Sunday Mornings at Home

Sunday mornings at home

Good Sunday morning, everyone!  Welcome to my weekly lifestyle post called Sunday Mornings at Home.

Sunday Mornings at Home is the time when I look over the past week, and when I look toward the next in several areas.

Last Thursday, we experienced a little cool front blowing in with high winds.

When I stepped out to go to physical therapy, the aroma on the breezes hit me in the face….and made me smile.

Just from breathing in, I knew the mountain laurels had bloomed.  

The only thing sad about mountain laurels is that they bloom for such a short time…so enjoy them…breathe in the beauty when it happens.

San Antonio is home to many, many mountain laurels.  So, take time to enjoy quickly when they bloom.

With that beauty in mind, let’s get a warm cup of joy and look over Sunday mornings at home.


Sunday Mornings at Home

Photo: Harper’s Bazaar

Last Friday at the young age of 102, Iris Apfel left us.

Though I only know the Iris online and not personally, she had an immense impact on my life.

I discovered Iris shortly after beginning to blog in 2010. 

She embodied fashion fun, boldness, creativity, color and a thriving career that only ended on Friday.

She encouraged me to dress with my creative-bent and to work hard no matter my age.

Though not dressing as dramatic at Iris did, I still would look to her for inspiration….especially when I was ready to step out of my box and enjoy my wardrobe more.

She inspired me to wear more than one necklace at the same time and to mix patterns in interesting ways.

I thank Iris today for all she did for me and others to encourage us to enjoy life and work hard all the way until God says…we are done here.

She appeared to live life with passion.


Sunday mornings at home

Though I am not a bona fide vegetarian, I still eat vegetables more than anything else.

On the days Mr. B leaves early in the mornings to run his trails, I can cook veggies that he doesn’t like to smell.

Last week, I made broccolini for breakfast and it was so good.

First, I saute some chopped scallions and a minced clove of garlic in cooking olive oil.

When the onions were clear, I tossed in a handful of broccolini.

I seasoned it with a dash of garlic salt, cayenne pepper, and smoked paprika….then cooked until it was soft.

After plating it, I sprinkled a little special EVOO that has a buttery taste to it.

Oh my, this was so good and such a great way to begin my day…and I thought it smelled amazing!


Sunday mornings at home

Our blog community member, Audrey, set along this precious leprechaun she decorates with for St. Patrick’s Day.  So cute.

She also sent Easter images which I will share next week.

If anyone else desires to decorate or celebrate St. Patty’s Day, then you might check out this link at KOHLS.

Cute items…all on sale.

Remember, I love for you to send home decorations, recipes, outfits…whatever you like to my email

This audience has loved to see what others are doing….and so do I.


Sunday mornings at home

I read an article last week which reported that Christian churches are dieing.

Then I went back to my church building for the first time since my surgery…and discovered the reporting in that article was not thorough.

In the past year, our church has grown to have five weekend services with over 17,000 in attendance.

Last Sunday, 650 were baptized.  

Church is not dead.  I swelled up with renewed hope.  Our church represents all types of people who gather for worship and teaching.

It was such a joy to be there and experience God moving…the source of my strength.

Sunday mornings at home



Sunday mornings at home

James Avery Craftsman just released their spring catalog full of lovely Easter gift ideas.

I chose this ENAMEL FLORAL CROSS PENDANT for a granddaughter to wear as a necklace.

I love that the Jesus, the cross, His resurrection, and spring are all celebrated at the same time…just perfection.


Sunday mornings at Home

I encourage you to take time when the seasons begin to change over to breathe in the beauty.

This time of year our sunrises and sunsets are particularly beautiful, and when I see it beginning to happen out a window, I stop and thankfully enjoy it for a moment.

I know there are bare winter limbs in this picture, but I choose to look at the sky…we can make choices about what we focus upon….the bare or the beautiful.

Always choose JOY and be thankful.

Thank you for joining me today for Sunday Mornings at Home…I hope something here encouraged you…and make sure that throughout this day, you….


By Pamela Lutrell

Disclaimer:  I was provided product from James Avery to share with you, and the words are my own.

Please remember to shop with my Shopping Links found at the top of the page. Thank you so much to those who shop this way.   This is how I help to keep the lights on!

Sunday Mornings at Home


  1. The scientist in me had to read about your Texas Mountain Laurel. I love the purple color of the blooms which is quite different from the blooms of the laurels we have in the Eastern United States. Our laurels are usually pink, yellow, or white. It was also interesting to me to read of the mescal beans which are the fruits of your Laurels. They are poisonous but were used by Native Americans in decorations as well as for medicinal purposes and as their hallucinogenic properties. Speaking of vegetables, now that Spring is just around the corner, I’m looking forward to those early summer meals of peas, okra, and cornbread that I grew up eating often. I often add some ham to the menu, but certainly don’t need it to have a wonderful meal. Hope you have a blessed Sunday.

  2. We don’t have either laurel native here, and I love them. Whenever we are traveling and they are blooming, I enjoy them so much. Our grandson was baptized a couple of weeks ago, in a wonderful service, but the congregation was small in a church clearly planned and built for a much bigger group. That was a shame, because the pastors did a great job, and the baptism was joyful. The entire congregation clapped for him, which the little ham loved.

  3. As well as you, Celia! Thanks for the research on mountain laurels. I did spend time reminding my little ones that the beans are poison!

  4. So sweet! We just got home from church…wonderful way to start the week!

  5. Good morning, yesterday I went shopping at Talbot’s since their 40 o/o off one item sale was still on.
    When I entered the store I was greeted by one of the associates.
    She followed me to the petite section and asked if she could help me. After telling her what I was looking for, she took me to that section. Then a wonderful conversation began
    She asked me if I was familiar with Iris Apfel. I told her I had only heard a small amount about her. She proceeded to tell me how she was so inspired by Iris to be an older woman who embraced life with creativity, fashion, working hard, and enjoying life. This associate was dressed in a navy blazer and slacks, pink and white striped shirt and accessories that were just right.
    I bought the item I was looking for, but my day was changed after meeting this lovely lady and challenged to be more creative with my outfits. Thanks for your tribute for Iris.

