Sunday Mornings at Home

Sunday Mornings at Home

Happy Sunday, friends!  Welcome to Sunday Mornings at Home.

This is a weekly lifestyle post with musings from the past week, future ahead, and the quiet places of my heart.

Today, I would like to focus on gratitude…I really try to make it a daily practice and not just a season in November.

So, while heat returned to South Texas this week, I choose to be thankful for fall inside my home rather than grumble about the heat.

Pumpkins make me smile…not jack-0-laterns, but beautiful pumpkins.  And they will be gone all too soon…so I am thankful today that they are here.

With that in mind, let’s begin today in the home of one of you, the amazing audience of this blog.


Sunday mornings at home

This audience is simply the best around, and I love that some of you have participated when asked to send your fall decor and recipes.

Today’s photos are from Beth, a regular participant in this community.

She wrote:

I have been a reader since 2020.  
Here are a few of my decorations for October.
I love your blog.
You got me through COVID and continue to be an inspiration.
Sunday mornings at home
I love Beth’s little owl wreath so much…it brought me Joy!
I also loved the design of her pillow.  We are entering a time when fall decorations are marked down.  Here are a few similar pillows:
If anyone else would like to send their decor (fall or Christmas) for Sunday Mornings at Home, then please send to (Also good for your recipes!)
Thanks Beth!!
Sunday Mornings at Home
Yes, I am thankful for pumpkins…all things Thanksgiving…and, of course, for Christmas.
I know Christmas begins earlier and earlier every year, but I honestly believe we are seeing a NEED for it this year.
The world is scary and dark and we just need more of the joy of the season.
For several years now, I have started my SEASON OF JOY posts after Halloween…but I am beginning now.
So, if you are new, this time of year I focus on the word JOY more than other times…and look for ways to help you have a Season of Joy in your own homes.
Please don’t tell me you are not ready for Christmas posts…just join in when you are.  I will build the momentum a little at a time.
I did speak with one woman in my town recently who has already decorated her home…she said, “I need it!”
I understand.
So, again, if you have holiday decor or decorations you want to share with our blog community…send them along….and I would love to share Hanukkah joy too!
Sunday Mornings at Home
Every time I go in my closet now, I am so thankful for building a successful wardrobe.
Now that it is built on my warm autumn palette and communicates to others that I am polished, creative, approachable, joyful, and current…it all works together as a family.
I ran errands in this outfit one day last week.  It is an older off-white silky Chico’s jacket, over a brown Chico’s Traveler’s Tank, and Chico’s black pants…all have been with me for a time.
I found the jacket one year in a deep clearance sale.
Controlling my outfits to communicate my style adjectives and also wearing my best colors, helps me to be confident and joyful with my style…that is uniquely me.
Tomorrow, I will have some new Chico’s ideas for you to see.
Another note…these are the shoes I do not have a link to, but wear them often right now as my foot awaits surgery.  I only own about four pair of shoes I can leave the house in comfortably.
Sunday Mornings at Home
I am thankful to be a strong, confident woman.
Leaving the house each day dresses in my best casual/chic attire, helps me with that strength and confidence.
One day recently, I has so many appointments in one day that I left the house without eating breakfast.
I was in between appointments around noon and faced with either not eating until later, or stopping to eat alone.
I was confident to stop and eat alone.
I can remember a time in my 20s when I was fearful to do just this.  I would order room service on business trips to avoid it.
When I finally began to step out in courage, and eat alone, I was so glad I did.  It is a great time to people watch or even get some work accomplished.
And a perfect time to interact with those around you.  One of the reasons I want my style to speak “approachable.”
This was a Veggie Eggs Benedict and it was yummy…so glad I stopped.
What about you?  Will you eat alone if it is beneficial to your schedule to do so?
Sunday Mornings at Home
Thank you for all the well wished for him…he is improving, but still struggling with pain.
A local physical therapy business called Arrosti Medical Joint and Pain Clinic has helped him get more mobile and so did receiving a steroid shot at his doctor’s office.
Hoping this week, he returns to full mobility.
I am thankful that after a recent medical visit, he brought me my first official Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season.
I no longer drink them regularly, but a surprise now and then is nice!
I shared this Josh Groban song with you last year.  I think we need it again…it is amazing for such a time as this……and goes hand in hand with last Sunday Mornings at Home Discussion….

Remember??  “It’s up to us to be the change….there is so much to be thankful for….”



By Pamela Lutrell

Remember,  you can shop ANYTIME with the links under the page at the top called SHOPPING LINKS...and I will receive a small compensation for your shopping.

Also, if I have posted a link on a specific garment, and you use that link to go to the website of the brand, but look around and buy something else, I still get credit…though you do not buy what I am wearing.

