Boldly step out in Chico’s styles
Happy Tuesday! Today I continue a discussion of how my recent trip opened my eyes in many ways…so I stopped by to Boldly step out in Chico’s styles.
There is nothing particularly bold in this first photo so stick with me as I go through my thought processes and why I chose to step out in Chico’s.
I have been a pretty good proponent of accepting and embracing changes in my body as I age.
My ears ripped years ago…were repaired…and ripped again…so I do not wear earrings…but embrace and love other accessories.
My hammer toes are curling more and more all of the time, and I still wear sandals and hope they will not scare young children!
However, watching women on vacation and also motivated by the upcoming wedding, have encouraged me to boldly step out more.
In Mexico, I watched women of all ages boldly stepping out in shorts.
Over the past wardrobe purges, I sent shorts on their merry way thinking my legs were getting “too old” to wear them.
But, I was wrong! So, I decided this past weekend to step out in Chico’s shorts and return to the cool side.
You would think since I live in a very warm climate, I would have kept the shorts….but vanity won for awhile.
Both of these shorts are the So Slimming Brigitte 10″ Shorts in classic navy and sycamore (khaki) colors.
Believe it or not, my legs have some color on them from the trip…I am pretty pale. I still see older legs, but honestly, it was freeing to step out in Chico’s dressing room area.
Look out world…the legs are back!
These shorts have a lot of stretch in them so I did size down and purchased the fit of the second picture, but the color of the first.
I want to try one pair and see how it goes…but several shoppers in Chico’s said they own several pair of this style.
I also plan to return to Chico’s and hopefully they will have some of the Zenergy shorts in store.
I kept this top on because I liked the way it fit and the fabric. This is the TOUCH OF COOL FRINGE DENIM SHIRT.
I love to step out in Chico’s Touch of Cool options…the fabrics are perfect for warmer climate.
Let’s go on and discuss fit…..
Body acceptance at any age is a big hurdle for many, many women.
I have hidden in my clothing for years and am now motivated to step out in clothing that fits my body better.
My goal is to wear less oversized styles and more styles with fit.
That is why I decided to step out in Chico’s and see what I thought about the fit of smaller sizes.
I think I own four denim shirts and they all are oversized/tunic styles, so the Chico’s denim top is refreshing to me and more where I want to me.
I love the fit of the black shirt and hope this top will be offered in navy at some point.
But, ladies who wear black…this is a great top for you to step out in Chico’s and enjoy….it Is the Floral Print 3/4 Sleeve Tee.
The scarf -like sleeves flow so pretty and feel so cool. If I wore black, it would’ve gone home with me.
The pants are a capri length, and I really prefer on me a crop or ankle leg in months I wear less full length pants.
Here are more tops currently at Chico’s with better fit…click through the image to see even more….
You know I have no problems stepping out in Chico’s style with their accessories. I threw this in because there are some great items and prices right now.
If you go Into a store this week, go to the accessories on sale rack…such fun, amazing deals there.
This super cute lemon necklace was only $9….and all of the necklaces in this post were on sale.
Since I still have money on my Christmas gift card, I brought home the Pendant Y Necklace, and the Multi-Color Beads Single Strand Necklace.
I also had a REWARD from my Chico’s reward shopping.
Who cares if my ears are ripped when there are bold fabulous necklaces to enjoy!
And do not forget that fun readers and sunglasses are a great way to stay youthful and current.
Step out in Chico’s fun accessories of all types.
The choice to boldly step out in Chico’s really was mostly about legs.
It was the shorts that took me there recently and I want you to know that is a new bold step for me.
The wedding has motivated me to wear more dresses and I continue to shop them now…but again that is a big step…
I plan to wear shorter dresses with confidence and a smile.
The past three years found me and many you navigating changes from work to home, and advancing in age.
My eyes have been opened to the fact that I was going through the changes by attempting to look stylish, but covered.
I plan for that to change going forward!
How to you plan to boldly step out this year? Can you identify with my struggles to cover certain areas? What are your thoughts on stepping out in Chico’s.
Thanks so much for being here and sharing…let me know if you have any questions…and let’s continue to
By Pamela Lutrell
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Re wearing shorter dresses. You may not know about ship shorts. I didn’t. I came of age when you wore pantyhose & half slips.
But since I found out about slip shorts, I now wear them even under maxi dresses if I don’t wear hose.
A couple of brands are Jockey skimmies & Thigh Society. There are cooling versions (necessary for the South). I’ve tried Thigh Society & like. But at least in theirs, I feel I should have sized down & gone with a longer length (I’m 5’8”) to get them to stay in place better. And I prefer the non-nude to you colors so any accidental view doesn’t look like I flashed my underwear.
