Would You Wear It #6

Would You Wear It #6

There are all kinds of trends showing up in stories now.  See if you can spot the trend on the mannequin closest to us.  After you think about it, then ask….. WOULD YOU WEAR IT??? (Please remember to tell us why you would or would not wear this outfit.  It helps other readers to know)…

Office Dress For Women Over 50

Office Dress For Women Over 50

On May 2, I will return to a work situation where more professional dress is required…(I will write more about the job later).  So, I am beginning to plan different looks from my closet in order to be completely confident and prepared my first week.  I want the woman over 50 to have the best…

Hit Your Style Sweet Spot: Women Over 50 Fashion at the Airport

Hit Your Style Sweet Spot: Women Over 50 Fashion at the Airport

Welcome to a fun collaboration with Jennifer of A Well Styled Life and Pam of over50feeling40.  We desire for all of us… the fabulous women over 50 …to look and feel our best each and every day.  After years of blogging for this audience, we have heard from so many of you about your discouragement and despondency when…

Would You Wear It??

Would You Wear It??

There was a lot of talk this week with the over 50 bloggers about fashion magazines…do we still look to them for inspiration?  I only read a couple…HARPER’S BAZAAR and INSTYLE…to get ideas and see what it happening in the world of fashion.  So, in this edition of Harper’s Bazaar, I found an ad for…

Hit Your Style Sweet Spot:  Rummage Sale Shopping

Hit Your Style Sweet Spot: Rummage Sale Shopping

Welcome to a new collaboration with Jennifer of A Well Styled Life and Pam of over50feeling40.  We desire for all of us…the grandmothers, the professionals, the retirees, the volunteers… the fabulous women over 50 …to look and feel our best each and every day.  After years of blogging for this audience, we have heard from so many of…