How to style successful fall outfits
Happy Thursday! Today I want to discuss how to style successful fall outfits.
I have heard from some readers who feel lost styling successful fall outfits during a seasonal transition…and I always hear from some who have read a favorite fashion blogger’s post about three style words.
Never fails after one of those posts, someone sends an email and asks, remind me why you like five over three?
Here is one of my posts where I answer that question: Break out of your style rut in retirement.
I still contend…go with the number of style words that will help you be uniquely you…and then focus on consistency no matter what number you select.
When you are consistent to stick to your style words every day, over- and- over again, then you will develop a style that is YOU. This builds confidence for you.
And is how to style successful fall outfits.
For me and many readers here, that has been to select five adjectives that say who we are and that are unique to each of us as a package…a way to harmonize our insides with our outsides.
In selecting how many words to guide a personal style and style successful fall outfits, look first to no one but the woman in the mirror.
What do you want others to know about you with your style? What do you want to say about you? Then be consistent with your chosen words….no matter how many words you select.
It really is about so much more than clothing…it is about styling a confident you at any age.
Here are a few thoughts to help style successful fall outfits and later in the post, I assist another reader with her own style adjectives.
I have chosen now to focus on consistency with my best colors and five adjectives….and not head off on rabbit trails!
For me these adjectives are: creative, polished, approachable, joyful, and current.
This plan goes shopping with me and into the closet to style daily looks with me.
When I went shopping at Marshall’s recently, I decided this outfit spoke all of my adjectives…however, it did not line up with my best colors….so, no sale!
I have found it to be so much easier to make decisions in the dressing room that are not influenced by trends or what other people are wearing.
But I have not always been this way….
Styling a successful fall outfit must be focused with consistency on my colors.
I confess, before I knew I am a Vibrant Autumn Palette, that I was attempting to wear garments which were not working…and I did not understand why.
I had been told I was a cool winter palette, so I used that information to style more classic looks. Classic and chic were two of my style words.
This meant I often (and I mean very often) went to black & white.
I was always taken with women online who looked fabulous in classic white shirts from Carolina Herrera to my favorite style bloggers.
Most “fashion experts” would write that every woman needed to own a classic white shirt…and I bought into it.
But, try as I did, I never felt like they looked as good on me.
It did not matter if I was told they looked good, I could see that something was not right. I thought it was in my styling or my size.
I wasted soooo much money trying to look like other people and attempting to be confident in white tops.
It was not until two years ago when I learned I was really a warm palette and not a cool one, only then did I understood why white tops never would look on me as they did on some of my style icons.
Oh how I wish I had that money now to spend on tops in cream, ivory, sand, tan, camel….warmth.
At the time I was helped to see my warmth, the stylist suggested my main style words were bohemian and romantic. Again, I attempted to wear garments that spoke those styles and ran into the same problem…this is not me.
That is why I need five style adjectives to wear consistently which focus me on my unique personal style.
They all work together to speak Pam-style.
My creative, joyful side has a touch of boho in it at times but the polished side keeps it in check.
I believe this kimono-style speaks all of my adjectives…though now, I would size down on the kimono! Making this a successful fall outfit.
It features the kingfisher blue…a perfect blue for a vibrant autumn.
As always, I love to help readers find successful fall outfits which express their style adjectives.
Today, I am assisting Cheryl with her style.
Though Cheryl lives in the Pacific Northwest (far from me), we have a lot in common.
She is an active mother of grown children, with many grandchildren, and pets.
Cheryl is 58 and writes:
“Fall and winter are kind of gray most days, but when the sun is out it is just beautiful here. I am a size 10 usually, with a sort of rectangle/apple shape. Basically my waist is not defined. I have blue eyes and blond/gray hair. I am 5’4″. I am retired so do not need work clothes, but do need a few elevated outfits for church and the random special occasion. I meet friends for lunch or dinner often so want to look current especially when I am meeting my still working friends. We are quite active outdoors and do a lot of walking and exploring.”
Her style adjectives: approachable, classy, comfortable, easy and confident.
Note to Cheryl: Looking at your picture, I personally would style you in navy vs. black. I am concerned that black would cast shadows on your complexion.
Today’s slideshow is composed of garments, I believe speak her adjectives and fit her lifestyle.
I included some Land’s End because they have a sale through October 19…40% off full price, use the code GRASS.
I hope this helps, Cheryl. Please let me know.
I do get carried away when I discuss the topic of personal styling, because I do believe that we honor ourselves when we choose to look our best every day.
So select successful fall outfits this year and keep YOU in mind with color and style messaging…and let me know any thoughts you have.
I appreciate you all and want you to……………………………………………………………….
