Would You Wear It - Belted Tunic

Would You Wear It – Belted Tunic?

Happy Tuesday!  Welcome to the additional weekly Would You Wear It …today, Would You Wear It – Belted Tunic? I know it is Tuesday and not the middle of the week, but I have something special for you tomorrow. I will be reflecting and pondering on my birthday tomorrow and wearing a fun outfit….so I…

Sale Update

Style Refresh 2021: Closet Reorganization Begins!

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to my journey to a new me!  Today is Style Refresh 2021: Closet Reorganization Begins! Now that I have chosen to go from wearing WINTER colors to AUTUMN colors, it was necessary to do, yet another, closet reorganization. This is the third time since leaving professional-office-life that I have done…