today's news

Today’s News for Women over 50

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Welcome to Today’s News for Women over 50. You have really encouraged me with these mid-week lifestyle posts about today’s news, by letting me know they are helpful and you look forward to them. I curate lifestyle news for this audience into one location to inform, encourage and assist you In these…

Sunday Mornings at Home

Sunday Mornings at Home

Happy Sunday, everyone!  Welcome to my weekly lifestyle post called Sunday Mornings at Home. For this Sunday Mornings at Home, I find myself once again on April 14 praying for my husband and staying out of his way. Mr. B is a CPA who has tax clients on the side of his full time job…many…

beautiful aging

Book Review: Beautiful Aging

Happy Friday, everyone.  Let’s return to book reviews and today I have a book review: Beautiful Aging. The author of Beautiful Aging,  Janie Bartlett, asked if I would review her book.  At first, I wondered how it was different from other books on aging and after a letter from her, I was convinced I should…