2024 Fashion Trends: Burgundy

Happy Saturday, friends. Let’s look at another color in the 2024 Fashion Trends: Burgundy.
Just like the other 2024 fashion trend colors, this one has many names…merlot, plum rose, burgundy, maroon…are just a few.
When I went to see the latest collection at Talbots, I was struck by burgundy as a fall trend more than any other color.
So, let’s focus on this color in the 2024 fashion trends and see what we think.
For the 2024 Fashion Trends, Talbots calls this color “rich burgundy.”
Click here to see TALBOTS RICH BURGUNDY.
Of course, most of your favorite brands are on the burgundy band wagon.
And, as always, you can participate in this trend with clothing and accessories…and I surmise that many of you already have some in your closets.
Here are a few of the pieces I found online at all price points in burgundy:
Just so you know, we will see a brighter version as we go into fall called Dark Cherry and it is a trend color.
Some of you are ready for fall and recognizing that favorite selections will go fast.
I ordered one tee that sold out quickly….before I could get it…but hopefully it is on backorder.
The top selling garments on this blog from Talbots (and in 2024 fashion trends) so far are:
REVERSIBLE QUILTED VEST IN LEOPARD/BLACK. (there is another REVERSIBLE VEST in solid colors and yes there is one in burgundy)
That is it today for another of the 2024 Fashion Trends…let us know how you feel about burgundy….how many have it in their best colors to wear.
Another great way to look your best this fall, is with perfect lip colors.
So Brian at By BRIAN REGENERATIVE SKINCARE has made this a little easier with a sample kit.
He is so excited to share with you this SAMPLE LIPSTICK KIT for only $28.
He has been tweaking and working on this kit for some time and now offers you the most popular colors from his customers.
To get savings on all of his lip products, just use the code LIPS! at checkout.
Of course, you can wear these lovely shades any time of year!
Note: I am so sorry I was not here yesterday with a new post. I might have to do that occasionally as I go through this move to another city. Thanks for your understanding.
Don’t leave without commenting on the color burgundy…I plan to be here tomorrow and until then…..
By Pamela Lutrell
For all your shopping, please use the links on my SHOPPING PAGE…thank you, thank you to all who shop this way. These provisions are very much needed now more than ever.
I love the color burgundy. Thanks for sharing different ways to wear it. You must be busy with your move. It’s no problem. Have a nice day.
Burgundy is such a lovely color but on me its even worse than black. If I wear it near my face it makes me look ill and tired. The only burgundy item I own is deep burgundy cords that I love. The Panetone color of the year last year was “viva magenta”. I have seen it everywhere lately.
What beautiful selections, Pam. Talbots is offering wonderful choices this season. (It is almost my birthday month! ) I love the richness of burgundy and I used to wear it when I was young. It is not in my deep autumn palette. I am better with fig which to my eye is a burgundy with a lot of brown in it. The first time I went to Paris was in the mid 70s. Burgundy was the rage and I distinctly remember pouring over the windows of Printemps department store. They had burgundy with pink accents in the clothing. When I arrived home, I found a wonderful pattern and made a burgundy dress with just the right pink buttons up the back! Fun days. Wishing you continued luck and strength, physically and emotionally, either your move.
I love burgundy, and try to choose the more warm versions (brownish) of it. Sometimes that’s hard to do on line, as if it skews too raspberry or pink, it’s not great on me. I think it’s so rich, the darker shades act almost as a neutral. I was in love when I saw that quilted leather jacket from Talbots. We will see :).
Love burgundy and teal.
Don’t work yourself to a frazzle.
Take breaks on your move.
Probably too excited to lol.
Take care, thanks for what’s out there!
I really do wear the brighter/rosy shade of burgundy and occasionally the deep darker shade too, including near my face. I apply my makeup differently when I wear the dark shade, however. The one characteristic I cannot wear is when the burgundy borders on brown? Do you see this? For some reason I feel blah when I wear that sweater.
You must be incredibly busy with such a grand move Pam. No need to apologize. We do understand when you miss a day here and there. Hugs!
Moving is so stressful. Don’t overdo. You want to be able to enjoy the other end of the move. I am glad burgundy is back and have several pieces including short boots. When and if the weather gets out of the 90s or 100s, I might pull out some burgundy. Thank you for keeping us informed.
I do love the look of these garments and have always felt a nice maroon screams fall and winter. For me, though, it is best worn as a skirt, pant, or accessory (had adorable suede boots at one time). The deep color, and especially red shades, are too intense and bring out my natural pinkness in a way I don’t love.
Absolutely you need to take as much time as you need through this moving process. We are here rooting for you, and want your health and happiness.
Happy soggy Saturday from Oregon! I’m off to the Farmer’s Market in spite of the weather. 🥕 🍎 🥬 🍅 🌽
Thank you, Brenda!
I have as well, Kathie!
Thank you for taking us on a walk through Paris, Deborah. I look be the color fig as well. I have a beautiful fig Eileen Fisher jacket
It is a pretty jacket! Thanks Linda.
Thanks Debra…
Thanks Paulette. I know I need to pace myself.