Thanks for sharing! Will check them out!
I wear shorts all the time and don’t tan either so i use a tanning lotion by L’Oreal. It works great! Just make sure to spread it aound on the legs until you fill it is all rubbed in. It make take 3 applications to get it to the shade you want. And you have to keep reapplying after showers. I usually apply it every other day after my shower. I think you look great in your new blouse! and the shorts!
Thanks Linda!
I also meant to say I love Chicos. Since I lost some weight their tops fit me better. So I have been on a shopping sprree for some time now! lol. I am trying to step out of my comfort zone with just solid color tops. I bought the striped blue tunic and love it! Stripes are a bold look for me.
Pam, you look so good in these shorts and in warmest weather I hope you embrace this look! You’ve been hiding!
I just lived yesterdays post and keep re- reading parts of it. There is joy in accepting our older selves! Thank you again and again for pointing this out.
I like the 9-10 inch shorts better. I prefer the legs on shorts to be a bit wide and end above the knee, I feel like it keeps me from having the upside down ice-cream cone leg look.
I have several pairs of petti-pants and if I’m wearing loose light weave pants or shorts I’ll wear them underneath. They aren’t tight like Spandx, and helps the pants flow over my panties and crotch area.
I’m not very tall and a regular, not petite, size 12 so I will often buy longer shorts and shorten them about a hems width.
The shorts look great on you! Pretty color and great with that blue denim top. It’s too hot in the Texas summer to not wear shorts or capris in my opinion. I prefer shorts for yard or house work and capris for running errands so my skin on the legs does not touch the hot car seat. My legs are very veined and I’m pale but I try to ignore it. TomboyX has longer leg boy shorts in cotton and in model. Some of the colors are wild. Boy shorts are “slip shorts”. Many young women wear this style. I wear them for the cotton aspect, the comfort, and their high quality. Even under pants and shorts. I don’t wear dresses because I need a thick soled orthopedic athletic type shoe that always looks too casual for dresses. But fashion is currently a dress with a smaller style athletic shoe. They just don’t have enough padding and are not rigid enough for my foot condition. And it has to be cotton clothing for me in our hot summers or I sweat to death. Lands End is where I find cute cotton tops and high quality cotton leggings for summer.
Stripes are great, Linda! Chico’s always has fun designs with stripes.
I have been hiding and so glad to be out of it! Thanks Paulette.
Thans for sharing, Rose.
Hope you will consider shopping Lands End with the link on my shopping page. Thanks so much for sharing, Babs.
You look great in shorts. I think those 10” ones you modeled may be better on you then the 11” ones that you want to try. Can’t wait for the comparison. I think ankle length slacks are more flattering than capris on most legs. I also can’t believe your stores have shorts! It is 6* here with wind chill. At least we get to see what our stores will be showing in the future! (By the way NYDJs often have great fitting shorts during their season. My past purchases are a flattering length but one never knows what they will do next. )
I participated yesterday in the forum but didn’t see it. My phone rang just as I was posting. Maybe it knocked it off. Anywho, I wanted to say about aging that I am really trying to work on my posture. Also I was at a meeting and every time a woman (younger than I) sat done, she let herself drop in a chair with a ‘umph’ escaping from her lips. May I always try to sit like a lady and never groan when getting up, down, or picking up an object from the floor!
I bought my first shorts in years last summer, at first only to walk (“active” shorts from Land’s End, but they were just a rather heavy knit, couple of inches above the knee short). Then you showed some from St John’s Bay at JCP, and I bought a few pair, thinking that I didn’t want to spend much, because I wasn’t sure how it would go. The next challenge was to actually wear them, which I did. And once I got used to myself in them, white legs, veins, lumps and all, I wore them quite a bit. I decided I was comfortable and that it was ok to have older legs. I did make sure not to look sloppy, because they are an extra casual item. I also played around on cooler days with long sleeve Breton shirts or a beachy hoodie, shorts and a funky sneaker, and felt good. I’ve said it here before, but I don’t feel there is any use hiding in clothes. It fools no one and makes hot weather dressing way more challenging than it needs to be.
Now, Pam, you’ve hit on touchy subject for me today! I have not worn shorts around people other than my Mr. B in years. I have two pair I bought last year to wear for my daily walk where I rarely saw anyone, but now always wear crop-length or longer if I might see people. The difference in the size of my legs due to my childhood polio has made me very self-conscious most of my life although I certainly wore them as a teenager now that I think about it. Being very cold-natured, I’m cold in air conditioning in the summer, and usually cold inside in winter so I always wear long pants. However, I’m loving the interesting sleeves on many Chico tops now, and just might try some long shorts if I were to make a trip to a store. I admit that I’m vain about my legs, but like you have emphasized, we need to embrace our bodies. Plus I truly doubt that we are never as “inspected” by others as we think we are. I may just embrace the bold too!
