today's news

Today’s News for Women over 50

Happy Wednesday, friends!  Time for the return of the Wednesday post called Today’s News for Women over 50. Today’s News for Women over 50 is a weekly post where I curate lifestyle news into one location to make life easier for you. I look for helpful news articles in four categories from around media world,…

Today's News

Today’s News for Women Over 50

Happy Wednesday!  Wow…this week is flying by!  Thank you for being here and joining me for Today’s News for Women Over 50. This is the day when I curate news headlines from around the web which I believe may be of interest to you. So, let’s get started with today’s positive news!  TODAY’S NEWS: FASHION…

Today's News for Women over 50

Today’s News for Women Over 50

Good morning and welcome to Today’s News for Women over 50…your own virtual daily newspaper! Isn’t technology great?  It is by far my biggest challenge with this thing called “blogging.” I had a different post set up for today and this one set for Wednesday…but the other post disappeared! So…here we go a day early…