Sunday Mornings at Home

Sunday Mornings at Home

Happy Sunday!  Come join me for a cup of tea and Sunday mornings at home! I have so much goodness for you in Sunday mornings at home today….a fabulous recipe, encouragement to overcome fears, and hopefully a touch of joy! So, grab your own cup of tea  or warm beverage and lets begin todays discussion…

Sunday Mornings at Home

Sunday Mornings at Home

Good Sunday Morning, friends!  Welcome to Sunday Mornings at Home! Sunday mornings is when I reflect on the past week and look at the week ahead. I have to say preparing these posts has helped me so much to reflect on the blessings and positives of the week. Sunday Mornings at Home for this author…

Sunday mornings at home

Sunday mornings at home

Happy Sunday morning, friends!  Welcome to Sunday mornings at home! This is my chance to catch you up on happenings in my world and share any thoughts from the past week. Since this is a lifestyle blog for women over 50 (yes, with a fashion focus), I want to make certain that I assist you…

Back in the kitchen

Back in the kitchen

Happy Friday, ladies!  We have talked a lot of fashion this week, so join me as I go back in the kitchen! Of course, I spend time during the summer in my kitchen, but there is something about September – December that beckons me back in the kitchen….with a smile! I suppose I just love…

weekend time

Weekend comfort: books, wraps and peace

Happy Friday, ladies!  Don’t let this smile fool you….I am so ready for weekend comfort, and books, wraps and peace! I have confessed this before, but I operate best when there is organization, calm waters, quiet moments….little chaos. With our house under a remodel…that is currently not the case. I know the end results will…

save time & money

Cooking & home decor: save time & money

Happy Budget Saving Tuesday, everyone!  Welcome to a discussion on ideas about cooking and home decor and how to save time & money. Tuesdays have been a place where we can hopefully find encouragement and enjoyment during these challenging financial times. So, today, I have want to share something I have recently learned about cooking….

How an at-home brunch saves money

How an at-home brunch can save money

Happy Budget Saving Tuesday with tips on how to save money during high inflationary times. Today, we are discussing how an at-home brunch can save money! Most of us love to meet friends for brunch, but let’s face it, that can often get a little pricey. Hosting an at-home brunch can be fun and budget…