The Weekly Journal: Stop to Smell the Roses (while making decisions as business opens again
Happy Friday, and welcome to The Weekly Journal, my summation of a week living in a new world. This week is about making decisions as we begin to see businesses re-open, and stopping for a moment to smell the roses.
I began the week showing you a handbag that I purchased at our Goodwill San Antonio before we were sent home to stay for a while…a long while. This was the other bag I found at the same time. It is a brand new nautical style bag by Brighton with a rope and leather handle and I love how it compliments my nautical style. The Zenergy jacket was a past clearance purchase at Chico’s and I am once again wearing my new Chico’s jeans. We have some good friends who own lake houses, and I hope at least one couple will invite us to come visit this summer. I will wear this outfit for the journey and arrival. You know how I love thrift/treasure hunting…especially at our local Goodwill San Antonio. But, I am not sure when I will return. Their stores are fully stocked and ready for fun…but I am still pondering this one.
There are some things I feel very comfortable doing…I know the situations I walk into when I do them…but I am still deciding the right time to return to thrift shopping…how about you? When do you see yourself thrift/consignment shopping again in store? What either gives you comfort now or would give you comfort to go into the shops? Please share.
This is my daughter and her family posing for a photographer who went around the neighborhood to get FRONT PORCH images…to document this historical time we find ourselves living in. I love to see all of the creativity and diversification of individuals who have invented new ways to earn income during this time. This one was cute with my grandsons disgusted by parents kissing on the porch. SInce, Mother’s Day is so close, I want to also say what a great boy- mom my daughter is. We are super proud of her! She has her hands full with these three, but manages to keep up with them. She is a great mom! All of the pictures a local photographer in their city took were super cute.
My favorite activity this week happened at the beginning last Sunday, when Mr. B and I went to a local nursery to purchase some color for our backyard. There were so many wonderful selections at Milberger’s Landscaping & Nursery in San Antonio, but I got lost in the beauty of the roses. Such a perfect flower to represent how we should look at life right now.
“Life is like a rose. Even though it has thorns, it blossoms.” – Sunitha Angel
Let’s now focus on the thorns…just the roses.
That’s right…you are looking at blueberry scones (really from Starbucks) but given to me as a surprise yesterday from my in-home-coffee-shop-barista-husband! I wrote you about our scone/play earlier in the week and he surprised me. He hid them away and I did not find them. Perfect way to start celebrating Mother’s Day! They were delicious…thanks Starbuck’s (ahem, Mr. B!)
Today, I have a Fabulous Find slide show that any mother would love. I focused mostly on Etsy because I love helping these small business owners right now and I do love their creativity! Tomorrow, Jennifer and I will be here with Would You Wear It, so come back for fun!
Remember, in our social distancing world, your smile is the way you send hugs!
KEEP SMILING and hugging…yes, even through the mask, our eyes tell a story!
There are several ways that I generate income through this blog in order to cover business expenses and give myself much needed income. Purchases through the slideshow links is one way, ads on the page is one way and a new way is through ordering or re-ordering the GOLI Apple Cider Vinegar gummies through me with my GOLI LINK HERE. Again, if you are not familiar with the benefits of apple cider vinegar, you should speak with your personal physician. My husband and I are sold on the benefits and I am proud to represent this product. I am going to leave this at the bottom of my posts so that when you, friends or family would like to order you can use my link. Thanks for the support. This is a great product.
By Pamela Lutrell
Yay!!! You got the scones! Good for you Pam! Your roses are beautiful, and no doubt smell as beautiful as they look. Roses are really very special, which is why so many of us favor them. Even though it is quite cold here, still, colors are beautiful because of flowering trees and early spring flowers that don’t listen to the weather forecast! Trees are even starting to green up which is a welcome sign! I like your Chico’s jacket. My sister is very much into athleisure and likes that brand a lot. She has made it into her everyday look and does it well. As to things opening back up, I’m going to be going without hesitation. I have not been fearful throughout this time and still am not. I have been going out to places that have remained open and am anxious to walk into a clothing store and just enjoy the experience. Thrifting is the same. I have four boxes of donations for when Goodwill opens, I believe next week, and though I don’t find things at our Goodwill like you find there (like that fun tote you’re showing), I will be going to a consignment shop that I frequent, and have no qualms about going as soon as she opens. I know there are people who feel the exact opposite of me, even some who have openly shamed me for my feelings in very unkind ways. It’s okay. I’m beyond ready for things to be open!
Thanks so much for sharing, Karen!
Hi Pam
I have sone qualms about shopping as sone if our retailers open tomorrow but with certain requirements and limitations. Masks for everyone, social distancing and only a set number of customers at a time based on square footage of the store. There will be fines fur going without a mask (both employees and customers ). It’s our restricted phase one opening. No salons or barber. shops yet. No restaurants fir dine in yet. Just breaking the surface. I feel anxious about it. Not quite ready…
I,too, enjoy Etsy. The creativity of people never ceases to amaze me. Wish I were that creative. Also you really found a keeper with that tote. Love the outfit! I am holding back on getting out there. Feel it is too soon. But in a few weeks-who know how we will be.I am still working on my Xmas gift puzzle,trying to sew, reading a lot and watching movies with my husband. Love the porch picture. Our daughter is in Chicago with 4 boys under 10. no porch picture but she has posted cookie pictures on FB. Hope everyone out there stays safe and well.
