National Day of Relaxation with Easy Spirit

relaxation with Easy Spirit

Happy August 15, everyone!  Come join me for the National Day of Relaxation with Easy Spirit!

Since 1985, August 15 has been the official National Relaxation Day in the USA.  

The official story is, “National Relaxation Day is celebrated annually on August 15 to help people take a break and reduce the negative effects of stress. The day was founded in 1985 by Sean Moeller, a fourth grader from Iowa. It’s a reminder to make relaxation a part of daily routines and to take care of oneself.”

And I am here to not only encourage you to have important down time in your day, but also to celebrate relaxation with Easy Spirit.

Most of you know that this is one of my very favorite footwear brands and it is perfect to have for relaxation.

Please allow me to discuss this further, and remember we have a discount code just for you at the end of the post….


relaxation with Easy Spirit

This gift recently arrived from the wonderful staff at Easy Spirit.

They sent a “gift of comfort” for enjoying the National Day of Relaxation with Easy Spirit.

I do not know if they are aware of my “moving” stress levels right now, but more than ever I need to take moments of relaxation with Easy Spirit.

I loved my previous Traveltime Clogs so much that I wore them out over several years…they are one of the most relaxing, comforting shoes you will find.

And, this color!  Oh my…it is the beautiful DARK GREEN NYLON…and it is lovely!  But, you will see that there are 53 options of this shoe!

Leigh Ann recently purchased the cute TRAVELPORT DENIM CLOGS.

I loved traveling in my Traveltime Clogs…easy on, easy off in airports…and great for walking distances.

Thanks to Easy Spirit for this much needed gift of relaxation….and also for the BLISS LEMON & SAGE MOISTURIZING LOTION…smells so nice.


relaxation with Easy Spirit

My two foot surgeries at the end of last year have taught me just how important proper comfort footwear is.

Prior to the surgery, their are brands I would have labeled comfort shoes (and probably did), but in recovery I have learned which ones are the best.

And relaxation with Easy Spirit is possible because Easy Spirit, in my estimation, is one of the best comfort shoes.

My recovering feet are so happy in Easy Spirit…and when my feet are happy…I am happy…more relaxed…healthier…moving more…and now able to do all that I need to do in order to move to another city.

When I announced the move on Monday, I was wearing my DENISE AUSTIN MEL EMOVE WALKING SHOES in medium blue. 

In my Easy Spirit shoes, I can accomplish more with energy and I am less likely to strain muscles…which I have done in other shoes.

relaxation with Easy Spirit

So, relaxation with Easy Spirit actually helps me to relax more at the end of each fully packed day.

Once Easy Spirit helps me ro get through packing boxes, taking in donations, meeting with friends, running errands…

then I can wear them to my favorite place to relax in my backyard.

I hope to show you more Easy Spirit selections with my fall outfits, but for now, here are some I have my eye on….

Though the end of the year, you can use the DISCOUNT CODE: PAMELA20 on any Easy Spirit purchase and you will receive 20% off.  Thank you Easy Spirit!

For me relaxation with Easy Spirit can happen any day or anytime.  But, I am actually excited to have today as a reminder…there is much to be done.

Let me know if you have any questions on National Day of Relaxation with Easy Spirit!  Unti tomorrow…..


By Pamela Lutrell

For all your shopping, please use the links on my SHOPPING PAGE…thank you, thank you to all who shop this way. These provisions are very much needed now more than ever.


relaxation with Easy SpiritGo to RE-CREATION FIRMING NECK & CHEST CREAM and get 25% off with the checkout code: effectiveneckcreme

relaxation with Easy Spirit



relaxation with Easy Spirit


  1. Not sure I could justify yet another pair of comfort shoes, but those green ones are gorgeous! Thank you for continuing to share the shoes that are working for you, as I also had foot surgery and still have issues with my feet four years later. The upcoming move will require so much strength and stamina, and having comfortable, supportive shoes will make all the difference. Cheering for you from afar as you tackle this new challenge!

  2. Good morning, Nancy. Easy Spirit does have arch support. They discuss it on their website.

  3. The boots in your carousel, the Juna, caught my eye. Happy me, 🤸‍♂️, discovering they also come in a lovely navy blue leather AND are available in WIDE widths. Thanks, Pam! BTW, the gorgeous deep blue-green top (adriatic?) and cardigan arrived from J.Jill, and they are SO pretty!

  4. Recovering from Covid19 right now so relaxing is all I do. I do love my white Denise Austin emove walking running shoes. They are in 7W and have good arch support. I love them! I saw a couple of pairs of winter shoes pictured that I may buy! Thank you for showing us this little collection. Keep those blue emoves on so you can keep moving.

  5. Today was a rather busy day for me, but I do try to have some relaxing time each day. Several of the Easy Spirit shoes caught my eye. It’s good to know about the arch support, & I’m happy to see the knits because those are easier on my toe joints when they swell. The bliss lotion sounds divine. I noticed they have mini hand creams which make great stocking stuffers.

  6. I know…I need to move even more! And these shoes have helped already! Thanks Sydney.

  7. Good idea on the stocking stuffers. I really like this cream and it smells lovely. Thanks Becky.

  8. Easyspirit clogs are extremely comfortable. I have a few pair and love them. Great recommendation!

  9. I wish Easy Spirit shoes came in narrow widths. I love several in your slide show, but they only come in M and occasionally W.

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