How to Style a Colorful Jacket – Look #3
Happy Friday! It has been a fun week styling this Notched Cardigan in Monterrey Color by EILEEN FISHER and there are many many ways I can wear this including fun prints underneath. But, today, for look #3, I am ending the week with more color. Do not be afraid when wearing a colorful jacket to add more color.
I kept black in the mix with a JJill V neck top underneath, a touch of black in the Aerosole leopard print shoes, and this fun black leather with yellow necklace by Sylca Designs! I love their necklaces. You should visit the SYLCA DESIGNS WEBSITE to see all of the creative, colorful pieces.
Of course, I introduced more color into the outfit with the olive green EF pants at the bottom…just call this look the Oregano/Cinnamon/Saffron outfit. My spice cabinet is what I see when I look in the mirror.. It is always fun to step out and boldly wear more color…especially when the colors work so well together as these do…perfect colors for fall and winter.
I hope you enjoyed the week and will be hear tomorrow for WOULD YOU WEAR IT…so many women love this feature on this blog and Jennifer Connolly’s …hope to see you again then.
Today’s Slideshow is to encourage healthy eating!
Disclaimer: I was provided product for the necklace, but the words are my own.
Your best look yet! You look great in these colors!
The necklace is perfect for this pretty jacket! I like that you treat olive green as a neutral.
Such a unique necklace Pam. I love how it ties the together with the shoe colors. Great look!
You have really illustrated the versatility of this jacket with all the looks this week. This is a helpful feature and I hope you will do others.
HI loving your looks, specially the first one with the longer jeans.
I loved your looks this week! Not sure which look was my favorite; I loved them all! Please do more of these ‘multiple styling of one item’ posts! Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us!
Thank you for showing How Not to Die In your slideshow. Dr. Gregor’s website, nutrition, is unbiased. This MD physician does not accept sponsorships, so his nutrition studies are worth checking out.
Cute necklace.
That top of thigh length isn’t good for me. It creates a line at the widest part of my body. I think the purple + green is the most inventive combination.