Pull it out, Cheryll. This is a good year to enjoy it.
Enjoy the Farmers Market!!
We have a lovely breeze blowing today so 83 degrees in the morning doesn’t seem so bad. Please take time to rest between tasks. You have to do all of the unpacking on the other side of the move. Be sure to empty all the wastebasket’s before the movers come to pack you up! You don’t want everything to smell like trash when you go to unpack. This happened to my son while in the Air Force. I can’t wear burgundy unless it was pants. I love the color but it really hates my fair coloring.
I like the color burgundy. Last year I bought a sweater in merlot and a print tie blouse. So happy the color is trending again. I liked the burgundy top with the animal print vest. Definitely a possibility for me.
Burgundy is a beautiful color. I believe there is a version of it for everyone. Warm-toned individuals need a brownish burgundy. Cool-toned individuals need a more blue-based burgundy. I am a warm, medium toned individual. The warm burgundies are not my very best colors, but I do sometimes wear them. I like the color with a very warm, golden beige or with camel.
Some of the reader comments remind me of an experience I had way back in 1984. I was training to do the old four-season color analysis a la Carole Jackson of Color Me Beautiful. I always felt that shoe-horning everyone in the world into one of only four categories was terribly lacking in nuance. When I color analyzed individuals, I always tried to help them find their best colors within their seasonal palette. I often had them cross the line into a sister season, i.e., spring borrowing from autumn or summer borrowing from winter. I was analyzed as a spring, but because everything about me is medium in tone there are lighter spring colors that do not suit me and many clear, medium toned autumn colors that do suit me. For example, I love clear rust, but do not like myself in lighter, warm pinks. Anyhoo….
The experience I alluded to back in 1984 was when one of my trainers made a comment about what was one of my favorite dresses at the time. The dress was a very warm, brownish burgundy with light, golden beige stripes. I know the dress looked good on me. The trainer told me I should retire the dress because burgundy was a color only winters should wear! The way I looked at it then and now is to ask, would the particular shade of burgundy look harmonious with a blue-based pink. If so, it’s a cool burgundy. If not, it is probably warm.
When it comes to color analysis, not all analysts have equally good eyes. Sometime after I had finished my training and had color analyzed several dozen people, a parent at my daughter’s elementary school started selling makeup and doing color analysis. She had a booth at my kid’s school craft fair. I was looking over her bottles of foundation and picked up a warm ivory shade that I thought might match my skin. She confidently told me that I was clearly a winter. I told her that I did not believe that to be the case and pointed out the warm, almost metallic red and gold highlights in my medium brown hair, my olive green/golden brown hazel eyes, and my very fair, golden ivory skin. She stuck to her guns and to add insult to injury told me that the tomato red sweater (my best color and still my favorite nearly 40 years later) I was wearing was wrong for me!
I love burgundy as long as it leans toward the cool range. I have a burgundy leather jacket that my late husband purchased for me years ago & never fail to get compliments when I wear it, which is often. As you noted, it comes under many names & in many shades. I might look to add another piece or two to my wardrobe.
We totally understand if you miss a day in posting because we know now is a very busy time for you.
Our Aggie family has always loved maroon, but I didn’t start wearing much of it until my daughter went to school in College Station. I quickly learned that I was expected to wear maroon for every occasion on campus, and started shopping accordingly. Luckily for me, it’s one of my best colors, as long as it doesn’t lean too far toward pink/magenta. I especially like the darker “fig” versions, as well as a true maroon. When JJill debuted their “cranberry” pieces earlier this summer I bought a linen dress, linen cardigan and the striped cranberry/ivory tee for early fall, which I’m looking forward to wearing. Maroon is one of the most prominent colors in my winter wardrobe, especially in sweaters. It also works well around the holidays, but I wear it year-round. Ironically, I also enjoy rust colors in the fall, which your family would read as “burnt orange!” Bravo for prioritizing self-care over daily content, and continued prayers for this massive transition you’re undergoing.
That sweater from Talbots is a beautiful color. I like a lot that I see there.
I was wondering what happened yesterday! I completely understand take whatever time you need to deal with this move. Moving takes a lot of time.
Though cannot and do not wear pink; burgundy shades are ones that I can wear and do have several items in different tones of it ranging from a lovely wool blend blazer (that is actually part of two piece set with a skirt) that I often wear with blue jeans/gray or black dress pants, suede pants, a winter jacket etc. including some accessories. All said; glad to see its return in popularity. -Brenda-
One of the most interesting things about burgundy is that it can come in a varied range of shades: from pomegranate/deep cherry (with more pink undertones) to garnet (more red undertones) to maroon (with brown undertones). It’s a classic for fall. I love the Talbots quilted leather jacket & burgundy cardigan in this season’s collection & plan to purchase both. Another color we’re seeing a lot of this season is teal. Ann Taylor is featuring several pieces (a dress & a blouse) in a shade called “Marais Green” which is absolutely beautiful for September/October. Talbots has several pieces featuring this color (the border on that gorgeous button-down shirt). Really love both of these shades for autumn. They – like Talbots – are both classics that will never go out of style!
Thank you for adding to the conversation! Very helpful