How do you define coastal?

How do you define coastal?

Happy Friday!  Today, I want to continue our talk on fashion descriptions and ask HOW DO YOU DEFINE COASTAL? I believe discussing fashion words going into a new fashion season is helpful….so today we go from chic to coastal… Or can they be the same woman? Coastal Chic…I like the sound! In our search for…

Chico's Coastal Style

Chico’s Coastal Style with Leigh & Me

Happy Sunday, ladies!  Let’s keep talking the latest trend with the experts in it….Chico’s Coastal Style with Leigh & Me. Beginning last month, I began to cover the coastal grandmother trend thoroughly, so today I go to the retailer who OWNS IT…Chico’s Coastal Style. Of course, I took along my partner in style…Leigh Ann…in order…

Coastal Grandmother Style

Coastal Grandmother Style: Is it you?

  Happy Monday, ladies!  Today I am going to initiate a discussion about the Coastal Grandmother Style and ask is it you? The first time I watched Diane Keaton in Something’s Gotta Give, I was drawn to her style.  In fact, I watched the movie over again just to look at what she was wearing! …