Christmas….just so hard to believe

Christmas is hard to believe

Merry Christmas weekend, friends.  On this important weekend, I want to share about Christmas…just so hard to believe.

I know many feel this way and there was a time in my life, I also found Christmas so hard to believe.

It was easier to believe that a large man in a red suit came down a chimney to bring presents.

Than it was to believe, a Savior’s presence was the actual gift.

I am certain it was hard for Mary to believe she would give birth to a baby after not being with a man.

I am certain Joseph found it hard to believe that Mary had not been with a man.

But after experiencing the overwhelming presence of God, they believed and obeyed.

Christmas is hard to believe

I am certain when the angels told the shepherds to Fear Not, that it was hard to believe their message and not fear what was before them.

It must have been incredibly hard to believe that the King…the Son of God…had been born in a lowly stable full of hay.

However, when I experienced the real, overwhelming presence of God in my own life, I believed as they ultimately did after a similar experience.

Once I knew the living Christ and God as my Father…this was all so easy to believe.  I was 25 and felt very alone.

Through building that relationship with my Savior…in prayer, in Bible study, and listening, I now believe it all.

If you are in a place where you find it hard to believe, just look up and ask God to show you His truth.  “Help me, Lord, with my unbelief.”

Then wait to be amazed.

Yes, Christmas is hard to believe…but God our Father is ready to help us through.

Jesus is the bridge between us and God.

Christmas is hard to believe

Merry Christmas to everyone here from my family.

We hope and pray you have a joyous celebration.

And if it is just you and God…then smile…and speak to Him…get to know him…and it will not be hard to believe.

I love you, friends…will see you sometime next week!  Not sure what day…family will be around for a little while.

If anyone ever wants to discuss Jesus with me, please email me at


Christmas is hard to believe


  1. How beautiful, and how perfect as we celebrate the real meaning of Christmas! I would also be lost without Jesus. You’re right Pam, it’s much easier to just accept the “Santa and presents” concept, because believing in Jesus requires us to make a choice; it’s life-altering. And it’s wonderful! I’m celebrating Christmas along with you! (Beautiful family photo!) Merry Christmas Pam!

  2. You are such an excellent witness to the love of God to all. Your love for all is so evident in what you write. I grew up in a small church in South Alabama so I’ve always felt God’s presence in my life. As I have gotten older and been faced with trials of life, I’ve often said that I don’t know how people handle their problems without the faith of God having a direction of plan for their lives. This faith has given me calm and trust that everything works or happens for “the good”, a reason for those of us who love Him to trust the circumstances. My favorite verse is Romans 8:28, and I have believed in that all my life. Thank you for the joy you bring into my life, and your influence to help me remember that joy to share with others.

  3. Romans 8:28 is so powerful! Thank you for sharing it here, Celia. He is alive and ready to be there for others as He has been for you and me. Merry Christmas!

  4. Hi Pam,
    Thank you for sharing your story, and the beautiful family wedding picture. You have a wonderful family.
    May you have a lovely Christmas and continue to have better days ahead with your foot surgery.

  5. Wishing you and your family a most joyous Christmas. Thank you for bringing so much joy and inspiration to our lives too.
    Love that gorgeous wedding picture!

  6. Merry Chrisrtmas to you and your family Pam!
    I too know God and Jesus are powerful and always with us!
    All the best to you in 2024.
    Your blog has helped me so much over the past 4 years!
    Thanks. I will continue to enjoy it in 2024.
    Beth L from Canada

  7. This is a good message and something we need to always remember. As we go through the trials in our lives we must remember He is there to help us through. We are not alone.
    Merry Christmas!

  8. Merry Christmas to you and your house, Pam. Your family picture is lovely and I thank you for sharing and spreading joy. Your faith is so strong – mine wobbles, so I need and appreciate “faith-full” friends and reminders like you. You bring me peace. <3

  9. Thank you for sharing today — you are a blessing. I’m glad you mentioned that even when alone, we aren’t really alone. God is with us always!
    Jean from Colorado

  10. Hi Pam, and Celia!
    Merry Christmas to all! Reading Celia’s greeting this morning, she mentions Romans 8:28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, [a] for those who are called according to his purpose.”
    Thank you, Celia, for sharing this Scripture. My Mom, who I lost recently to kidney cancer, had a copy of this Scripture posted on the t.v. stand in front of her recliner that she often sat in when her pain was too bad in her back to lay down. After losing my Dad 26 years earlier to pancreatic cancer, she dedicated her life to helping others through volunteering at the hospital, the food banks, and at church. This was her favorite Scripture, and she lived her life
    sharing the love and light of our Savior, Jesus. Merry Christmas to all, and thanks be to God for His Perfect Gift to each of us.

  11. We are never alone! Just ask Him to be there and to help. He will. Merry Christmas, Paula.

  12. God will also bring you peace, Lou. Just ask Him for it…we all wobble at times. So glad you are here. Merry Christmas.

  13. Pamela, thank you for this beautiful message. God is love, and it has been given to us as the Greatest Gift. May you experience peace and joy with your family.

  14. Pamela, thank you for sharing your beautiful Christmas message. Its so easy for the festivities and fuss and commercialism of the season to drown out the fact that we are celebrating the birth of our savior who chose to be born as a helpless baby to show his love for us. Come let us adore him Christ the Lord. Wishing your family a blessed and happy Christmas.

  15. Blessings!! Love your message and the family wedding photo!!! It is fun to see the wonderful celebration of Christ’s birth. I also love the Santa collections and other decor you shared this week from others…and thank you Mr. B for decorating!!
    Love and best to all from Wyoming…
    Merry Christmas and for those who do not celebrate Christmas, may the Peace of this season be YOURS
    Love and peace…Nani Jen

  16. I always enjoy your uplifting Christmas message. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Continue to heal and God bless you in 2024

  17. Such a beautiful message. I know that over the years, there would have been so many times that I would have fallen into the abyss had God not been walking right beside me or at times carrying me. May you & your lovely family have a blessed Christmas.

  18. Hi Pamela,
    As Tiny Tim said in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens ~
    God bless us, every one!
    Merry Christmas to you Pamela!
    I appreciate you.

  19. Pamela,
    Wishing you, Mr. B & your entire family a blessed Christmas! Thank you for sharing your message of the real meaning of Christmas & your beautiful family picture!
    Praying your recovery from your foot surgeries will give you mobility soon.
    Merry Christmas!

  20. Best wishes to you and your beautiful family and thank you for reminding us of the true meaning of Christmas. Celebrate well and create wonderful memories together.
    Sending love and hugs from afar.

  21. Merry Christmas and many blessings to you and your family, Pam. Wishing you the very best for 2024!

  22. I so appreciate you sharing the wonderful message of Jesus. For God so loved us that he gave his only son. Thank you Lord for the greatest gift of all.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

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