By Pamela Lutrell
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Very good tips here! I’ve been working with the Foundational Five for years now and it has saved me from many impulse purchases and blunders! I check in with myself at the start of each season (so four times a year) to reevaluate my adjectives to see if they need to be adjusted. I did this very recently coming into fall and find that they did change. I think this exercise is fluid because our lives change as we go through them. The adjectives even helped me decorate my home when I moved, so I’m living in my style too! I highly recommend taking the time to really think through and try your method. As you say, it was recommended to you that you were bohemian and romantic, but it wasn’t really you. I think this kind of interpretation is so highly personal and truly cannot be determined by anyone other than ourselves. We always know when we feel our best, and others really can’t determine that for us. Like you say, if you only pick three adjectives, go with it, but definitely give it a try. And by all means take them when you go shopping!
Thanks for sharing, Karen! It is so helpful to hear from women like yourself who have experienced success like I have. I need to try using this method with home decorating. You just inspired me!
Harmonizing your outside with your insides must be working! You look stunning and so contented and joyful in these beautiful fall pieces you’re showing today!
I’m heading to my book club and I’m still floundering at assembling an outfit. Have a great pair of tan ankle chinos, cute sandals with a top that is just too big. It’s got color -pinky/peach tones but looks awful! I’ve added a bit more peachy blush but it’s nit helping. Someday I’ll catch on!
Thanks Paulette! You are such a lovely lady that I am certain you look great. If I can help, let me know. You should always leave the house feeling your confident best!
These options are spot on, Pamela! Thank you! I see lots of things I like and look forward to doing a little shopping with confidence. I agree about the navy rather than black and will keep that in my thoughts while shopping. Love your blog!
Cheryl…I am thrilled you found this helpful!
Thank you for reaching out!
Pam, great column! Thank you for taking on the great white shirt. That and the little black dress make a lot of women wear colors that don’t suit them. So many women pack only black and white for travel, and it’s often a mistake (and means they have lots of b/w clothes). Self-awareness is important.
Took me too long and lots of dollars to learn my lessons!
Like you, I do not look good in white and need cool colors but I am not Vibrant Autumn! It is very hard for me to know what to do instead of white — I like the classic look of a nice white top with dark jeans, for instance, but don’t know what to do instead of white to appear classic and polished. So I might do a third piece (olive jacket) and a colored short necklace (tanzanite) to bring in color but it isn’t enough to counteract the white.
Great post today (as always!) with much to think about. You are giving us great tips ( I love using my foundational five) and Cheryl sounds happy. I am about to update my closet and can use this inspiration. I started with shoes yesterday, switching out summer for fall. Way too many! I am struggling with how to pare them down. Sometimes you need a pair just for a certain occasion, whether it is dressing up or gardening or walking the beach. I am always wondering how other people do it. I love shoes and various colors of shoes. Maybe you could give some tips on that one day. I would love to pare down my wardrobe and focus on my shoes’ personalities! They bring so much to my outfits.
Elle, how about a light cream shirt instead of pure white? Would look classy with dark jeans. And your necklace and olive jacket would be stunning.
I have found that four adjectives work well for me. I can usually tell when I have chosen the wrong thing both style & color wise because I feel like I’m wearing a costume or someone else’s clothes. I find I’m drawn to some of the same adjectives for my home decor, but I do like adding seasonal touches in colors that may not be right for me to wear such as autumn colors for this time of year. The important thing to remember is “You be you!”. Style trends may come & go, but you don’t have to come & go with them.
Hi Elle, I switched to lovely cream blouses and there are some bone colored tops that are a warmer version of white. It helps just to make that little change.
I will think about that one, Deborah. Thanks for sharing the idea.
I agree, Marcia…it sounds stunning.
Yes…you be you…that is the goal
I’m glad you and others have style adjectives to help you select fashions. I just wear what calls to me on a particular day … bright colors, animal print and unusual but comfortable shoes are my go to selections.
I was going to email you about this, but, since Marcia mentioned it…..I’ll ask here. Where can I find that classic Light Cream (or Ivory) shirt? I love the look of the great white shirt but I, too, am warm, so white won’t do. I have searched everywhere I can think of, but the Great Ivory Shirt does not seem to exist.
I will do some research and let you know!
Hi Mary Frances, On my Saturday WOULD YOU WEAR IT post if you scroll to the middle of the page you will find a slideshow of cream colored blouses just for you! I hope you see something there you like. Just click on the picture and it takes you to the site.
Thanks to all for the suggestions to switch to cream/bone instead of white. I am on the search now! I have to be careful that the off-whites are not too green and not too clear; it is better if they are “grayed” out a bit, or heathered, if that makes sense. Thanks again for the suggestions. This will help me be agreeable to spending a bit more if I find the right color and fit, since cream will be a work horse!