A Special Announcement for the weekend

special announcement

Hi everyone….happy first day of February!

I am taking this weekend off, but will return with a special post on Monday…please join me then.

And of you do any shopping this weekend, please consider using my SHOPPING LINKS to support this blog!

The 2025 Fashion Trends and Sunday Reflections will be back next weekend!

I hope everyone has a weekend full of blessings!

I am thankful for you!


By Pamela Lutrell

A special announcement


  1. Really happy for you taking care of yourself and having a time out🥰
    What is your recommendation for travel clothes to pare down my suitcase for Mediterranean cruise in May?
    Sandra Winfield

  2. Congratulations on taking time off! You deserve it and I look forward to hearing from you on Monday! Suggestions on problems with current sizing. I’m 5’1” tall and 137-139 pounds. As I have aged my weight has settled in my waist. Chicos jeans and JCP Liz Claiborne Sara jeans seem to be the most forgiving but I still have baggy butt and thighs as I have to size up to a 12 P for my waist. What can I do to wear fitting pants and jeans again. I’m 80 years old but still appear slimmer than I am. I style like to be comfortable and stylish in my clothes. No tailor or good seamstress in my area of Colorado.

  3. Happy February to you and your reader community! How on earth did we get from Christmas to Valentine’s so quickly??? I always miss you when you aren’t posting, but am also thankful that you model work/life balance for us. Enjoy your time away, and I’ll be looking foward to your announcement on Monday.

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