Deliver Smiles In a Box To Friends And Family With Diabetes
It’s a great story of how this little box brought smiles to a family where diabetes lives. San Antonio is a big, small town. The community is diverse, multi-cultural and close knit. For example, Anna is more than my nail technician. She is my friend. I met her a few years back over red polish, clippers, and cuticle oil. However, when you spend two hours at a time with someone, at least twice a month, you talk about more than trending colors.
Before her current career, Anna was a nurse in Mexico. She is married with two adult children and is often the caregiver for her 57 -year -old husband, who suffers with an advanced case of Diabetes. Since, I have known her, he has been in and out of the hospital with one particularly bad incident with his feet. She has nurtured him and even worked both of their jobs at times. She is courageous, and I know experiences very weary days.
So, when I heard about The Let’s Be Well Diabetes Box from AARP, I immediately thought of Anna and knew I wanted to gift her family with one of these boxes full of expertly curated products to assist their good health journey. The intention was to come along side my friend and give her encouragement in continuing to have hope as she walks this walk with her family.
AARP describes the box this way: “The Let’s Be Well Diabetes Boxes have been researched and designed by experts to deliver lifestyle products, resources, and information that meet people’s changing needs during their journey with diabetes. Research has shown that the key to managing chronic conditions is empowering people to take care of themselves – on their own terms. The boxes help those living with diabetes to take the first steps towards managing their health.” It is a collaboration between AARP and The American Diabetes Association to help those with Type 1, Type II, or Pre-Diabetes.
I was excited and interested to see how she would react to the products in the box. There is a lot of helpful information and tips for successful living, and there are twelve products to use at home. Anna was pleased with each and every product. She said the Miracle Aloe Foot Repair Cream was recommended by the doctor and they have used it with much success, so she was happy to have another tube. With a shy smile, she confessed she would be using the resistance bands in addition to her husband. It is good to keep the caregiver healthy as well…right? The biggest smiles, however, were with all of the products related to food.
Both adult children live at home, and Anna often needs to prepare meals for the whole family. She worries about her children because diabetes is often passed from generation to generation. So, she was most excited about the ADA Portion Control Content Wheel, the Precise Portions Portion Control Plate, and the ADA 12-Week Diabetes Cookbook. She said with excitement, “Oh we can use this so much!”
The Let’s Be Well Diabetes Box gave me an opportunity to encourage and help her as a friend, and it felt great to bring this gift to her. It is a box worth $75 which you can give for $49.99 with free shipping. It is a great way to make a difference, because all of the proceeds go to supporting the social mission work of AARP and ADA. So, you help multiple people with this purchase.
At my next nail appointment, I hope to hear which recipe she made first! Just go HERE for more information on The Let’s Be Well Diabetes Box…it is fun to put smiles on friends’ faces and to bring encouragement to others.
Disclaimer: I was compensated for this post, but the words are my own.
These are such a wonderful idea Pam! Thanks for sharing.
Very thoughtful!
What a great idea! Both my parents had Type 2 diabetes, so I know the struggles with that! Thanks for letting us know about this box
You are so welcome, Melody!
Hi Pam. This is such a nice gesture and I’m sure the info will help Anna and her husband. To bring you up to date on reversing Type 2 diabetes, it can be done with a whole foods, plant-based diet. Most folks don’t know that this disease can be reversed. The ADA is sponsored by big corporations such as big food and big pharma, therefore their information on what to eat is influenced by donations, not patients (sad but very true). For the real, unadulterated science-backed info I recommend a book Dr. Neal Barnard called Program for Reversing Diabetes. The poor man is only 57—he can be rid of this disease but he needs really good information.