Today’s News for Women Over 50
It’s Wednesday and time for Today’s News for Women Over 50!
This is up-to-the-minute today’s news, curated from around media and put in a weekly newsletter…just for you!
So, let’s get s refreshing morning beverage and a comfy spot to settle down with lifestyle news for you…the fabulous women over 50!
Pure Wow, “I’m a millennial, and my mom’s a boomer, and here are seven fashion trends we actually agree on.”
Well + Good, “6 ingredients hairstylists want you to add to your routine as soon as you start to go gray.”
Best Life, “This iconic clothing chain is closing stores starting June 23.”
Business of Fashion, “How to navigate the return of wholesale.”
WWD, “Ulta Beauty’s Shelley Haus dies at 49.”
HEADLINE: JCP introduces new Marilyn Monroe inspired collection. Here are a few selections:
HEADLINE: TALBOT’S introduces new July collection. Here are a few selections:
Yahoo! Finance: “15 best places in Texas for a couple to live only on social security.”
The Sun: “What you need to know about shopping Walmart.”
WebMd: “10 ways to save money on food shopping.”
Market Watch: “4 beach towns where you can buy a house for $300,000 or less.”
Travel Awaits: “5 Things to consider and 2 to avoid when saving for retirement.”
Architectural Digest: “Tour the ultimate coastal grandma retreat in Maine.”
The Sun: “Deep clean your home in five easy steps and it only takes one hour to be spotless.”
Backyard Boss: “The 10 most beautiful perennials that bloom all summer.”
Kitchn: “7 kitchen trends that are so over, according to interior design experts.”
Apartment Therapy: “8 ways to dress up your patio for summer with greenery, according to plant pros.”
What’s Up Media: “Say goodbye to these outdated home interior trends.”
Eating Well: “Doing this before bed can mess with your metabolism and has nothing to do with food.”
Eat This, Not That: “Cheese brands to stay away from right now.”
Tasting Table: “The simple way to elevate a store bought pie crust.”
Southern Living: “Oven roasted corn-on-the-cob.”
Southern Living: “60 simple seafood dinner ideas.”
Eat This, Not That: “The quickest floor routine to reverse aging after 50, trainer says.”
Well + Good: “8 anti-inflammatory foods rich in lycopene to boost heart health and longevity.”
Travel Awaits: “6 amazing campgrounds near U.S. national parks.”
And that is Today’s News, ladies. I hope you found something here that is helpful or interesting.
Please comment on any of the articles and thank you for joining us today….more summer fun tomorrow!
By Pamela Lutrell
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Interesting article about retirement and preparation for it. Something I did that paid big dividends, was two years prior to retiring I researched how much I would bring in from social security, pensions and investments, even down to figuring how much I could bring in without paying taxes. It took time, but was kind of a fun exercise. Then, I made a retirement budget and started living on that budget two years prior, banking the excess. The transition to retirement was seamless when the time came and the extra savings enabled me to put off taking social security so soon. It really worked! As a person who loves camping, I was interested in that article but disappointed that they focused on the west. We have many beautiful national parks and campgrounds in the east also. However, this motivated me to do my own research and find great campgrounds in and around our national parks in the east! It’s always disappointing to see retail stores closing some locations. As one who must ‘try on,’ this is a scary prospect because the stores I shop at probably won’t be far behind the ones mentioned. Online shopping absolutely does not work for me, so this is not welcome news.
Thanks Karen!
Pam, great articles! I can’t wait to try that roasted corn. It’s interesting to see what millennials and boomers agree on about fashion. And a Marilyn line at JCP could be fun. Happy Wednesday!
Well, another day of fun information. I think my favorite is the costal home in Maine. That porch is a place I would never want to leave. It is so sad that so many stores are closing, as I am another one for actual shopping. There have been too many upsetting choices, and returns, that I do not shop online for much anymore, I like to be able to see and feel the actual item. Getting the right fit in stores is hard enough, and the colour differences on screen, another problem, so I will be one of the few who still shops in stores, be it retail or thrift.
That’s some roundup of articles! I flipped through many of them but the piece about store closings caught my attention. I hate to see retailers closing and really wonder what will become of the malls. I’m not a fan of ordering online and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been disappointed with my Amazon purchases only to return them. I’ve come to rely on Talbots and Chico’s where I can return to the store without a problem but even then I would much rather try on. I took my 2 granddaughters shopping a month ago and at 9 & 10 this was a unique experience for them. Mom orders everything online & they don’t get to actually ‘shop’. We had a ball and their eyes popped out of their heads in the Nordstrom shoe department when the girls got to see some $1800 Louboutin sparkling red heels. But I realized how valuable the lessons I acquired as a young girl shopping with my grandmother were when she would treat me to a day of shopping and lunch in the big Abraham & Strauss in NY. I learned social skills and of course mathematical ones when she would ask me to add up how much everything I wanted was.
I’m looking forward to treating my granddaughters with these shopping excursions in the future even though it’s slim pickings out there right now but who else will teach them about life after Target & Old Navy?? As my grandkids love to chime “Nana to the rescue!”.
I hate to see some of those store closures featured in your article. My Banana Republic store closed last year (and it’s a go-to for gifts for my family), and my nearest Chicos closed at the same time (at least there is another one of those in a suburb across town). Even if you can order on line, it’s not the same experience and I find I do by less from stores that don’t have a “brick” store near me.
So disappointing about the closure of so many stores. I like to try things on as fit is so important. I enjoyed the article on millennials & baby boomers. I agree with most of the trends. I, too, wore miniskirts back in the day, but these days, I leave them to my twenty something granddaughters. Really beautiful house in Maine! Thank you for working to finds these articles.