexpected places, like the back of my shoulder (particularly with dragonflies, birds, or bees) and on my cuff to mimic the centerpiece of a bracelet. I know someone who wears her heart (pin) on her sleeve.
Love those ideas for brooches, Linda! Thanks for sharing. I thought the boomer article might generate some discussion!!
I like your new to me News for Women Over 50 feature. Thank you for the variety of pertinent articles. You found some awesome brooches. Especially liking the crystal ones from Macy’s in the $28 range.
Lots of interesting articles to follow, and I was even following other items from the originals. As happened previously, I was kicked out of the news pages because I don’t have a subscription. I tried 3 times to get to the bottom of the brooches article but gave up. Thanks for spending the time to put these together for us. I may have to check out Marie Claire again once in a while at the start of the seasons. I used to subscribe for fashion etc. but it got too political for my taste in a fashion magazine. Also, not sure how many time I would have to read a decluttering article to get to a desired outcome. Too many dead relatives live in our house.
Very Interesting articles! I love this feature. I am looking forward to wearing brooches as I have several Mexican silver ones. Something fun to look for at consignment shops. Regarding Boomers, I think the majority of blame needs to rest with the failure of a political system that allows corporations and businesses to take advantage of their workers. Fortunately, my husband and I worked in a system of labor unions that looked out for their workers. We did without big flashy stuff, trips etc and saved for retirement. Yes, we help out both of our kids because the cards are stacked against them despite college degrees.
I enjoyed the article on brooches as I have several (inherited too) that just sit in my good jewelry box – yes it’s tucked away in a closet! Why? I think that since I retired 10 years ago I rarely dress where a brooch would be worn- until now! Thank you for sharing
I’m a natural collector then go through spurts of decluttering all year long. It is part of my DNA. Lol.
I was disappointed in the fashion trends for 2022. At 5’2″, all of the coats shown would overwhelm me. You’d see a coat and not me.
I appreciate your continuing with these posts. Have not had the time as yet to peruse them all but am very happy to see the return of brooches. I have several of my grandmother’s and one is a sister to the the pearl one shown in the slideshow. With such a variety in the styles I have ( from three generations) it will be fun to see which ones I can make into clusters.
I love brooches! They are fun to go on treasure hunts to find. Thanks Deanna.
I do apologize when that happens Diane. I checked all of these and they went straight to the articles…I do not have subscriptions to them…so I am not sure what happens. Thanks for your patience. As I wrote last week, I know longer subscribe to the fashion magazines because they are now political tabloids. I want fashion.
Thanks for reading, Kathy. Mexican silver brooches sound lovely…I will have to look for some in our San Antonio thrift shops.
I get it…some of the oversized fashion is too much no matter any woman’s height! I thought readers might enjoy learning of the trends they can apply to their own wardrobes. Puffy jackets can be interpreted in a variety of ways. Thanks Marin.
Making clusters is fun…I also have several small ones to work with.
Thank you for the interesting articles. I can’t say that I agree with article on Baby Boomers, but I’ve never cared for things that lump all the people of a particular generation together. They don’t seem to allow for individual personalities & tend to do a lot of finger pointing. I do agree with the article about clutter & your mental health. I know when my environment is cluttered it adds to my stress level. While I’m not a minimalist, I do like having some open spaces & an orderly home.
Thanks for commenting Becky…so glad to do this for you and others.
I wasn’t able to access the brooches article either which was disappointing.
So sorry Elaine…I do not know why it works for some and not others. Maybe refresh and try again later.
I like Brooch’s but typically do not wear them. The pins/clasp tend to make small holes in clothes. I wish they would make them with magnetic fasteners.
So do I! You bring up a very important issue!!
So happy to see this back! Love these posts! I really like the one on de-cluttering…or I should say I really needed that one!
Thanks for listening to those of us who love Today’s News for Women Over 50. So many interesting articles to read!
Thank you for offering again this series, Pam! Of course, being a foreigner, I was particularly interested to read the article on “your” baby-boomers, as “mine” are quite different. We still have medical care, for instance etc (although for how long I do not know). As for brooches, they are back in Europe since a few years and I have been wondering. For me, they are “vintage things”, although I love to look at some of them my mother and grandmother had. Thus I do not know if I want to go for vintage (the brooches) on vintage (myself!). The cluster suggestion might be a good idea out of this dilemna, but it is difficult to do well, I am not sure I am artistically gifted enough for this.
Thanks for joining in, Catherine. Love to hear from a variety of perspectives!