I understand, Paulette. You are certainly not alone. It is good to see businesses open and good that we all have the freedom to decide if we will go or not. I am ready to do some things, but not others yet. So I understand…it just depends on the situation.
Thanks so much, Susan.
That bag is perfect for the summer and trips to the lake or beach….great find!
I guess we all will find what works for us when things start to reopen. Right now, I would not be comfortable going into any stores, not just thrift stores. I have ordered my groceries and had them delivered and have done everything else online. We do live in a hot spot and fear that things will rebound when people are out and about again. My plan is sit back and wait and see how it goes. Others take a more relaxed approach and can’t wait to get back out there. Shaming people for their beliefs is shameful in itself! We all need to do what works for us.
Have a beautiful day!
Pam, like you I am very comfortable going to the garden centers (although in Michigan we’re having a very erratic and delayed Spring). I would also feel safe in our local small shops but not malls. Restaurants, hopefully soon, but not quite yet.
Absolutely, Linda. I cannot believe people would shame others during this! It has been awful to see that and I hate that it happened to Karen.
You are much like me, Sheryl. It will be a well researched and gradual re-entry!
The roses are gorgeous! I have mature trees and too much shade in my yard to grow roses any more (I used to have some lovely shrub roses before the shade took over), but I love to look at them!
My area of PA (Philly and surrounding suburbs) just had our stay-at-home orders extended to June 4, so I won’t be venturing out any time soon. Even after restrictions are lifted though, I think it’ll be a while before I’m comfortable going into stores, dining out in restaurants, etc. As you said, we all have different comfort levels!
Thanks Terry! I found these roses at a local nursery…wish they were in my yard! Happy Weekend!
Once the thrift stores reopen safely, I will go wearing a mask. Since we have all been cleaning out our closets, there will be lots to look at. I have a lot ot donate.
I typically look for jeans, handbags and silk scarves.
I’ve been laid up with a twisted and painful knee (waiting for MRI results now) for all of the quarantine period so it was not really hard to stay home. Basically I ventured only to our grocery store parking lot to pick up my grocery orders and to the drug store a couple of times. This week I did go to Walmart for the first time since the quarantine started and it was okay. Most people obeyed the social distancing rules and one way “streets” and many wore masks.
I love to shop at the local thrift stores but I don’t think I will be doing that for quite some time since we can never be sure where the clothing items come from and whether they have been cleaned or not. I always make sure clothes I donate are freshly laundered. But after seeing so many items on Facebook pages for sale that indicate they need to be “washed down” or cleaned, etc. I am not comfortable buying clothes or soft goods second hand even though I always launder or clean them thoroughly before I wear or use them … at least for the time being. My pet peeve is if you’re going to sell it or even give it away, take a certain amount of pride and care to make sure the items are clean and presentable to the buyer.
So sorry you are dealing with a painful knee, Ann. My husband is going through the same thing. I always wash or dry clean what I get at thrift…even if there are tags still on the items. Thanks for joining in today.
The navy jacket really shows off your great shape!
Thanks Sharleen. The design of this jacket is amazing. The way they slanted the pockets and put a zipper down the back is so clever and slimming. I love it and since I got it on sale at Chico’s it was a no-brainer!!
Looking gorgeous as always, Pam! Thanks for the Etsy show. I am in LOVE with those amazonite pendants. We have the Super Quarantine here in Oregon, but now the governor has said certain rural counties may apply to begin Phase One restricted openings mid-month rather than gut it out through July 6th like the rest of the state. Yippee!!! Sadly, we are clothing store poor here (they took away our mini-Macy’s several years back ☹) so any fun shopping will have to wait until the slightly more populous counties north and south of here can open. What hurts more is that all concerts have been cancelled until September, so there goes the whole summer outdoor picnic and music season! I would have worn a hazmat suit to attend!!!
Anyway, Happy Mother’s Day to you and all the wonderful ladies who meet here each day. 🌼💗
Lol, Connie! There are so many concerts my husband would wear a Hazmat suite to attend! Loved it when you said that! Happy Friday!
I also live in Oregon in one of the areas where our numbers are climbing so any shopping for other than for groceries will still be online shopping.. We are suppose to have a beautiful weekend so it is tempting to pull out the summer clothes. The flowers are beautiful and always wanted roses but those pesty deer took care of that idea. Love the picture of your family and the little boys made me laugh. Have a lovely Mothers Day.
You too, Claudette! Enjoy the sunshine and stay safe!
Yay! So happy your sweet husband surprised you with scones. You are one lucky lady❤.
Great outfit on you Pam!
Love the bag.
Thanks Yvonne….he’s a keeper!