The shorts look great on you. I think the 10 inch is the better length also. The capri length tends to cut me at the wrong spot and looks frumpy. I love that you are ready to reinvent yourself! I just turned 70 but still want to look stylish. I have found trying to hide flaws only make them more obvious! Please keep sharing your finds.
I think our stores must have warm weather options, since that is mostly what we wear. Even now with a cool wind blowing, I see people walking down the street in short sleeves and shorts.
So interesting about the younger women sitting in the chairs…I think the pandemic really hurt the energy levels of many young people. Working at home does not help activity.
I believe I will be wearing them quite a bit now, Linda. My new casual style option!
Why don’t you join me, Celia and just give one pair a try…then we can check back here and see how it’s going.
I agree with you…when we hide flaws that they become more obvious. I will be joining you this summer with the big 70!
Hi Pamela,
You look slimmer in the shorts and tighter clothing. Just saying! Love that you are deciding to bare a little.
Thanks Julie! I like looking slimmer!
LindaLM—I follow Canadian physical therapist Margaret Martin. She works with older women with an emphasis on osteoporosis. Even though I don’t have osteoporosis I have her books, watch her YouTube videos and have taken her posture course. I have had unexpected and amazing results. I walk at a pace from 10 years ago. My sense of well being has increased. I’ve changed many of my habits. I also do Pilates. I had no idea of the benefits of good posture. Now I know!
Inspiring and much needed ideas. Thank you.
You are so welcome!
For me the key to shorts and dresses is length to achieve good proportions. (5’3”)
Shorts need to be above knee, not tight to my leg and surprisingly (to me) lighter the color the better creating less of a contrast and attention to my knees. I can go a little shorter if the leg is wider. I prefer dresses below the knee, midi or Maxie. I wore “petal pushers” when I was a child but now they just make me look shorter.
“Attempting to look stylish, but covered”…that’s also been me! Your eureka moments became my ‘aha’ moments. Thank you! I will pull out my one pair of ‘saved, just-in-case’ shorts (though not soon here in wintry North Dakota) and perhaps look for more. I’m a Petite S/6, but now 71, and seem to tend toward the safe end. You have reminded me we should worry more about pleasing ourselves rather than others. I must check into the forum your readers are mentioning (was it recorded and available?). The posture reminder sounds beneficial!
Hi Louine, one reader mentioned a woman who helps with posture. I have not checked it out myself, but I will!
Thanks Suzi…very helpful!
I also love slip shorts. I live in Southern California and they are so comfortable under dresses.
Pam, you look amazing…we have similar legs, which for me I keep hidden under jeans. But you’ve inspired me to try some shorts. I will be using some self tanner though…..I do have question, I don’t understand having a picture taken while holding a phone? I asked my friends and we can’t figure it out. It’s not a selfie? Or is it supposed to look like taking a selfie? I do enjoy your daily emails and your friend Jennifer’s, great start for my day……
It is taken in a mirror. If there is no one around to help get a photo…you use a mirror and the phone shows.
I wore slip shorts under cool dresses last summer. Give them a try. I bought Jockey brand at Target.
Last year I bought my first shorts in more than 30 years after losing 60 pounds. They were from Chico’s and Talbots and both are so comfortable. The Talbots shorts are more cotton and come out great from the dryer. You might want to check them out. At 68, it felt so freeing to wear shorts.
I am definitely not a capri lover. Cheers to 1953! I will be 70 in November & it’s hard to believe it!
I’m 69 and I I struggle to find something to wear in hot weather the doesn’t show my ankles. In the heat they swell quite a bit and look a little like balloons by the end of the day. Compression socks help, but they aren’t something you can wear with shorts or even capris. Any ideas? I’m struggling to even find maxi dresses that go long enough to cover my problem.
You look great in the shorts and capris. I‘m 75 years young and wear what makes me happy—-short, capris, and knee length dresses. My motto is to enjoy life.
Stepping out of your comfort zone—good for you! I will not be joining you in wearing shorts. I have heavy legs and a permanently swollen, scarred knee from knee replacement. I have a dress I am considering, but it is black and long sleeved so not the best choice for a late June wedding. However the fit and cut are flattering and Nordstrom has such a great return policy that I’m holding on to it for now.
