would you wear it

Would You Wear It: 2023 Most Popular Display

Happy Tuesday…hope all is calm, all is bright!  Today, I wanted to share with you Would You Wear It: 2023 Most Popular Display. In last week’s survey from blog comments and emails, Would You Wear It is popular with half of you, and not liked by the other half. Since, half like it, I am…

windowpane plaid

Would You Wear It – Winter White Wrap

  Happy Tuesday, all!  Welcome to today’s Would You Wear It – Winter White Wrap exercise. This is the day when the reader’s bring their sense of fashion and scrutiny to answer the question…would you wear it? These posts are enjoyed and are helpful to many…they have resulted in some purchasing what they see and with…

would wear it

Would You Wear It: Sweater Dresses

Happy Tuesday, friends and welcome to Would You Wear It: Sweater Dresses. On this day, we look at fashion displays and ask would you wear it or not. Please say more than yes or no. It helps the other readers to assess clothing for themselves when they read why you would or would not wear…

would you wear it

Would You Wear It: Dolman Sleeves

Happy Tuesday, friends!  Today for our fashion challenge, I ask Would You Wear It: Dolman Sleeves. Our recent WOULD YOU WEAR IT discussions have been so beneficial with lots of specifics and some style tip advice. I would like to see you keep that going…it so helps others with purchasing decisions to read your comments….

Would you wear it

Would You Wear It: Casual Sequins and Rhinestones

Happy Tuesday, everyone!  Today I am showing you Would You Wear It: casual sequins and rhinestones. We discussed the Would You Wear It posts on Sunday, and I will address that below. But, for now…let’s look over casual ways to wear sequins and rhinestones and think….would you wear it? JC Penny’s had several ideas for…

Style tips

Would You Wear It or Gift It: Fair Isle

Happy Tuesday, all!  The regular Tuesday Would You Wear It post has a twist…Would You Wear It or Gift It: Fair Isle. This display at JC Penney motivated me to look at the would you wear it post in broader terms. Winter fashions always feature the classic fair isle designs and inspirations. Fair Isle is…

would you wear it

Would You Wear It – quilted outdoor jacket

Happy Tuesday, everyone!  Welcome to Would You Wear It! This is the day you tell us of you would or would not wear what you see on the display. Today, I am asking Would You Wear It – a quilted outdoor jacket. This is our new Nordstrom Rack in San Antonio. My friend, Karen, and…

would you wear it

Would You Wear It – A sequin floral pullover sweater

Happy last day of October!  Welcome to Would You Wear It! On Tuesdays, I take us back to Would You Wear It…a reader exercise where you give thought and explanation about outfits seen on fashion displays. The best part of Would You Wear It is when you explain why or why not you would wear…