Please ask any questions… this income helps keep me here, because even at age 70, Mr. B and I need additional income.  He also works two jobs.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who shops this way.

Sunday Mornings at Home



  1. Oh Pam,
    I love this post. I just happened to click the link because I liked the title. It am I glad I did. Life needs joy and I struggle with why people in America lately seem so joyless? We took a trip to Africa in August/September and this thought popped in my head over and over. Here in a continent where people had so little there was so much joy! Anyway, blessings to you and I can’t wait to read more. Amy

  2. Thank you for this uplifting message, Pam. I wish you well with surgery so you are pain-free and easily more mobile. I’m sure you will do well!
    Have a lovely Sunday!

  3. Oh, I sooo understand the foot issues. By the time I had mine, I literally could not wear a shoe with a back … I even took walks in clogs. I can’t wait for you to be on the other side of it and be done with it. You will do great and wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. I also have gratitude for my own body, after so many years of frustration. I admit the weight loss helped, but mostly it was a profound shift in perspective. I decided to be grateful for my strong body, the one that can get on the floor and play with my grandbaby, walk in the beautiful world created for us, race-walk though a crowded airport on the way to see something amazing. When I decided to have gratitude, it was easier to eat well, and otherwise take care of myself. Keep on keeping on with the reminders of joy and thankfulness.

  4. Thank you for being here, Amy. Love your story about Africa…and I always want to be a place where joy can be found.

  5. Thank you, Paulette. I am still a couple of weeks away, but trying not to get too nervous about it. All prayers are welcome.

  6. When I get nervous about the recovery time, Linda, I make myself think of all the shoes I will be able to wear!

  7. I laugh at my younger self now, Elaine! Sometimes the quiet with good food in a nice setting is really therapeutic.

  8. I love the owl wreath – how adorable! Couldn’t agree more about letting the season of Joy and Gratitude begin to infuse our lives a bit early. From where I’m sitting this morning (half-way point of our Mexican vacation, and waiting out the remnants from Hurricane/Tropical Storm Norma) I am extremely grateful for being in a safe space. 🌴

  9. I thought about you this weekend, Connie! So glad to know you are safe. We have family right now on that side of Mexico. Hope this doesn’t “dampen” your stay too much. Thanks for letting us know how you are.

  10. I can understand the lady who decorated her house early. Although I love my fall decor & it brings me joy, I am looking forward to decorating for Christmas & will likely have my tree up before Thanksgiving. With my husband’s health & mobility issues & his passing, the past three Christmas’s have been lacking in many ways. I am looking forward to creating new traditions for myself. I enjoy eating out & don’t have a problem going alone. I take a book to read, but often, I just enjoy my surroundings & others around me.

  11. I can tell you are a strong woman, Becky and what you have walked through has probably given you a foundation of strength.
    I hope this holiday season will be full of joy and fond memories for you. I am so glad you are here.

  12. dear Pam: Thank you for the lovely post. There is so much to be thankful for. Those Eggs looked fabulous.

  13. Happy Sunday morning everyone! My day started earlier than usual as we have a 9 year old dog, a Havanese and this is our first day not driving her home. She loves running in and out through our power dog door however, she peed on my living room area rug and later on the LVP floor in from of the slider. So we have work to do. She is house broken but not apparently in my house. I’m in jeans and a striped tee with slip In Skechers on my feet.

  14. Glad to hear PT and the steroid shot are helping Mr. B.’s recovery. Hope to hear that he’s 100% again. And before too long you’ll be dancing for joy in beautiful new shoes! Beth’s owl wreath is just too cute. The last few mornings I’ve heard an owl hooting as I wake up. Such a lovely sound. Thank you for posting that moving song. We do need to remember all that we are thankful for. Especially right now.

  15. Training a dog takes so much patience! But, the fact that you shared what you are wearing tells me that…You got this! Thanks Sydney!

  16. You are so welcome, Kathie! I also love to hear the owls hooting in the wee morning hours.

  17. For the lady that needed Christmas there is a song in the musical “Mame” that they sing when they needed Christmas early. Haul out the holly. We need a little Christmas, now.

  18. Thanks for the post today about gratitude and joy…both are so important in our lives. My husband’s health has some challenges, but we both remind one another that friends of ours are struggling greater and we stop and list the things for which we’re thankful.
    I love the pumpkins of the season. I bought a small one that is both orange and white. I am so thankful for the small things that bring joy to me.
    I traveled for work alot when I was younger and disliked eating by myself. Today, I do it and like you find a time to work, read, and look at the people around me.
    Glad Mr. B is improving.

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