  6. Hi, Pam, may I encourage you to use “St Paddy’s” Day? The reason is that it’s short for Padraic, which is Gaelic for Patrick. Also, it can’t be confused with Patty as short for Patricia. Regardless, I am already getting ready. When I was in seventh grade in Ireland, we had the entire week off from school, so we all loved our patron saint – LOL. My mom had a monster Mountain Laurel in her yard. It was like Jack’s beanstalk: every year, it got bigger and bigger. We have a few daffodil shoots peeking up and wild turkeys in the backyard.

  7. That recipe can help me try to eat more vegetables! It sounds and probably smells wonderful.
    I am so glad to hear about your church growing! I agree that we have to be careful to believe some of what we read. We have to consider the source. There are some small churches that are getting even smaller but others are growing and that is encouraging.

  8. Iris inspired me in the same way. She proved that no matter our age we can do almost anything. What a lovely Talbots visit you had, Audrey!

  9. The past two weeks have brought me to tears with hope, Paula. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Thank you for mentioning Iris. I was lucky to see her Rare Bird of Fashion: The Irreverent Iris Apfel exhibit at the Essex-Peabody Museum in Salem, Massachusetts with my best fashion friend. We strolled from room to room examining almost 100 outfits. The jewelry and shoes were as astounding as her clothing. Most of her jewelry and accessories were collected from her world travels with her husband of over 65 years. They had their Old World Textiles company and did exact reproductions of fabrics from several centuries. They worked together on several White House projects from Truman to the Clinton. I hope there will be more retrospectives of her style!

  11. What a lovely Mountain Laurel. I didn’t realize there were different kinds. I rescued one in our backyard from the bottom of the hill where it was trying go grow beside a large rhododendron. Its happier in the front yard now. Iris was a remarkable woman and an inspiration to all of us regardless of our style preferences. I switched from Sunday morning to Saturday evening mass when my first husband died as it was too painful to go on Sunday without him. The Saturday evening crowd at my church is small but we sing with a mighty voice. I was so thankful when the churches reopened but one good thing that came out of that time is the live stream services for people who can’t attend. Its not the same but its still good. The cross pendant is lovely. She will be thrilled. Happy Sunday Pam.

  12. Oh my, Deborah, I would have loved to see that exhibit! I am so glad you had the opportunity. I loved her style.

  13. I agree on the impact of the streaming services. We had a family at our church on Saturday from another state who began watching the streaming services and wanted to come visit the church on a trip here. They did not this weekend. How special to have extended family through the streaming services.

  14. I tend to go with the meteorological change of seasons which occur on the first day of month of the equinox, so I will be changing my seasonal decor out this week. While we have been having some unseasonably warm days, I’m sure there will be more cold days to come, at least it will be nice to think about spring.
    The cross pendant for your granddaughter is lovely. I’m sure she will cherish it for years to come.
    I have read many articles over the years about churches dying, but I truly believe that our great God will always find a way to spread His word.

  15. I wasn’t going to say anything today, but after seeing your tribute to Iris, and knowing that today is Sunday and a day for both reflection, gratitude, and looking forward, I will share. This past week my dear mother was hospitalized with double pneumonia. She took a downward spiral despite aggressive treatment, and now I sit at her bedside as she is slipping away. Yes, there have been a multitude of tears, but also such an amazing sense of gratitude for all she has meant to me these 60 years. She turned 86 a week ago Friday, and though she asked to postpone the dinner out (I think she was under the weather already), we had a lifetime of celebrations and love to sustain me. The sweetest thing is that my father was admitted just yesterday after falling at home and gashing his head – well, that wasn’t the sweet part! – but in the ER they also checked him for pneumonia, which he frequently suffers, and because he was positive, they set him up just one corridor away from my mother. Last night the nurses wheeled him in and he sat holding her hand for three hours in the dark. The gratitude I have for that act of kindness, and God’s loving embrace that put him in this hospital at the same time, is immense.

  16. Connie, I am in tears over the beautiful image of them being there together hand in hand. Oh my…those sweet nurses. I am praying for your entire family. Healing and comfort. I ache for you and rejoice with you, sweet friend.

  17. Iris Apfel was an inspiration to so many people all over the world. Be yourself, be authentic, live large and go larger with the accessories, more is more! While other New Yorkers wore black, Iris not only wore the rainbow, she was the rainbow. I will miss her.

  18. May there be a little of the Iris and a little of the Laurel in all of us. Connie, prayers for you and your sweet parents.

  19. Thank you Pam, and Pam-family here on the blog. About an hour after I wrote, mother slipped away. Thank you for the love and prayers.

  20. Connie…One of the names for the Holy Spirit in the Bible is The Comforter. I pray the comforter is with you, your Dad and your family. You will be in my prayers.

  21. Connie H, condolences and hugs from me and others in Pam’s blog family. Great mothers hold such a special place in our hearts and will be missed, and thought of, every day. You wrote you had a lifetime of celebrations and love. What could be more beautiful and sustaining. Be comforted you’re surrounded by caring people in this larger community of humanity. We hurt along with you and send prayers and healing vibes.

  22. Connie, I just lost my mama in October, less than a month before she would have turned 98. We held her celebration of life service on her birthday, which seemed very fitting. I completely understand the mixed emotions that arise during such a hard season. Prayers for you and all who love your mama, as well as the angels who gave your daddy the gift of that time with her.

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