I can def identify with your struggles. It’s great you were motivated by the older woman at the pool, and now you’ve motivated me to try shorts again. And I agree about the posture, in a recent photo I looked a little humped over and I didn’t like the look. So trying to work on that also.
I loved the fringed chambray shirt in your first picture! In fact I bought it last week along with the same shirt in a beautiful turquoise color. It also comes in a nice coral/pink. You look great in shorts since you have nice ankles. Unfortunately, with my “kankles” and veins I feel more confident in long pants. Luckily I’m always cool so it’s not a problem. I believe women should wear clothing that’s comfortable, tasteful, and makes them feel good about themselves.
Dianne, I’ve worn palazzo pants, they are fairly cool in hot weather, or at least mine were, and they were def long enough. But if compression socks help, wear them with capris or shorts, or even a maxi dress. Wear what you want and and just add the socks. My mom had to wear the full length compression hose for medical reasons, and she wore them with dresses.
At 62, I’ve never stopped wearing shorts although I’ve thought about it many times. Especially after a knee replacement. Your legs look fabulous Pam! You absolutely need to keep shorts in the rotation.
Thanks for the idea of palazzo pants, I never thought of those.
I think that we should wear what makes us happy and feels comfortable. I am lucky to be able to wear shorts, but I do not find anything freeing about showing crepey upper arms, so no sleeveless shirts. My bold is a bareface and no makeup. But, I will not be highlighting my shortcomings. I did not do so at 30, and I am not about to do so now. Re Chicos: I don’t shop there because they are not petite friendly.
Another big fan of Jockey’s Skimmies here! I wear a lot of long, loose dresses in the summer to combat the Texas heat, and anytime I leave the house in warm weather I have some on underneath. No more thighs rubbing together, or stuck together sweating!
I love your new looks from Chico’s, and I applaud you for being brave enough to bare your legs! I finally started wearing shorts again last summer at the age of 63 when we were in the middle of that horrible heat wave. My daughter’s face when I showed up at the soccer field was priceless, but to her credit she didn’t say anything! I have also decided that we have the right to “bare arms,” and bought a bunch of sleeveless tops and summer dresses on sale at the end of last summer. I have been trying to tone my arms a bit using light hand weights and an exercise machine, but regardless of the results I’ll be wearing those tops this summer. I’m pretty sure we basically become invisible past 60, and even if not, I’m going to wear what I like that feels good! Thank you for continuing to lead us into new territory in our wardrobes. Your positive, encouraging messages are usually just what I need to get excited about something in my closet.
Glad to hear you are looking at wearing dresses. I love the way I feel in a dress. In the warmer months the self tanning lotion comes out. Enjoy looking for those dresses.
You definitely can wear shorts! Well, we all “can” it’s more a matter of whether we choose to. Personally, it would have to be 100 degrees for me to wear them. Too much maintenance to get my legs presentable! I like you best in the light colored shorts. The low contrast to your legs makes them look a mile long! Here’s to no more hiding!
The shorts look great on you! Much more confident and current than the frumpy capris. I, also, think the floaty sleeve blouse is frumpy. I read a book at the time I was wearing capris and the male author said, ‘only old ladies wear those awkward too short pants, capris’. I am weeks away from being 80🥹🥹but took that comment to heart!
Gayle, I hope you will read today’s post on Confident Style. You have to do what is right for you. There are women who wear capris pants with confidence and that blouse is beautiful and not frumpy at all. Perhaps you should try one on! But even if it is not right for you…I caution you about labeling it frumpy for all. It fits well and is very pretty for ladies who wear black.
The knee length shorts are great, but with sneakers or sandals, not round toe flats. The below the ankle shorts are not flattering on anyone, ankle length pants or knee length shorts instead.
Arlene, when I go out shopping, I try on clothes with whatever shoes I wore with the outfit I entered the store in. As most of us do
At 76 though wearing Chicos Petite 0, my shorts days have been replaced by skorts! I think they’re better at camouflaging thighs that have had better days. I also feel a bit more “dressed up” wearing them. I wouldn’t leave the house in shorts but I will in skorts. They do have 2 layers (shorts under skirt) that are their only downfall. However, It’s almost always hot and humid in Naples. Skorts, skirts and loose dresses help immensely.
Thanks for sharing…I am going to try on a skort next time I am in store!
Slip shorts are great in warm weather (especially if they have a cotton gusset for moisture wicking), but in even HOTTER weather I swear by Bandalettes (free US shipping). That way I can still avoid chub rub (they sell them by thigh sizes) whilst wearing my usual underwear (for better aeration).